为快速求解亚波长间距分布的理想导体球阵列近区的时间反演电磁场,提出一种基于等效偶极子模型的解析分析方法.首先,通过分析球面波照射理想导体小球的散射场解析解发现,散射场可以近似等效为电磁偶极子辐射场的叠加.等效偶极子的强度与初始激励源的幅度成正比关系.通过建立不同小球等效偶极子矢量间的耦合方程组可以直接求解得到相应矢量的大小.然后,结合时间反演腔理论得到相应的时间反演并矢格林函数,继而得到小球阵列近区的时间反演场分布.最后,通过与数值仿真软件的计算结果进行对比,验证了方法的正确性及高效性.研究表明,时间反演技术结合近场亚波长间距小散射体加载能够实现超分辨率的场聚焦.To solve the near-field time reversal electromagnetic fields of sub-wavelength perfect conducting ball arrays rapidly, an analytical formulation is presented based on the equivalent dipole model. As is well known, the efficient use of evanescent information is the key to the realization of sub-wavelength focusing and imaging. However, evanescent components always suffer exponential decays with the increase of propagating distance. Therefore, in order to effectively control the evanescent waves, some measures should be taken in the near field region of the scatters before their amplitudes are reduced to an undetectable level. Since small perfect conducting ball is the basic component of large scatter, the first step should be to study the scattering properties of small perfect conducting ball. The far-field scattering fields of perfect conducting balls have been analyzed for plane waves. However, for spherical waves, the analytical results are not convenient to extend to multi-ball situation since they are all expressed by series. In this paper, the analytical solution to scattering field of the small perfect conducting balls irradiated by spherical radiative waves is analyzed. The result shows that the scattering fields can be approximately equivalent to the superposition of the radiation fields of electrical and magnetic dipoles in some restrictive conditions. The intensity of the equivalent dipole is proportional to the magnitude of the original excitation source dipole. Therefore all the equivalent dipole moments can be calculated easily by setting up the coupling equations between different equivalent dipoles and source dipole. Then, the forward dyadic Green's function can be obtained by combining the vacuum electrical and magnetic Green's function. At the same time, the time reversal dyadic Green's function can be derived through the time reversal cavity theory. Afterwards, the near-field time reversal electromagnetic field of the perfect conductive ball arrays can be calculated directly by the time reversal dyadic Green's function. The results obtained from the proposed method and a numerical software are compared, which shows that a coincidence extent reaches more than 0.95. This confirms the correctness and high efficiency of the proposed method. After that, an imaging experiment is implemented and the result shows that an imaging resolution of 0.3 can be obtained by loading small conducting balls in the near field. All these experiments show that combined with near-field loading of sub-wavelength scatterer arrays, the time reversal technique has the potential to realize super-resolution focusing and imaging.
- small perfect conducting ball /
- subwavelength array /
- time reversal electromagnetic field /
- fast solution
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[1] Parvulescu A, Clay C S 1965 Radio Electron. Eng. 29 223
[2] Fink M 1992 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 39 555
[3] de Rosny J, Fink M 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 065801
[4] Fang N, Liu Z, Yen T J, Zhang X 2003 Opt. Express 11 682
[5] Liu Z, Fang N, Yen T J, Zhang X 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 5184
[6] Grbic A, Eleftheriades G V 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 117403
[7] Pendry J B 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 3966
[8] Malyuskin O, Fusco V 2010 IEEE Trans. Antenna. Propag. 58 459
[9] Lemoult F, Lerosey G, de Rosny J, Fink M 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 203901
[10] Ourir A, Fink M 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 115403
[11] Jouvaud C, Ourir A, de Rosny J 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 243507
[12] Carminati R, Pierrat R, de Rosny J, Fink M 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 3107
[13] Ioannidou M P, Skaropoulos N C, Chrissoulidis D P 1995 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12 1782
[14] Borghese F, Denti P, Toscano G, Sindoni O I 1979 Appl. Opt. 18 116
[15] Gouesbet G, Grehan G 1999 J. Opt. A:Pure Appl. Opt. 1 706
[16] Moneda A P, Chrissoulidis D P 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24 3437
[17] Purcell E M, Pennypacker C R 1973 Astrophys. J. 186 705
[18] Moneda A P, Chrissoulidis D P 2007 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24 3437
[19] Fallahi A, Oswald B 2011 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 59 1433
[20] Harrington R F 2001 Time-harmonic Electromagnetic Fields (New York:John Wiley Sons) p293
[21] Wait J R 1960 Geophysics 25 649
[22] Rabiner L R, Gold B 1975 Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall) p401
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