随着网络服务的发展,社交网络逐渐成为信息传播的新媒介. 因此,研究网络舆情演化具有重要意义和实用价值. 为了更好地研究网络舆论,在信息熵的基础上,提出了一个社交网络观点演化模型. 此模型存在以下两个特点:一是可以反映个体面对正负两种观点趋向做出抉择时的心理过程;二是可以反映个体形成新观点时主观因素和客观因素的影响. 在仿真实验中,讨论了舆论环境对个体观点演化的影响,初始观点和自信度对观点演化的影响,以及意见领袖对群体观点演化的影响. 实验结果表明,该模型可以反映真实社交网络中个体的心理学特征,比如个体的观点形成会受到舆论环境的影响,自信的个体不愿意接受他人的观点,当意见领袖存在时群体的观点会受到影响等.With the development of network services, social networking has become a new medium of information dissemination. Thus, many scholars pay close attention to the evolution of network public opinion which has great significance and practical value. In this paper, an opinion evolution model of social network based on information entropy is proposed, which is helpful to investigate the evolution of network public opinion. The model has two characteristics: firstly, it can reflect the psychological process when an individual makes a choice facing with two opposite views; secondly, it can reflect the influence of subjective and objective factors when the individual forms new ideas. In the simulation, some issues are discussed which includes the effects of the public opinion environment on the individual opinion evolution, the influences of the initial opinion and self-confidence on the individual opinion evolution, and the effects of leaders' opinions on the opinion evolution of populations. From the experimental results it follows that the model works well and can reflect the characteristics of individuals in real social networks. For example, the formation of the individual's opinion will be affected by public opinion environment, and an individual will not accept the opinions from others if he is very confident, and the opinion evolution of populations will be influenced when there exist the leader's opinions in network.
- complex network /
- social network /
- opinion dynamics
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[1] Wang H, Han H H, Deng L, Cheng K Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 110505 (in Chinese) [王辉, 韩洪宏, 邓林, 程克勤 2013 62 110505]
[2] Gu Y R, Xia L L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 238701 (in Chinese) [顾亦然, 夏玲玲 2012 61 238701]
[3] Liu Y, Ding F, Zhang Z J 2010 J. Beijing JiaotongUniv. 34 16 (in Chinese) [刘云, 丁飞, 张振江 2010 北京交通大学学报 34 16]
[4] Qian C, Cao J D, Lu J Q, Kurths J 2011 Chaos 21 025116
[5] Jia F 2011 J. Beijing Jiaotong Univ. 35 11 (in Chinese) [贾凡 2011 北京交通大学学报 35 11]
[6] Feng C F, Guan J Y, Wu Z X 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 060203
[7] Zhang F, Si Y G, Luo P 2009 Complex Syst. Complex. Sci. 6 1 (in Chinese) [张芳, 司光亚, 罗批 2009 复杂系统与复杂性科学 6 1]
[8] Lu Y L, Jiang G P, Song Y R 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 100207
[9] Gong Y W, Song Y R, Jiang G P 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 010205
[10] Chen J, Zhang J W, Di Z R 2010 Physics 39 101 (in Chinese) [程洁, 张建玮, 狄增如 2010 物理 39 101]
[11] Galam S 2002 Eur. Phys. J. B 25 4
[12] Sznajd-Weron K, Sznajd J 2000 Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11 1157
[13] Deffuant G, Neau D, Amblard F, Weisbuch G 2000 Advs. Complex Syst. 03 87
[14] Hegselmann R, Krause U 2002 J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul. 5 1
[15] Martins A C R 2008 Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 19 617
[16] Centola D 2010 Science 329 1194
[17] Lu L Y, Chen D B, Zhou T 2011 New J. Phys. 13 123005
[18] Martins A C R, Galam S 2013 Phys. Rev. E 87 042807
[19] Holme P, Edling C R, Liljeros F 2004 Social Networks 26 155
[20] Ahn Y Y, Han S, Kwak H, Moon S, Jeong H 2007 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web Banff, Canada, May 8-12, 2007 p835
[21] Mislove A, Marcon M, Gummadi K P, Druschel P, Bhattacharjee B 2007 Proceedings of the 7th ACMSIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement San Diego, USA, October 24-26, 2007 p29
[22] Fu F, Chen X, Liu L, Wang L 2007 Phys. Lett. A 371 58
[23] Liu Y Y, Li F P, Sun X, Zhu J Q 2013 J. Commun. 34 1 (in Chinese) [刘衍珩, 李飞鹏, 孙鑫, 朱建启 2013 通信学报 34 1]
[24] Bai W S, Cheng F, Zhao J, Cao G R 2009 Social Communication Psychology (Beijing: Capital University of Economics and Business Press) pp61-65 (in Chinese) [拜五四, 成芳, 赵瑾, 曹国荣 2009 社交心理学 (北京: 首都经济贸易大学出版社) 第61–65页]
[25] Lallouache M, Chakrabarti A S, Chakraborti A, Chakrabarti B K 2010 Phys. Rev. E 82 056112
[26] Sen P 2011 Phys. Rev. E 83 016108
[27] Su J M, Liu B H, Li Q, Ma H X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 050501 (in Chinese) [苏炯铭, 刘宝宏, 李琦, 马宏绪 2014 63 050501]
[28] Shannon C E 1948 Bell Syst. Tech. J 27 379
[29] He L 2010 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences) (in Chinese) [何玲 2010硕士学位论文 (成都: 四川省社会科学院)]
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