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高新强 沈俊 和晓楠 唐成春 戴巍 李珂 公茂琼 吴剑峰



高新强, 沈俊, 和晓楠, 唐成春, 戴巍, 李珂, 公茂琼, 吴剑峰

Numerical simulation of a hybrid magnetic refrigeration combined with high pressure Stirling regenerative refrigeration effect

Gao Xin-Qiang, Shen Jun, He Xiao-Nan, Tang Cheng-Chun, Dai Wei, Li Ke, Gong Mao-Qiong, Wu Jian-Feng
  • 本文借助计算流体力学软件, 对复合磁制冷机进行整机数值模拟分析. 以复合磁制冷机为建模原形, 分别计算了主动式磁制冷循环以及复合磁制冷循环. 利用模型计算分析了利用系数, 工作频率对主动式磁制冷的制冷效果影响, 同时模拟计算了不同相位角、不同频率下的复合磁制冷机的制冷效果, 计算得到适合复合磁制冷循环的最佳匹配相位角. 模拟计算结果对后续实验台的设计搭建有很好的指导作用.
    Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling method based on the magnetocaloric effect, which uses solid magnetocaloric materials as refrigerant, and helium, water or other fluid as heat transfer fluids. Stirling refrigeration is a kind of mature gas regenerative cooling method, using helium gas as the refrigerant. These refrigerations have similar cycling characteristics, and are both safe, environmantal-friendly and high efficient cooling methods. Therefore, a hybrid magnetic refrigerator combined with Stirling gas refrigeration effect is proposed and designed. In our previous works for hybrid magnetic refrigeration, numerical simulation and experimental performance of the low-pressure hybrid magnetic refrigerator was carried out, and the cycling mechanism of hybrid magnetic refrigeration was also figured out. In this study, a numerical model for the high-pressure hybrid magnetic refrigeration cycle is established. The magnetic refrigeration materials are utilized as the regenerator matrix for both gas Stirling and active magnetic regenerative refrigeration in this model. Effects of gas Stirling and active magnetic regenerative refrigeration are combined to build a kind of high efficient refrigeration cycle. Ansys Fluent software is applied in this paper. Based on the physical model of hybrid refrigerator and the theories of magnetocaloric effect and numerical calculation of regenerator, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of high-pressure hybrid magnetic refrigerator is established. This paper describes the internal heat transfer mechanism of Stirling and magnetic refrigeration effect in an active regenerator. Some parameters of the model such as working frequency and utilization are analyzed and the best phase angle is figured out in order to couple these two cooling effects positively. Simulation results show that Stirling and magnetic cooling effects can be coupled positively at phase angle of 60o. Results also show that with increasing system pressure, which means to increase the utilization of the system, the system frequency can enhance the cooling performance of the system as well as improve the coefficient of performance (COP) of it. The results and analysis of the numerical model will be helpful for the construction of experimental prototype in our future work.
      Corresponding author: Shen Jun, jshen@mail.ipc.ac.cn;tangcc@hebut.edu.cn ; Tang Cheng-Chun, jshen@mail.ipc.ac.cn;tangcc@hebut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51322605, 51271192).

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    Shao Y Z, Xiong Z Y, Zhang J L, Zhang J X 1996 Acta Phys. Sin. 45 1749 (in Chinese) [邵元智, 熊正烨, 张介立, 张进修 1996 45 1749]


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    Zhang H, He X N, Shen J, Gong M Q, Wu J F 2013 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 34 5 (in Chinese) [张弘, 和晓楠, 沈俊, 公茂琼, 吴剑峰 2013 工程热 34 5]


    He X N, Gong M Q, Zhang H, Shen J, Dai W, Wu J F 2013 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 34 1997 (in Chinese) [和晓楠, 公茂琼, 张弘, 沈俊, 戴巍, 吴剑峰 2013 工程热 34 1997]


    He X N, Gong M Q, Zhang H, Shen J, Wu J F 2013 Cryo. & Supercond. 41 13 (in Chinese) [和晓楠, 公茂琼, 张弘, 沈俊, 吴剑峰 2013 低温与超导 41 13]


    He X N, Gong M Q, Zhang H, Dai W, Shen J, Wu J F 2013 Int. J. Refrig. 36 1465


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    Nielsen K K, Tusek J, Engelbrecht K, Schopfer S, Kitanovski A, Bahl C R H, Smith A, Pryds N, Poredos A 2010 Int. J. Refrig. 34 603


    Silva D J, Ventura J, Araujo J P, Pereira A M 2014 Applied Energy 113 1149


    Chiba Y, Smaili A, Mahmed C, Balli M, Sari O 2014 Int. J. Refrig. 37 36


    Lionte S, Vasile C, Siroux M 2015 Appl. Therm. Eng. 75 871


    Li P, Gong M Q, Yao G H, Wu J F 2006 Int. J. Refrig. 29 1259


    Yu B F, Zhang Y, Gao Q, Yang D X 2006 Int. J. Refrig. 29 1348


    Tao W Q 2001 Numerical Heat Transfer(Second Edition) (Xian: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press) p15 (in Chinese) [陶文铨 2001 数值传热学(第二版)(西安: 西安交通大学出版社)第15页]

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