在太赫兹与远红外频段,铝处于由导体到介质的过渡,研究该频段铝质目标与电磁波的相互作用机理对于实现太赫兹频段目标精确电磁散射计算具有重要意义. 基于实验测量数据,设计有效误差准则模型拟合得到了太赫兹与远红外频段铝的介电系数模型;基于拟合模型通过推导过渡阶段不同损耗机理下铝中传播电磁波的空间相位系数与铝的波阻抗等参数,分析了太赫兹与远红外频段电磁波在铝中的透射与反射特性,给出了铝的反射率关于频率的变化曲线. 结果表明铝中电磁波传播参数从微波向太赫兹频段过渡时具有很好的连续性与一致性;基于阻抗边界条件的雷达散射截面计算结果表明太赫兹频段光滑铝质目标可视做理想导体进行计算,太赫兹雷达散射截面测量中可利用光滑铝板或铝球做为定标体.In the terahertz and far infrared region, aluminum is in a state of transition from conductor to dielectric, and the research of the interaction between aluminous target and electromagnetic wave is meaningful for scattering prediction of targets. With the available error criterion model, dielectric function of aluminum is determined by fitting to experimental data in the terahertz and far infrared region. The transmitted parameters in aluminum are deduced by considering different loss mechanisms. Reflection and transmission characteristics on the interface of aluminum are investigated, and the reflection coefficients are given as a function of frequency. Results show that the transmitted parameters in aluminum keep their continuity and coherency from microwave to terahertz frequency. RCS (radar cross-section) results of aluminum plates computed by IBC method demonstrate that the increased wave impedance of aluminous targets has little impact on its backscattering, and the polished aluminous plate or sphere can still be treated as a perfect electrical conductor and used as a reference for RCS calibration.
- terahertz /
- dielectric function /
- electromagnetic scattering /
- radar cross section
[1] Liu H B, Zhong H, Karpowicz N, Chen Y, Zhang X 2007 Proc. IEEE 95 1514
[2] Cooper K B, Dengler R J, Llombart N, Thomas B, Chattopadhyay G, Siegel P H 2011 IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. 1 169
[3] Li Z, Cui T J, Zhong X J, Tao Y B, Lin H 2009 IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag. 51 39
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[1] Liu H B, Zhong H, Karpowicz N, Chen Y, Zhang X 2007 Proc. IEEE 95 1514
[2] Cooper K B, Dengler R J, Llombart N, Thomas B, Chattopadhyay G, Siegel P H 2011 IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. 1 169
[3] Li Z, Cui T J, Zhong X J, Tao Y B, Lin H 2009 IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag. 51 39
[4] Zhong X J, Cui T J, Li Z, Tao Y B, Lin H 2007 J. Electromagn Waves and Appl. 21 2331
[5] Yang Y, Yao J Q, Zhang J S, Wang L 2013 J. Infrared. Millim. Waves 32 36 (in Chinese) [杨洋, 姚建铨, 张镜水, 王力 2013 红外与毫米波学报 32 36]
[6] Zurk L M, Orlowski B, Sundberg G, Winebrenner D P, Thorsos E I, Chen A 2007 Proc. SPIE San Jose, CA, United states, January 21-22, 2007 p64720A
[7] Yang Y, Jing L 2013 Laser & Infrared 43 155 (in Chinese) [杨洋, 景磊 2013 激光与红外 43 155]
[8] Zhang Y P, Zhang H Y, Geng Y F, Tan X L, Yao J Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7030 (in Chinese)[张玉萍, 张会云, 耿优福, 谭晓玲, 姚建铨 2009 58 7030]
[9] Wu L, Ling F R, Zuo Z G, Liu JS, Yao J Q 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 017802
[10] Wu L, Jiang L K, Yuan C, Ding X, Yao J Q 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 034212
[11] Mayank K, Brian W H, Bernd M F, Derek A 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 011107
[12] Yang Y P, Feng S, Feng H, Pan X C, Wang Y Q, Wang W Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 027802 (in Chinese)[杨玉平, 冯帅, 冯辉, 潘学聪, 王艺全, 王文忠 2011 60 027802]
[13] Zhang H Y, Liu M, Yin Y H, Wu Z X, Shen R L, Zhang Y P 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 194207 (in Chinese)[张会云, 刘蒙, 尹贻恒, 吴志心, 申瑞龙, 张玉萍 2013 62 194207]
[14] Schulz L G, Tangherlini F R 1954 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 44 362
[15] Shiles E, Sasaki T, Inokuti M, Smith D Y 1980 Phys. Rev. B 22 1612
[16] Ordal M A, Bell R J, Alexander R W, Long L L 1985 Appl. Opt. 24 4493
[17] Yasuda H, Hosako I 2008 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47 1632
[18] Ma Y F, Su P J, Gong X Q, Yang J, Du Y L, Guo T M, Yuan B 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 97803
[19] Sun W F, Wang X K, Zhang Y 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 114210
[20] Lloyd-Hughes J, Jeon T 2012 J. Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 33 871
[21] Laman N, Grischkowsky D 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 122115
[22] Laman N, Grischkowsky D 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 051105
[23] Luo Y, Fernandez-Dominguez A I, Wiener A, Maier S A, Pendry J B 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 093901
[24] Ordal M A, Bel R J, Alexander R W, Newquist L A, Querry M R 1988 Appl. Opt. 27 1203
[25] Rakic A D 1995 Appl. Opt. 34 4755
[26] Lucyszyn S 2004 IEE Proc. Microw., Antennas and Propag. 151 321
[27] Lucyszyn S, Zhou Y 2010 Prog. Electromagn. Res. pier- 101 257
[28] David R L 2000 CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics (Version 2000) (F L, USA: CRC Press)
[29] Jackson J D 1999 Classical Electrodynamics (3rd Ed.) (N J, USA: John Wileys & Sons)
[30] Markovic M I, Rakic A D 1990 Appl. Opt. 29 3479
[31] Fang J X, Yin Z W 2000 Dielectric Physics (Beijing: Science Press) p24 (in Chinese) [方俊鑫, 殷之文2000电介质物理学(北京: 科学出版社)第24页]
[32] Zhang K Q, Li D J 2001 Electromagnetic Theory for Microwaves and Optoelectronics (2rd Version) (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) (in Chinese) [张克潜, 李德杰2001 微波与光电子学中的电磁理论(第二版) (北京: 电子工业出版社)]
[33] Fox M 2001 Optical Properties of Solids (London U K: Oxford University Press) p149
[34] Bondeson A, Rylander T, Ingelstrom P 2005 Computational Electromagnetics (Berlin Germany: Springer) p153
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