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张晓军 钟守铭



张晓军, 钟守铭

Average degree under different network sizes for random birth-and-death networks

Zhang Xiao-Jun, Zhong Shou-Ming
  • 在社会和生物网络中,每个智能体都存在生与灭过程,这些演化网络可能存在一些特殊的性质.近年来,这些生灭网络受到了广泛的关注,大部分的生灭网络的研究都聚焦于度分布的求解和它们的性质.本文研究了节点增加概率0pmq;利用这些性质,运用生成函数法求解出不同网络规模的平均度的精确表达式;最后,采用数值模拟方法验证了平均度的精确求解结果和性质,讨论了平均度与节点增加概率p以及连接数m之间的关系.
    In the social and biological networks,each agent experiences a birth-and-death process.These evolving networks may exhibit some unique characteristics.Recently,the birth-and-death networks have gradually caught attention,and thus far,most of these studies on birth-and-death networks have focused on the calculations of the degree distributions and their properties.In this paper,a kind of random birth-and-death network (RBDN) with reducing network size is discussed,in which at each time step,with probability p(0pq=1-p.Unlike the existing literature,this study is to calculate the average degrees of the proposed networks under different network sizes.First,for the reducing RBDN,the steady state equations for each node's degree are given by using the Markov chain method based on stochastic process rule,and then the recursive equations of average degree for different network sizes are obtained according to these steady state equations.Second,by means of the recursive equations,we explore four basic properties of average degrees as follows:1) the average degrees are limited,2) the average degrees are strictly monotonically increasing,3) the average degrees are convergent to 2mq,and 4) the sum of each difference between the average degree and 2mq is a bounded number.Theoretical proofs for these four properties are also provided in this paper.Finally,on the basis of these properties,a generation function approach is employed to obtain the exact solutions of the average degrees for various network sizes.In addition to the theoretical derivations to the average degrees,computer simulation is also used to verify the correctness of exact solutions of the average degrees and their properties.Furthermore,we use numerical simulation to study the relationship between the average degree and node increasing probability p.Our simulation results show as follows:1) with the increasing of p,the convergent speed of the average degree to 2mq is increasing;2) with the increasing of m,the convergent speed of the average degree to 2mq is decreasing.In conclusion,for the proposed RBDN model,the main contributions of this study include 1) providing the recursive equations of the average degrees under different network sizes,2) investigating the basic properties for the average degrees,and 3) obtaining the exact solutions of the average degrees.
      通信作者: 张晓军, sczhxj@uestc.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61273015)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xiao-Jun, sczhxj@uestc.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61273015).

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    Barabási A L, Albert R, Jeong H 1999 Physica A 272 173


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-05-28
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  • 刊出日期:  2016-12-05

