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刘军 陈帛雄 许冠军 崔晓旭 白波 张林波 陈龙 焦东东 王涛 刘涛 董瑞芳 张首刚



刘军, 陈帛雄, 许冠军, 崔晓旭, 白波, 张林波, 陈龙, 焦东东, 王涛, 刘涛, 董瑞芳, 张首刚

Self-reliance and independently developed high-finesse spherical ultrastable optical reference cavity

Liu Jun, Chen Bo-Xiong, Xu Guan-Jun, Cui Xiao-Xu, Bai Bo, Zhang Lin-Bo, Chen Long, Jiao Dong-Dong, Wang Tao, Liu Tao, Dong Rui-Fang, Zhang Shou-Gang
  • 高精细度超稳光学参考腔是获得超窄线宽激光的核心部件. 本文报道了面向空间应用的高精细度球形超稳光学参考腔自主化研制及其初步测试结果. 设计球形腔体直径为80 mm,腔长78 mm,采用平-凹腔镜结构,凹镜曲率半径为0.5 m. 使用有限元方法计算了该参考腔的震动敏感度,最佳支撑位置的震动敏感度小于110-10/g. 采用超光滑表面三级抛光技术实现光学表面粗糙度小于0.4 nm(rms)的超精密加工,采用双离子束溅射法实现工作波长反射率大于99.999%、损耗小于4 ppm 腔镜镀膜,干式光胶方法键合腔体和腔镜. 利用扫腔线宽法和腔衰荡法对参考腔的线宽和精细度进行了测量,结果表明该参考腔的精细度约为195000,线宽为9.8 kHz. 将698 nm半导体激光器锁定到该参考腔上测得其损耗5 ppm. 与实验室进口同类型参考腔相比较,主要性能指标与其相当.
    Ultra-stable reference cavity with high finesse is a crucial component in a narrow-linewidth laser system which is widely used in time and frequency metrology, the test of Lorentz invariance, and measure of gravitational wave. In this paper, we report the recent progress of the self-made spherical reference cavity, aiming at the future space application. The main function of cavity is the reference of ultra-stable laser, which is the local reference oscillation source of space optical clock. The diameter of the designed spherical cavity spacer made of ultra-low expansion glass is 80 mm, and the cavity length is 78 mm, flat-concave mirrors configuration, and the radius of the concave mirror is 0.5 m. The support structure is designed to have two 3.9 mm-radius spherical groves located at the poles of the sphere along the diameter direction (defined as support axis), and a 53 angle between the support axis and the optical axis. The mechanic vibration sensitivities of the cavity along and perpendicular to the optical axis are both calculated by finite element analysis method to be below 110-10/g. Five-axis linkage CNC machining sphere forming technology is applied to S80 mm spherical surface processing with spherical contour degree up to 0.02. After a three-stage surface polishing processes, the fused silicamirror substratessurface roughness is measured to be less than 0.2 nm (rms). Implementing double ion beam sputtering technique for mirror coating, the reflection of the coating achieves a reflectivity of 99.999% and a loss of 4 ppm for 698 nm laser. The coating surface roughness is measured to be 0.3 nm (rms). The cavity spacer and the mirror are bonded by dried optical contact. In order to improve the thermal noise characteristics of the cavity, an ultra low expansion ring is contacted optically to the outer surface of the mirror. The cavity is characterized by ring-down spectroscopy, and the finesse is around 195000. With the help of a home-made 698 nm ultra narrow line-width laser, the cavity line-width is measured to be 9.8 kHz by sweeping cavity method. A 698 nm semiconductor laser is locked to this spherical cavity by PDH technology, and the cavity loss is measured to be5 ppm.
      通信作者: 刘涛, taoliu@ntsc.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项(批准号:61127901)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:11273024,61025023)和国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号:11403031)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Tao, taoliu@ntsc.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Special Fund for Research on National Major Research Instruments and Facilities of the National Natural Science Fundation of China (Grant No. 61127901), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11273024, 61025023), and the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11403031).

