为了进一步研究分析P53抑癌基因的性质,对P53基因的蛋白质编码区以及对应的mRNA 的三周期性进行比较分析. 通过同义密码子相对使用度和拟同义密码子相对使用度方法对其分别进行计算,分析了蛋白质编码区密码子的偏好性以及mRNA 密码子的偏好性. 结果表明: P53蛋白质编码区具有很强的三周期性,而对应的mRNA 不具有三周期性;P53蛋白质编码区的密码子偏好G 或C结尾的密码子程度强于对应的mRNA. 说明P53 基因密码子的偏好性与三周期性紧密相关,密码子的偏好程度影响着三周期性. 进一步从生物角度诠释了P53 蛋白质编码区和对应mRNA 三周期性的异同. 结合P53基因这一特性,有助于提高其基因识别的正确率,对P53 基因的深入研究具有重要的意义.
- 三周期性 /
- 偏好性 /
- P53基因 /
- 同义密码子相对使用度
To further study the properties of P53 suppressor gene, the 3-base periodicity of P53 coding sequence (CDS) and the corresponding mRNA are analyzed. And the codon biases of P53 CDS and mRNA are discussed through analyzing their relative synonymous codon usage and quasi relative synonymous codon usage values. The results show that the CDS of P53 exhibits 3-base periodicity, whereas the corresponding mRNA of P53 does not, and that the P53 CDS has a stronger bias towards C and G ending codons than the mRNA. This suggests that the 3-base periodicity is closely related to the codon usage bias of P53 gene, and the degree of codon bias has an effect on the 3-base periodicity, which further explains the difference in 3-base periodicity between P53 CDS and mRNA from the point of view of biology. This characteristic of P53 gene may be useful in increasing the correct rate of gene recognition and the extensive investigation of P53 gene.-
- 3-base of periodicity /
- codon usage bias /
- P53 gene /
- relative synonymous codon usage
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[1] Nantajit D, Fan M, Duru N, Wen YF, Li J J 2010 Plos. One 5 e12341
[2] Xia J F, Jia Y 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 040506
[3] Yan Y Y, Zhu P 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 018701
[4] Zhang L J, Yan S W, Zhuo Y Z 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2442 (in Chinese) [张丽娟, 晏世伟, 卓益忠 2007 56 2442]
[5] Hota M K, Srivastava V K 2010 Int. J. Computat. Biology Drug Design 3 259
[6] Tian Y X, Chen C, Zou X Y, Qiu J D, Cai P X, Mo J Y 2005 Acta Chim. Sin. 63 1215 (in Chinese) [田元新, 陈超, 邹小勇, 邱建丁, 蔡沛祥, 莫金垣 2005 化学学报 63 1215]
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[8] Wang Q Q, Tan C J, Yan H B, Zhu P 2013 Acta Biophys. Sin. 29 296 (in Chinese) [王其强, 谈承杰, 晏寒冰, 朱平 2013 生物 29 296]
[9] Shi X F, Huang J F, Liang C R, Liu S Q, Xie J, Liu C Q 2000 Chin. Sci. Bull. 45 2520 (in Chinese) [石秀凡, 黄京飞, 梁宠荣, 柳树群, 谢君, 刘次全 2000 科学通报 45 2520]
[10] Zhu P, Gao L, Xu Z Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 714 (in Chinese) [朱平, 高雷, 徐振源 2009 58 714]
[11] Sharma S D, Shakya K, Sharma S N 2011 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Electrical Technology-ICCCET 2011 March, 18-19 p71
[12] Zhao J J, Qi B, Ding L J, Tang X Q 2010 J. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 29 755 (in Chinese) [赵静静, 齐斌, 丁利娟, 唐旭清 2010 食品与生物技术学报 29 755]
[13] Berryman M J, Allison A 2005 Fluct. Noise Lett. 5 13
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