采用中尺度数值预报模式对2015年22号台风彩虹进行高分辨率的数值模拟,成功地模拟出台风彩虹的移动路径、强度和降水分布,尤其是在台风登陆前后,模拟结果与实况比较接近. 以此为基础,利用模式输出资料,分析台风的动力、热力精细结构和台风雨带的宏观特征. 眼墙处具有低层径向入流、高层径向出流的动力配置. 在眼墙附近,同时存在切向风速高值区、垂直上升区、正温度距平区,并随高度向外侧倾斜,雷达回波较强,对流系统比较深厚. 次级雨带、主雨带和远距离雨带的雷达回波相对较弱,对流系统垂直厚度略小. 再利用尺度分离方法,得到涡旋Rossby波的扰动场资料,进一步分析涡旋Rossby波的特征. 1波、2波同时朝切向和径向传播,1波的振幅明显大于2波. 研究结果表明,1波、2波正涡度扰动对应强雷达回波,存在强对流活动. 降水区上空的垂直涡度扰动呈上正下负的配置,与水平散度扰动的垂直配置相似时,会加强低层辐合和高层辐散,有很强的垂直上升运动,有利于对流系统发展,降水增强. 1 波、2波扰动的动力配置影响了对流系统的发展,并对降水强度和分布有一定的诊断作用.Mesoscale weather research and forecasting model with high resolution is used to investigate the landfall process of typhoon Mujigae (2015). The simulation well reproduces the path, intensity and rainfall of the typhoon, especially before and after the landfall. The fine thermal and dynamical structures of the typhoon Mujigae and its macroscopic characteristics of rain bands are examined with the simulation output. The rain band regions from the eyewall outward are composed of mixing rain band, secondary rain band, principal rain band and distant rain band. The lower-level inflow and upper-level outflow are observed in the eyewall. The maximum tangential wind, strong updraft and positive temperature anomaly are located in the eyewall and tilted outward with height. The convective systems in the eyewall with high radar reflectivity are much deeper than those in the principal rain band, secondary rain band and distant rain band.In order to analyze the vortex Rossby waves, the fast Fourier transform is performed to decompose the model output variables into perturbations with different wavenumbers. The vorticity perturbations in the wavenumbers 1 and 2 have significant features in the azimuthal and radial propagation. The amplitude of wavenumber 1 is larger than that of wavenumber 2, while the wavenumber 2 propagates much faster than the wavenumber 1 both in azimuthal and radial directions. The waves propagate with a speed less than 10 m/s, which are in consistent with the magnitudes of the radial velocities in spiral rain band. The amplitude of vortex Rossby waves decreases quickly beyond the stagnation radius which is about 90 km from the cyclone center. For the perturbations of wavenumbers 1 and 2, there are some intrinsic relations among the vertical vorticity, divergence and vertical velocity. The positive values of vertical vorticity with the two wavenumbers are associated with the strong reflectivity indicating deep convections. When the dipole patterns of positive vorticity in the upper level and negative vorticity in the lower level over the rainfall region are coupled with the pattern of divergence, the upper-level divergence and lower-level convergence are promoted. Then, updrafts are enhanced, which is favorable for the development of convective system and the increase of precipitation. On the other hand, the updrafts can be weakened in two cases: i) the vertical distribution of negative vorticity in the upper level and positive vorticity in the lower level is similar to the divergence distribution; ⅱ) the vertical distribution of vorticity is opposite to that of divergence. Consequently, the convective systems are inhibited and less rainfall is produced. The dynamical structures of vortex Rossby waves with wavenumbers 1 and 2 affect the development of deep convective system and precipitation in the typhoon Mujigae.
