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刘成周 邓岳君 骆叶成



刘成周, 邓岳君, 骆叶成

Entropy spectrum and area spectrum of Kerr black hole in gravity's rianbow

Liu Cheng-Zhou, Deng Yue-Jun, Luo Ye-Cheng
  • 利用黑洞的绝热不变性,研究了引力彩虹时空中Kerr黑洞的熵谱和面积谱.首先,在引力彩虹时空背景下,计算了Kerr黑洞的绝热不变作用量,并将其与玻尔-索末菲量子化条件相结合,给出了黑洞的熵谱.得到的熵谱没有引力彩虹时空本身具有的粒子能量依赖性,且是与经典Kerr黑洞中原始贝肯斯坦熵谱相同的等间距熵谱.然后,根据黑洞热力学第一定律和黑洞熵谱,给出了与原始贝肯斯坦谱不同的面积谱.该面积谱是非等间距的,而且有对黑洞面积的依赖性,但不依赖于探测粒子的能量.面积谱表明,随着黑洞面积的减少,面积间隔逐步变小;当黑洞达到普朗克尺度时,面积量子可降为零.这表示黑洞面积不再减少,黑洞出现辐射剩余.而在忽略色散关系的修正效应或在大黑洞极限下,面积谱的修正项可以忽略,引力彩虹Kerr黑洞面积谱可以回归到原始贝肯斯坦谱.此外,对引力彩虹时空Kerr黑洞的熵进行了讨论,得到了带有面积倒数修正项的黑洞熵,分析了黑洞熵的量子修正与面积谱量子修正的一致性.
    Black hole spectroscopy is an important content in the quantum properties of black holes. In this paper, we use the adiabatic invariants of black holes to investigate the entropy spectrum and area spectrum of the Kerr black hole in gravity's rainbow. Firstly, by considering the particles passing through the event horizon, the adiabatic invariance action for the modified Kerr black hole is calculated. Here, the Euclidean coordinate and the period of the Euclidean time of a loop about the event horizon are used. Combined the obtained adiabatic invariants with the Bohr-Sommerfen quantization condition, the equally spaced entropy spectra that are the same as the original Beckenstein spectra are derived. The entropy spectrum of the gravity's rainbow is independent of the test particle energy. Next, using the first law of the black hole thermodynamics and the black hole entropy spectrum, the area spectrum of the modified Kerr black hole is studied. Due to the quantum gravity effect of the gravity's rainbow, the obtained area spectrum is different from the original Beckenstein spectrum. The present area spectrum is non-equidistant and dependent on the horizon area of the black hole. With the decrease of black hole area, the area space gradually turns smaller. When the black hole reaches the minimum area on a Planck scale, the area quantum is zero. Thus the black hole area no longer decrease and a remnant of the black hole radiation appears. In the case of a large black hole, the correction of the area spectrum to the equally spaced spectra can be ignored, and the area spectrum of the Kerr black hole in gravity's rainbow can return to the original Beckenstein spectrum. It is also shown that like the entropy spectrum, the area spectrum of the gravity's rainbow does not depend on the energy of the test particles either. In addition, the entropy of the modified Kerr black hole in gravity's rainbow is discussed by using the first law of the black hole thermodynamics. The black hole entropy with quantum correction items as the area reciprocal to the Beckenstein-Hawking entropy is derived and the relation between the quantum correction items and the area is discussed. In addition, the consistency between the entropy correction and the area correction for the modified black hole is analyzed. The current research supports that in different spacetimes including quantum corrected spacetimes, the black hole entropy spectrum has the universality, but the black hole area spectrum is dependent on the area due to the spacetime quantum properties.
      通信作者: 刘成周, czlbj20@aliyun.com
    • 基金项目: 浙江省自然科学基金(批准号:LY14A030001)和国家自然科学基金(批准号:11373020)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Cheng-Zhou, czlbj20@aliyun.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China (Grant No. LY14A030001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11373020).

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-11-02
  • 修回日期:  2017-12-25
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