用溶胶-凝胶+快速热处理方法制备Bi1-xBaxFeO3(BBFO-x,x=0,0.05,0.15)陶瓷材料,研究不同工艺条件和元素掺杂对样品的结构和磁特性的影响. 实验结果表明,BBFO-x纯相样品制备工艺要求较高,在工艺条件为800 ℃下退火450 s时,样品具有最好的结构及磁性能;X射线衍射测试表明,Ba元素替代会引起晶格畸变,但没有改变样品的宏观晶格结构;Raman光谱测试进一步证实了样品的纯相结构及Ba元素掺杂对样品结构的影响;此外,Ba 元素替代有助于增强样品的磁性,其原因在于掺杂使得原有的长程反铁磁螺旋磁结构受到破坏,同时可能出现Fe 离子价态变化,产生自旋耦合,从而在样品中表现出更大的宏观净磁矩. 本工作可对开展这一单相多铁材料体系的微观结构以及磁电耦合效应的研究提供很好的实验基础.
- Ba掺杂BiFeO3 /
- 工艺条件 /
- 结构 /
- 磁特性
Multiferroic Bi1-xBaxFeO3 (named as BBFO-x, x=0, 0.05, 0.15) are prepared by the sol-gel method through rapid thermal process. The effects of Ba-doping and process conditions on the structures and magnetic properties of the samples are investigated. The experimental results indicate that the process requirements of the pure BBFO-x samples are rigorous. The samples annealed at 800 ℃ for 450 s possess the best structures and magnetic properties. X-ray diffraction results show that Ba-doping causes lattice deformations, but does not change the macroscopic lattice structures of the samples, which is further proved by the Raman spectra of the samples. Besides, Ba-doping is beneficial to enhancing the magnetization of the sample, which is attributed to both the destruction of long-rang antiferromagnetic spiral magnetic structure and the possible spin coupling resulting from the valent state change of the Fe ions. These achievements provide experimental foundation for further studying the microstructure and magnetoelectric coupling effect in such single phase multiferroics.-
- Ba-doped BiFeO3 /
- process conditions /
- structure /
- magnetic properties
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