- vortex Rossby waves /
- spiral rain bands /
- typhoon
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[1] Duan Y H 2015 Advances in Earth Science 30 847 (in Chinese) [端义宏 2015 地球科学进展 30 847]
[2] Wexler H 1947 Ann. N Y. Acad Sci. 48 821
[3] Willoughby H E 1977 J. Atmos. Sci. 34 1028
[4] Shimazu Y 1997 J. Metror. Soc. Japan 75 67
[5] Sawada M, Iwasaki T 2010 J. Atmos. Sci. 67 84
[6] MacDonald N J 1968 Tellus 20 138
[7] Guinn T, Schubert W H 1993 J. Atmos. Sci 50 3380
[8] Montgomery M T, Kallenbach R J 1997 Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 123 436
[9] Montgomery M T, Enagonio J 1998 J. Atmos. Sci. 55 3176
[10] Moller J D, Montgomery M T 1999 J. Atmos. Sci. 56 1674
[11] Reasor P D, Montgomery M T 2000 Mon. Wea. Rev. 128 1653
[12] Chen Y S, Yau M K 2001 J. Atmos. Sci. 58 2128
[13] Chen Y S, Brunet G, Yau M K 2003 J. Atmos. Sci. 60 1239
[14] Wang Y Q 2001 Mon. Wea. Rev. 129 1370
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[16] Wang Y Q 2002 J. Atmos. Sci. 59 1239
[17] Wang Y Q 2008 J. Atmos. Sci. 65 1158
[18] Hall J D, Xue M, Ran L K, Leslie L M 2013 J. Atmos. Sci. 70 163
[19] Corbosiero K L, Molinari J, Aiyyer A R, Black M L 2006 Mon. Wea. Rev. 134 3073
[20] MoonY, Nolan D S 2015 J. Atmos. Sci. 72 164
[21] MoonY, Nolan D S 2015 J. Atmos. Sci. 72 191
[22] Yu Z H 2002 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 60 502 (in Chinese) [余志豪 2002 气象学报 60 502]
[23] Zhong K, Kang J W, Yu Q P 2002 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 60 436 (in Chinese) [钟科, 康建伟, 余清平 2002 气象学报 60 436]
[24] Xu X D, Zhang S J, Chen L S, Wei F Y 2004 Chinese J. Geophys 47 33 (in Chinese) [徐祥德, 张胜军, 陈联寿, 魏凤英 2004 地球 47 33]
[25] Zhu P J, Zheng Y G, Hong Q, Tao Z Y 2005 Chin. Sci. Bull. 50 486 (in Chinese) [朱佩君, 郑永光, 洪庆, 陶祖钰 2005 科学通报 50 486]
[26] Shen X Y, Ni Y Q, Shen T L, Ding Y H, He Z 2005 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 29 854 (in Chinese) [沈新勇, 倪允琪, 沈桐立, 丁一汇, 贺哲 2005 大气科学 29 854]
[27] Shen X Y 2006 Scientia Meteorologica Sinica 26 355 (in Chinese) [沈新勇 2006 气象科学 26 355]
[28] Shen X Y, Ming J, Fang K 2007 Scientia Meteorological Sinica 27 176 (in Chinese) [沈新勇, 明杰, 方珂 2007 气象科学 27 176]
[29] Shen X Y, Liu J, Qin N N, Zhu L 2012 Trans. Atmos. Sci. 35 257 (in Chinese) [沈新勇, 刘佳, 秦南南, 朱琳 2012 大气科学学报 35 257]
[30] Lu H C, Kang J W, Kou Z, Cheng H Y, Zhong W 2004 Progress in Natural Science 14 514 (in Chinese) [陆汉城, 康健伟, 寇正, 程红艳, 钟玮 2004 自然科学进展 14 514]
[31] Lu H C, Zhong W, Fei J F, Kou Z 2010 Scientia Meteorologica Sinica 30 605 (in Chinese) [陆汉城, 钟玮, 费建芳, 寇正 2010 气象科学 30 605]
[32] Lu H C, Zhong K, Zhang D L 2002 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 26 83 (in Chinese) [陆汉城, 钟科, 张大林 2002 大气科学 26 83]
[33] Lu H C, Zhong W, Zhang D L 2007 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 31 1140 (in Chinese) [陆汉城, 钟玮, 张大林 2007 大气科学 31 1140]
[34] Kang J W, Lu H C, Zhong K, Zhang S B, Han W B 2007 Journal of Tropical Meteorology 23 21 (in Chinese) [康建伟, 陆汉城, 钟科, 张少波, 韩文博 2007 热带气象学报 23 21]
[35] Zhong W, Zhang D L, Lu H C 2009 J. Atmos. Sci. 66 3366
[36] Zhang Y, Yuan Z P, Chen J P, Yu H 2006 Meteorology and Disaster Reducing Research 29 1 (in Chinese) [张瑛, 袁子鹏, 陈建萍, 余晖 2006 气象与减灾研究 29 1]
[37] Wang Y, Ding Z Y 2008 J. Nanjing Inst. Meteor. 31 352 (in Chinese) [王勇, 丁治英 2008 南京气象学院学报 31 352]
[38] Min Y, Shen T L, Zhu W J, Yan J 2010 Trans. Atmos. Sci. 33 227 (in Chinese) [闵颖, 沈桐立, 朱伟军, 严娟 2010 大气科学学报 33 227]
[39] Li Q Q, Wang Y Q 2012 J. Atmos. Sci. 69 997
[40] Li Q Q, Wang Y Q 2012 Mon.Wea. Rev. 140 2782
[41] Houze R A 2010 Mon. Wea. Rev. 138 293
[42] Lin Q, Shen X Y, Gao S T 2014 Climatic and Environmental Research 19 536 (in Chinese) [林青, 沈新勇, 高守亭 2014 气候与环境研究 19 536]
[43] Kuo H C, Williams R T, Chen J H 1999 J. Atmos. Sci. 56 1659
[44] Lamb H 1932 Hydrodynamics (Oxford: Cambridge University Press) p732
[45] Li Q Q 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences) (in Chinese) [李青青 2013 博士学位论文 (北京:中国气象科学研究院)]
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