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李启华 陆汉城 钟玮 王卫超 郭兴亮 袁猛



李启华, 陆汉城, 钟玮, 王卫超, 郭兴亮, 袁猛

Meso-scale transport characteristics and budget diagnoses of water vapor in binary typhoons

Li Qi-Hua, Lu Han-Cheng, Zhong Wei, Wang Wei-Chao, Guo Xing-Liang, Yuan Meng
  • 应用WRF(v3.4)模式输出资料,揭示双台风条件下水汽的输送与收支特征及其对台风强度的影响.分析表明,菲特台风与副热带高压、中高纬地区槽脊、西面大陆高压及其东南面尾随台风丹娜丝存在周边系统相互作用,这种相互作用使得菲特台风背景风场改变,从而影响其水汽输送通道的调整.水汽输送特征分析表明,周边系统相互作用,特别是尾随丹娜丝台风作为水汽收集-输送站的作用,对菲特台风在近海强度的维持及后期偏北强降水有重要影响.水汽通量辐合带的分布和演变与台风强对流带的分布和演变具有一致性,即水汽的输送对台风内核区强对流带的强度和结构具有重要影响.水汽收支诊断分析表明,水汽输送对两类台风强度的变化具有重要影响,即总的水汽通量与台风强度随时间的变化均具有较好的一致性.东边界是台风的主要水汽输送来源,南、北边界次之,西边界为负贡献;各边界水汽输送主要分布在对流层底层,西边界的对流层中低层为负贡献.水汽的垂直输送对台风内部水汽的再分配起着重要作用,同时水汽垂直输送大值带的持续时间与台风研究区域内强对流大值带的持续时间一致,说明水汽的垂直输送对U型和V型台风区域的强对流也具有重要的影响.
    In this paper, we simulate a process of binary typhoon and the budget diagnoses of water vapor in this process to analyze the transportation characteristics of water vapor and their influences on the variation of typhoon intensity. The results show that the interactions between typhoon Fitow and surrounding systems, including subtropical high, mid-latitude trough, west of the continent high and Southeast trailing typhoon Danas, change the background wind fields of Fitow, and then adjust the transport channels of moisture. Those surrounding systems, especially the trailing typhoon Danas which can be called the collection-transfer station of water vapor, have important effects on the intensity maintenance and the northern strong precipitation in the offshore and landing period of Fitow. The distribution and evolution of water vapor flux convergence band are consistent with those of strong convection band, revealing that the water vapor transport has important influences on the structure and intensity of the inner-core convection band in typhoon. The budget results show that the time series of total water vapor flux and typhoon intensity change synchronously. And the eastern boundary is the main source of water vapor transport, and the southern and northern boundary are also important, while the western boundary makes a negative contribution. The inflow transport channel is mainly located at the bottom of the troposphere, while the outflow transport area of water vapor is located at middle- and low-level troposphere of western boundary. The vertical transportation of water vapor plays an important role in redistributing the internal moisture of typhoon. The duration of sever convection band in typhoon is accompanied by the strong vertical transport of water vapor, which indicates that the vertical transport of water vapor is important for developing the strong convection in U and V type typhoon.
      通信作者: 陆汉城, hc_lu@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:41775055,41275002,41675058,41175054)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:41230421)和中央军委装备发展部信息系统局重大专项项目(批准号:GFZX0402180102)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Lu Han-Cheng, hc_lu@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41775055, 41275002, 41675058, 41175054), the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41230421), and the Major Special Projects of the Information System Bureau, Ministry of Central Military Commission of Equipment Development, China (Grant No. GFZX0402180102).

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-08
  • 修回日期:  2017-11-02
  • 刊出日期:  2018-02-05

