利用分子动力学方法分别模拟金刚石压头压入Ni模型和Ni基单晶合金/ 模型的纳米压痕过程,通过计算得到两种模型[001]晶向的弹性模量及硬度. 采用中心对称参数分析不同压入深度时两种模型内部位错形核、长大过程以及Ni基单晶合金/(001)相界面错配位错对纳米压痕过程的影响. 结果显示:压入深度0.641 nm之前,两种模型的压入载荷-压入深度曲线相似,说明此时相界面处的错配位错对纳米压痕过程的影响很小;压入深度0.995 nm时,在错配位错处发生位错形核,晶体在 相中沿着{111} 面滑移,随即导致Ni基单晶合金/模型压入载荷的下降,并在压入深度达到1.487 nm之前低于Ni模型相同压入深度时的压入载荷;压入深度从1.307 nm开始,由于相界面错配位错的阻碍作用,Ni基单晶合金/模型压入载荷上升速度较快.Nanoindentation made by diamond indenter on pure Ni and the /'-phase in a Ni-base single-crystal superalloy is simulated respectively with molecular dynamics method. Elasticity modulus and hardness of the two models are calculated. Initiation and growth of dislocations and the influence of misfit dislocations of /'-phase in Ni-base single-crystal superalloy at different indentation depths are analyzed with center symmetry parameter. Results show that the relationship between indentation load and depth for the two models is similar when the indentation depth below 0.641 nm, indicating that the misfit dislocation on interface little affects the indentation. When the indentation depth reaches 0.995 nm, the dislocation nucleation can be found in misfit dislocations and the crystals that have slipped along {111}-oriented crystal surface in -phase. As a result, the indentation load of the latter model decreases and is smaller than that in pure Ni model before the indentation depth reaches 1.487 nm. When the indentation depth reaches 1.307 nm, owing to the inhibition caused by misfit dislocations at the interface, the indentation load for the /'-phase model in Ni-base single-crystal superalloy increases rapidly.
- nanoindentation /
- molecular dynamics /
- misfit dislocation
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[1] Erickson G L 1995 J. of Metals 47 36
[2] Probst-Hein M, Dlouhy A, Eggeler G 1999 Acta Mater. 47 2497
[3] [4] [5] Hu Z Q, Peng P, Liu Y, Jin T, Sun X F, Guan H R 2002 Acta Metall. Sin. 38 1121 (in Chinese)[胡壮麒, 彭平, 刘轶, 金涛, 孙晓峰, 管恒荣 2002 金属学报 38 1121]
[6] Wen Y H, Zhu T, Cao L X, Wang C Y 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2520 (in Chinese)[文玉华, 朱弢, 曹立霞, 王崇愚 2003 52 2520]
[7] [8] [9] Zhu T, Wang C Y, Gan Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 S156 (in Chinese)[朱弢, 王崇愚, 干勇 2009 58 S156]
[10] [11] Jackson J J, Donachie M J, Henrich R J, Gell M 1977 Metall. Trans. A 8 1615
[12] Khan T, Caron P 1986 Mater. Sci. Techn 2 486
[13] [14] [15] Wu W P, Guo Y F, Wang Y S, Xu S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 056802 (in Chinese)[吴文平, 郭雅芳, 汪越胜, 徐爽 2011 60 056802]
[16] Xie H X, Yu T, Liu B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 046104 (in Chinese)[谢红献, 于涛, 刘波 2011 60 046104]
[17] [18] Xie H X, Wang C Y, Yu T 2009 Mater. Sci. Eng. 17 055007
[19] [20] Zhu T, Wang C Y 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 014111
[21] [22] [23] Geng C Y, Wang C Y, Zhu T 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1320 (in Chinese)[耿翠玉, 王崇愚, 朱弢 2005 54 1320]
[24] [25] Zhang J X, Murakumo T, Koizumi Y, Harada H, Masaki J S 2002 Metall. Mater. Trans. A 33 3741
[26] Gabb T P, Draper S L, Hull D R, Mackay R A, Nathal M V 1989 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 118 59
[27] [28] Pollock T M, Argon A S 1994 Acta Metall. Mater. 42 1859
[29] [30] [31] Xie C Y 2001 Phys. 30 432 (in Chinese)[谢存毅 2001 物理 30 432]
[32] [33] Quan W L, Li H X, Ji L, Zhao F, Du W, Zhou H D, Chen J M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5687 (in Chinese)[权伟龙, 李红轩, 吉利, 赵飞, 杜雯, 周惠娣, 陈建敏 2010 59 5687]
[34] [35] Ju S P, Wang C T, Chien C H, Huang J C, Jian S R 2007 Mol. Simulat. 33 905
[36] [37] Lin J F, Wei C C, Yung Y K, Ai C F 2004 Diam. Relat. Mat. 13 1895
[38] Bouzakis K D, Hadjiyiannis S, Skordaris G, Mirisidis I, Michailidis N, Efstathiou K, Pavlidou E, Erkens G, Cremer R, Rambadt S, Wirth I 2004 Surf. Coat. Technol. 177 657
[39] [40] [41] An T, Wen M, Tian H W, Wang L L, Song L J, Zheng W T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 136201 (in Chinese)[安涛, 文懋, 田宏伟, 王丽丽, 宋立军, 郑伟涛 2013 62 136201]
[42] [43] Fang T H, Chang W Y, Huang J J 2009 Acta Mater. 57 3341
[44] [45] Hoffmann K H, Schreiber M 1996 Computational Physics (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag) 268
[46] [47] Mishin Y, Farkas D, Mehl M J, Papaconstantopoulos D A 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 3393
[48] [49] Maekawa K, Itoh A 1995 Wear. September 188 115
[50] Imran M, Hussain F, Rashid M, Ahmad S A 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 116201
[51] [52] [53] Imran M, Hussain F, Rashid M, Ahmad S A 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 126802
[54] Chen S D, Ke F J 2003 Sci. China Ser. G 33 400 (in Chinese)[陈尚达, 柯孚久 2003 中国科学 33 400]
[55] [56] Oliver W C, Pharr G M 1992 J. Mater. Res. 7 1564
[57] [58] Ni H, Li X, Gao H, Nguyen T P 2005 Nanotechnology 16 1746
[59] [60] [61] Lee Y, Park J Y, Kim S Y, Jun S, Im S 2005 Mech. Mater. 37 1035
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