The existing theoretical equations cannot provide an excellent guidance for developing four-wave mixing (FWM)-based optical logic devices, though the experiments have been done in several researches. The optimization of noise figure performances of such devices should be further investigated. In the paper, the universal analytic expressions for the amplitude and phase of the idler in degenerate or non-degenerate FWM process under pump depletion are derived in detail from the nonlinear coupled-mode equations for guiding optical waves propagation in highly nonlinear fiber. The universal analytic expressions are obtained by the first-and the third-kind of elliptic integrals. By using equivalent infinitesimal to calculate the limit of phase sensitive amplification, we find out the initial phase relationship between the idler and the input guided wave for phase-independent amplification, which is crucially important for explaining the operating principles of the FWM-based adder and subtracter. As an example, the configuration of non-degenerate FWM-based hybrid arithmetic device with three logic functions of A+B-C, A+C-B, and B+C-A for QPSK signals is presented, and then the noise transfer characteristics in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and error vector magnitude (EVM) are taken into account by adjusting the fiber length, input wavelength, and optical power. The calculation results show as follows. 1) This kind of arithmetic device has a noise figure of about 1.1 dB and an input SNR of more than 24 dB is necessary for the symbol error rate of 10-3 without forward error correction, corresponding to an output EVM of 23.2%. 2) The length of highly nonlinear fiber used in the hybrid arithmetic device may be taken flexibly, provided that the variation of FWM conversion efficiency is controlled in a range of 1 dB relative to the maximum, with an EVM fluctuation of less than for the idlers. 3) The hybrid arithmetic device has an operating optical bandwidth of about 16 nm for the SNR degradation of 1.3 dB. 4) The output EVM increases with the increase of input power, and the allowable input power should be no more than 100 mW for an input SNR of 28 dB, noting that the larger the input SNR, the higher the allowable input power is.
- four-wave mixing /
- optical computing /
- phase independent amplifier /
- error vector magnitude
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[28] Gui C C, Wang J, Zhang Z L, Du J 2013 Sci. Rep. 4 378
[29] Gui C C, Wang J 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 7491
[1] Wang J, Yang J Y, Huang H, Willner A E 2013 Opt. Express 21 488
[2] Azeemuddin S, Chaitanya G V, Sayeh M R 2012 J. Opt. 41 142
[3] Wang W R, Yu J L, Han B C, Guo J Z, Luo J, Wang J, Liu Y, Yang E Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 8 084214 (in Chinese) [王文睿, 于晋龙, 韩丙辰, 郭精忠, 罗俊, 王菊, 刘毅, 杨恩泽 2012 8 084214]
[4] Wang A D, Hu X, Zhu L, Zeng M Q, Fu L, Wang J 2015 Opt. Express 23 31728
[5] Yan S L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 230504 (in Chinese) [颜森林 2013 62 230504]
[6] Chen X, Huo L, Lou C Y, Wang J, Yu W K, Jiang X Y, Zhao Z X, Zhang E Y 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 054208 (in Chinese) [陈新, 霍力, 娄采云, 王强, 余文科, 姜向宇, 赵之玺, 章恩耀 2016 65 054208]
[7] Li M X, Chen H, Zhang Y L, Qi S F, Zhang H J, Deng J, Chen Z J, Zhong S Q, Zhang D J 2011 Des. Tech. Pos. Telecom. 11 18 (in Chinese) [李懋循, 陈皓, 张耀亮, 祁劭峰, 张慧剑, 邓建, 陈志强, 钟胜前, 张德江 2011 邮电设计技术 11 18]
[8] Zhang J W, Zhao Y L, Ji Y F 2016 Inf. Commun. Tech. 1 10 (in Chinese) [张佳玮, 赵永利, 纪越峰 2016 信息通信技术 1 10]
[9] Wang F Q 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 034202
[10] Wang Z 2016 Sci. Tech. Rev. 34 121 (in Chinese) [王智 2016 科技导报 34 121]
[11] Su Q Q, Zhang G W, Pu J X 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 144208 (in Chinese) [苏倩倩, 张国文, 蒲继雄 2012 61 144208]
[12] Li Q L, Zhu M Y, Li D Q, Zhang Z, Wei Y Z, Hu M, Zhou X F, Tang X H 2014 Appl. Opt. 53 4708
[13] Wang P, Chen B X, Wang G D, Sui G R, Zou L E, Bang Z J, Ji S 2011 Opt. Optoe. Tech. 9 48 (in Chinese) [王平, 陈抱雪, 王关德, 隋国荣, 邹林儿, 浜中广见, 矶守 2011 光学与光电技术 9 48]
[14] Yin Z, Dong J J, Zhang X L 2011 16th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China, July 4-8, 2011 p563
[15] Karamdeep S, Gurmeet K, Lal S M 2016 Opt. Eng. 55 077104
[16] Long Y, Gui C, Wang A, Hu X, Zhu L, Zhou L, Wang J 2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition Anaheim, USA, March 20-24, 2016 Th2A.6
[17] Hu X, Wang A D, Zeng M Q, Long Y, Zhu L, Fu L, Wang J 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 32911
[18] Chen W, Meng Z, Zhou H J, Luo H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 18 184210 (in Chinese) [陈伟, 孟洲, 周会娟, 罗洪 2012 18 184210]
[19] Li S B, Wu B J, Wen F, Han R 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024213 (in Chinese) [李述标, 武保剑, 文峰, 韩瑞 2013 62 024213]
[20] Zhou X Y, Wu B J, Wen F, Yuan H, Qiu K 2013 Opt. Commun. 308 1
[21] Agrawal G P (translated by Jia D F, Yu Z H, et al) 2010 Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Fourth Edition Application of Nonlinear Fiber Optics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p274 (in Chinese) [阿戈沃G P 著 (贾东方, 余震虹, 等 译) 2010 非线性光纤光学原理及应用(第二版) (北京: 电子工业出版社)第274页]
[22] Liu Y, Tan Z W, Fu Y J, Ning D G, Jian S S 2003 Semi. Optoelectron. 2 110 (in Chinese) [刘艳, 谭中伟, 傅永军, 宁提纲, 简水生 2003 半导体光电 2 110]
[23] Marhic M E 2013 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30 1462
[24] Wang J, Sun Q Z, Sun J Q 2009 Opt. Express 17 12555
[25] Bai J H, Li J J, Wu L A, Fu P M, Wang R Q, Zuo Z C 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 044204
[26] Fan C X, Cao L N 2010 Principles of Communications (6th Ed.) (Beijing: National Defense University Press) p13 (in Chinese) [樊昌信, 曹丽娜 2010 通信原理 (第6版) (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第13页]
[27] Agrawal G P (translated by Jia D F, Yu Z H, et al.) 2010 Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Fourth Edition Application of Nonlinear Fiber Optics (2nd Ed.) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p25 (in Chinese) [阿戈沃G P 著 (贾东方, 余震虹, 等 译) 2010 非线性光纤光学原理及应用(第2版) (北京: 电子工业出版社)第25 页]
[28] Gui C C, Wang J, Zhang Z L, Du J 2013 Sci. Rep. 4 378
[29] Gui C C, Wang J 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 7491
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