    Leibrandt D R, Thorpe M J, Notcutt M, Drullinger R E, Rosenband T, Bergquist J C 2011 Opt. Express 19 3471


    Kessler T, Hagemann C, Grebing C, Legero T, Steer U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Chen L, Ye J 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 687


    Swallows M D, Martin M J, Bishof M, Benko C, Lin Y, Blatt S, Rey A M, Ye J 2012 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 59 416


    Cole G D, Zhang W, Martin M J, Ye J, AspelmeyerM 2013 Nat. Photon. 7 644


    Hagemann C, Grebing C, Lisdat C, Falke S, Legero T, Sterr U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Ye J 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 5102


    Wu L, Jiang Y, Ma C, Qi W, Yu H, Bi Z, Ma L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 24969


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    Chou C W, Hume D B, Koelemeij J C, Wineland D J, Rosenband T 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 070802


    Hinkley N, Sherman J A, Phillips N B, Schioppo M, Lemke N D, Beloy K, Pizzocaro M, Oates C W, Ludlow A D 2013 Science 341 1215


    Nicholson T L, Campbell S L, Hutson R B, Marti G E, Bloom B J, McNally R L, Zhang W, Barrett M D, Safronova M S, Strouse G F, Tew W L, Ye J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 6896


    Heinecke D C, Bartels A, Diddams S A 2011 Opt. Express 19 18440


    Fortier T M, Kirchner M S, Quinlan F, Taylor J, Bergquist J C, Rosenband, Lemke T N, Ludlow A, Jiang Y, Oates C W, Diddams S A 2011 Nat. Photonics 5 425


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    Willke B, Danzmann K, Frede M, King P, Kracht D, Kwee P, Puncken O, Savage R L, Schulz B, Seifert F, Veltkamp C, Wagner S, Weels P, Winkelmann L 2008 Classical Quantum Gravity 25 114040


    Williams P A, Swann W C, Newbury N R 2008 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25 1284


    Kessler T, Hagemann C, Grebing G, Legero T, Sterr U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Chen L, Ye J 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 687


    Wu L, Jang Y, Ma C, Qi W, Yu H, Bi Z, Ma L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 24969


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    Nietzsche S, Nawrodt R, Zimmer A, Schnabel R, Vodel W, Seidel P 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 293


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    Ludlow A D, Huang X, Notcutt M, Zanon T, Foreman S M, Boyd M M, Blatt S, Ye J 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 641


    Nazarova T, Riehle F, Sterr U 2006 Appl. Phy. B 83 531


    Webster S A, Oxborrow M, Gill P 2007 Phy. Rev. A 75 10064


    Chen L S, Hall J L, Ye J, Yang T, Zang E, Li T C 2006 Phy. Rev. A 30 150


    Lyngnes O, Ode A, Ness D C 2009 Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society 7504


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    Schiller S, Gorlitz A, Nevsky A, Alighanbari S 2012 Physics 48 412


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    Flaminio R, Franc J, Michel C, Morgado N, Pinard L, Sassolas B 2010 Classical Quantum Gravity 27 84030


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    Mitin V F, Lazarow V K, Lari L, Lytvyn P M, Kholevchuk V V, Matveeva L A, Mitin V V, Venger E F 2014 Thin Solid Films 550 715


    Alexandrovski A 2009 Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society 7193 71930D-13


    Lawrence M J, Willke B, Husman M E, Gustafson E K, Byer R L 1999 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16 523


    Foltynowicz A 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Ume: Ume University)


    Hofstetter D, Thornton R L 1998 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 34 1914


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  • [1]

    Leibrandt D R, Thorpe M J, Notcutt M, Drullinger R E, Rosenband T, Bergquist J C 2011 Opt. Express 19 3471


    Kessler T, Hagemann C, Grebing C, Legero T, Steer U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Chen L, Ye J 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 687


    Swallows M D, Martin M J, Bishof M, Benko C, Lin Y, Blatt S, Rey A M, Ye J 2012 IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 59 416


    Cole G D, Zhang W, Martin M J, Ye J, AspelmeyerM 2013 Nat. Photon. 7 644


    Hagemann C, Grebing C, Lisdat C, Falke S, Legero T, Sterr U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Ye J 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 5102


    Wu L, Jiang Y, Ma C, Qi W, Yu H, Bi Z, Ma L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 24969


    Drever R W P, Hall J L, Kowalski F V, Hough J, Ford G M, Munley A J, Ward H 1983 Appl. Phys. B 31 97


