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杨剑群 马国亮 李兴冀 刘超铭 刘海



杨剑群, 马国亮, 李兴冀, 刘超铭, 刘海

Compressive behavior of nanocrystalline nickel at various temperatures and strain rates

Yang Jian-Qun, Ma Guo-Liang, Li Xing-Ji, Liu Chao-Ming, Liu Hai
  • 本文利用低温力学测试系统研究了电化学沉积纳米晶Ni在不同温度和宽应变速率条件下的压缩行为. 借助应变速率敏感指数、激活体积、扫描电子显微镜及高分辨透射电子显微镜方法, 对纳米晶Ni的压缩塑性变形机理进行了表征. 研究表明, 在较低温度条件下, 纳米晶Ni的塑性变形主要是由晶界位错协调变形主导, 晶界本征位错引出后无阻碍的在晶粒内无位错区运动, 直至在相对晶界发生类似切割林位错行为. 并且, 在协调塑性变形时引出位错的残留位错能够增加应变相容性和减小应力集中; 在室温条件下, 纳米晶Ni的塑性变形机理主要是晶界-位错协调变形与晶粒滑移/旋转共同主导. 利用晶界位错协调变形机理和残留位错运动与温度及缺陷的相关性揭示了纳米晶Ni在不同温度、不同应变速率条件下力学压缩性能差异的内在原因.
    In this paper, compressive behavior of electrodeposited nano-crystalline (nc) Ni at various temperatures and strain rates is studied using a low temperature mechanic test system. Plastic deformation mechanisms of nc Ni caused by compression are characterized by the strain rate sensitivity index, the activation volume, and examined by scanning electron microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopic analysis. Results show that at low temperatures, the plastic deformation of nc Ni is mainly dominated by grain boundary accommodated dislocations. In other words, during plastic deformation of nc Ni at low temperatures, the intrinsic dislocation at the grain boundary bends up and expands without obstacles to the opposite grain boundary in the inner grain dislocation-free zone, until the occurrence of similar cutting forest-dislocation behavior appearing at opposite grain boundary. Moreover, the residual dislocations in the grain boundary bending out during plastic deformation could increase the strain compatibility and decrease the stress concentration. At room temperature, the plastic deformation mechanism of nc Ni is controlled by the deformation of grain boundary accommodated dislocations and grain slipping/rotating. Based on the above analyses, differences in compressive behavior of nc Ni at various temperatures and strain rates can be revealed by the correlation of deformation mechanisms of grain boundary accommodated dislocations and residual dislocation movement, temperature and defects in nc Ni.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:51401067)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51401067).

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  • [1]

    Gleiter H 1989 Prog. Mater. Sci. 33 223


    Yang D, Zhong N, Shang H L, Sun S Y, Li G Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 036801 (in Chinese) [杨铎, 钟宁, 尚海龙, 孙士阳, 李戈扬 2013 62 036801]


    Gleiter H 2000 Acta. Mater. 48 1


    Tschopp M A, McDowell D L 2008 Scripta. Mater. 58 299


    Li H, Liaw P K, Choo H, Tabachnikova E D, Podolskiy A V, Smirnov S N, Bengus V Z 2008 Mat. Sci. Eng A 493 93


    Chokshi A H, Rosen A, Karch J, Gleiter H 1989 Scripta. Mater. 23 1679


    Wu X, Zhu Y T, Chen M W, Ma E 2006 Scripta. Mater. 54 1685


    Wang Y, Ma E 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 3165


    Pande C, Masumura R, Armstrong R 1993 Nanostrured Materials. 2 323


    Dalla Torre F, Van Swygenhoven H, Victoria M 2002 Acta. Mater 50 3957


    Van Swygenhoven H, Spaczer M, Caro A 1999 Acta. Mater. 47 3117


    Van Swygenhoven H, Derlet P 2001 Physical Review B 64 224105


    Van Swygenhoven H, Caro A, Farkas D 2001 Materials Science and Engineering A 309 440


    Li D, Wang F C, Yang Z Y, Zhao Y P 2014 Science China-Physics Mechanics and Astronomy. 57 2177


    Zhu Y T, Wu X L, Liao X Z, Narayan J, Mathaudhu S N, Kecskes L J 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 031909


    Ball A, Hutchinson M M 1969 J. Mater. Sci. 3 1


    Li J C M 1963 Trans. Met. Soc. 227 239


    Ma E 2003 Scripta. Mater. 49 663


    Van Swygenhoven H, Caro A 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 1652


    Wang Y M, Hamza A V, Ma E 2006 Acta. Mater. 54 2715


    Meyers M A, Mishra A, Benson D J 2006 Prog. Mater. Sci. 51 426


    Liao X, Srinivasan S, Zhao Y, Baskes M, Zhu Y, Zhou F, Lavernia E, Xu H 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 3564


    Gleiter H 2000 Acta. Mater. 48 1


    Asaro R J, Krysl P, Kad B 2003 Philos. Mag. 83 733


    Nieh T G, Wadsworth J 1991 Scripta. Metall. Mater. 25 955


    Meyers M A, Vöhringer O, Lubarda V A 2001 Acta. Mater. 49 4025


    Hasnaoui A, Van Swygenhoven H, Derlet P M 2003 Science. 300 1550


    Van Swygenhoven H, Spaczer M, Caro A 1999 Acta. Mater. 47 3117


    Van Swygenhoven H, Derlet P 2001 Physical Review B 64 224105


    Kim H, Hong S 1999 Acta. Mater. 47 2059

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-08-22
  • 修回日期:  2015-02-28
  • 刊出日期:  2015-07-05

