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敬玉梅 黄少云 吴金雄 彭海琳 徐洪起



敬玉梅, 黄少云, 吴金雄, 彭海琳, 徐洪起

Magnetotransport in antidot arrays of three-dimensional topological insulators

Jing Yu-Mei, Huang Shao-Yun, Wu Jin-Xiong, Peng Hai-Lin, Xu Hong-Qi
  • 利用聚焦离子束刻蚀技术在拓扑绝缘体Bi2Se3薄膜中刻蚀了纳米尺度的反点(antidot)阵列,并对制作的三个器件进行了系统的电学输运测量研究.低温下,所有器件中都观察到明显的弱反局域化效应.通过对弱反局域化效应的分析,发现器件一(Dev-1,不含有antidot阵列)和器件二(Dev-2,含有周期较大的antidot阵列)是始终由一个导电通道主导的量子输运系统,但在器件三(Dev-3,含有周期较小的antidot阵列)中能明确观察到较低温度下存在两个独立的导电通道,而在较高温度下Dev-3表现为由一个导电通道主导的量子输运系统.
    Three-dimensional topological insulators are a new kind of quantum matter featured with gapless Dirac-like energy-dispersive surface states in the insulating bulk band gaps. However, in experiment, it is difficult to study quantum interference effect of surface states due to considerable contribution from bulk carriers in thick bulk material. To suppress such a bulk state contribution, nanostructures, such as ultra-thin films, nanowires and nanoribbons, have been employed in the study of quantum interference effects of the surface states. Here, we report on a magnetotransport measurement study of nanoscaled antidot array devices made from three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films. The antidot arrays with hundreds of nanometers in diameter and edge-to-edge distance are fabricated in the thin films by utilizing the focused-ion beam technique, and the magnetotransport properties of the fabricated devices are measured at low temperatures. The results of the magnetotransport measurements for three representative devices, denoted as Dev-1 (with no antidot array fabricated), Dev-2 (with an antidot array of a relatively large period), and Dev-3 (with an antidot array of a relatively small period), are reported in this work. Weak anti-localization indicated by a sharp peak of conductivity at zero magnetic field is observed in all the three devices. Through theoretical fitting to the measurement data, the transport parameters in the three devices, such as spin-orbit coupling length Lso, phase coherence length L, and the number of conduction channels , are extracted. The extracted Lso value is tens of nanometers, which is consistent with the presence of the strong spin-orbit interaction in the Bi2Se3 thin film. The extracted L value is hundreds of nanometers and increases exponentially with temperature decreasing. It is found that the magnetotransports in Dev-1 and Dev-2 are well characterized by the coherent transport through a single conduction channel. For Dev-3, the magnetotransport at low temperatures is described by the coherent transport through two independent conduction channels, while at elevated temperatures the magnetotransport is dominantly described by the transport through one single conduction channel. Unlike the case where the transport occurs dominantly through a single conduction channel, the transport through two independent conduction channels in Dev-3 implies that at least one surface channel is present in the device.
      通信作者: 黄少云, syhuang@pku.edu.cn;hqxu@pku.edu.cn ; 徐洪起, syhuang@pku.edu.cn;hqxu@pku.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2016YFA0300601,2016YFA0300802,2017YFA0303304,2017YFA0204901)和国家自然科学基金(批准号:91221202,91421303,11274021)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Huang Shao-Yun, syhuang@pku.edu.cn;hqxu@pku.edu.cn ; Xu Hong-Qi, syhuang@pku.edu.cn;hqxu@pku.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFA0300601, 2016YFA0300802, 2017YFA0303304, 2017YFA0204901) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91221202, 91421303, 11274021).

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-10-30
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  • 刊出日期:  2019-02-20