    Chou C W, Hume D B, Koelemeij J C, Wineland D J, Rosenband T 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 070802


    Hinkley N, Sherman J A, Phillips N B, Schioppo M, Lemke N D, Beloy K, Pizzocaro M, Oates C W, Ludlow A D 2013 Science 341 1215


    Nicholson T L, Campbell S L, Hutson R B, Marti G E, Bloom B J, McNally R L, Zhang W, Barrett M D, Safronova M S, Strouse G F, Tew W L, Ye J 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 6896


    Heinecke D C, Bartels A, Diddams S A 2011 Opt. Express 19 18440


    Fortier T M, Kirchner M S, Quinlan F, Taylor J, Bergquist J C, Rosenband, Lemke T N, Ludlow A, Jiang Y, Oates C W, Diddams S A 2011 Nat. Photonics 5 425


    Hough J, Rowan S 2005 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 7 544


    Willke B, Danzmann K, Frede M, King P, Kracht D, Kwee P, Puncken O, Savage R L, Schulz B, Seifert F, Veltkamp C, Wagner S, Weels P, Winkelmann L 2008 Classical Quantum Gravity 25 114040


    Williams P A, Swann W C, Newbury N R 2008 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25 1284


    Kessler T, Hagemann C, Grebing G, Legero T, Sterr U, Riehle F, Martin M J, Chen L, Ye J 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 687


    Wu L, Jang Y, Ma C, Qi W, Yu H, Bi Z, Ma L 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 24969


    Levin Y 1998 Phys. Rev. D 57 659


    Numata K, Kemery A, Camp J 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 250602


    Nietzsche S, Nawrodt R, Zimmer A, Schnabel R, Vodel W, Seidel P 2006 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 293


    Notcutt M, Ma L S, Ye J, Hall J L 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 1815


    Ludlow A D, Huang X, Notcutt M, Zanon T, Foreman S M, Boyd M M, Blatt S, Ye J 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 641


    Nazarova T, Riehle F, Sterr U 2006 Appl. Phy. B 83 531


    Webster S A, Oxborrow M, Gill P 2007 Phy. Rev. A 75 10064


    Chen L S, Hall J L, Ye J, Yang T, Zang E, Li T C 2006 Phy. Rev. A 30 150


    Lyngnes O, Ode A, Ness D C 2009 Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society 7504


    Traggis N G, Claussen N R 2010 tetitSPIE LASE 7578


    Darrow M C2014 Macalester Jourmal of Physics Astronomy 2 3


    Zalicki P, Zare R N 1995 J. Chem. Phys. 102 2708


    Webster S, Gill P 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 3572


    Schiller S, Gorlitz A, Nevsky A, Alighanbari S 2012 Physics 48 412


    Kessler T, Legero T, Sterr U 2012 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29 178


    Legero T, Kessler T, Sterr U 2010 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27 776


    Ong J L, Lucas L C, Lacefield W R, Rigney E D 1992 Biomaterials 13 249


    Wu J J, Wu C T, Liao Y C, Lu T R, Chen L C, Chen K H, Hwa L G, Kuo C T, Ling K J 1999 Thin Solid Films s355 417


    Cormie P, Mcbride J M, Mccaulley G O 2009 J. Strength Cond. Res. 23 177


    Berg S, Katardjiev L 1999 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17 1916


    Flaminio R, Franc J, Michel C, Morgado N, Pinard L, Sassolas B 2010 Classical Quantum Gravity 27 84030


    Buzea C, Robbie K 2005 Rep. Prog. Phys. 68 385


    Mitin V F, Lazarow V K, Lari L, Lytvyn P M, Kholevchuk V V, Matveeva L A, Mitin V V, Venger E F 2014 Thin Solid Films 550 715


    Alexandrovski A 2009 Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society 7193 71930D-13


    Lawrence M J, Willke B, Husman M E, Gustafson E K, Byer R L 1999 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16 523


    Foltynowicz A 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Ume: Ume University)


    Hofstetter D, Thornton R L 1998 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 34 1914


    Hood C J, Kimble H J, Ye J 2001 Phy. Rev. A 64 33804

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-09-29
  • 修回日期:  2017-01-18
  • 刊出日期:  2017-04-05

