基于浅海射线声学多途结构,提出了一种具有高稳健性、高精度的单水听器目标运动参估计方法. 针对匀速直线运动目标,综合多途时延差和运动学几何关系,构建了目标三维多途时延模型,进而获得目标运动参数与多途时延差的非线性时间映射. 研究了典型水声信道的倒谱表达式,提出了利用倒谱提取多途时延差的策略. 采用差分进化综合优化手段估计目标运动参数,提高了算法的稳健性. 理论及仿真结果表明,倒谱的时间分辨率不受信号带宽的限制,而主要取决于信号类型和信噪比;CW信号的倒谱对多普勒不敏感;参数估计精度主要取决于时延差估计精度和参与差分进化运算的信息量,当包含有最近点信息时参数估计性能较好. 水池实验结果进一步验证了方法的正确性和有效性.Based on the multipath structure of shallow water ray acoustics, a new robust high-precision motion parameter estimation method using single hydrophone was proposed. Aiming at uniform linear motion target, colligating multipath delay difference and kinematic geometric relation, we have constructed a tridimensional multipath delay model. Then nonlinear time map can be obtained from motion parameters to delay difference, and the cepstrum expression of typical underwater acoustic channel can be studied. The delay difference is extracted from it, and the extraction strategy is put forward. Differential evolution algorithm is used to estimate motion parameters, and the robustness can be improved. Theoretical and simulation results show that the time resolution of cepstrum is not restricted by the bandwidth of signals, which depends mainly on the type of signals and the signal to noise ratio. The cepstrum of CW is not sensitive to Doppler effect. The precision of parameter estimation depends mainly on the accuracy of time delay estimation and the amount of information attached to the differential evolution algorithm. When the information includes recent data points, parameter estimation can be better. Pool test results further verify the correctness and validity of this method.
- motion parameter estimation /
- cepstrum /
- multipath channel /
- differential evolution
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[1] Jun J Z, Antonia P S, Bertrand G, Cornel I 2009 Signal Processing 57 2973
[2] Haspert K, Tuley M 2011 Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47 1696
[3] Lo K W, Perry S W, Ferguson B G 2002 IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electonic Systems 38 137
[4] Wu G Q 2004 Acta Acoust 29 364 (in Chinese) [吴国清 2004 声学学报 29 364]
[5] Lo K W, Ferguson B G, Gao Y J, Alain M 2003 Aerospace and Electronic Systems 39 259
[6] Yang D G, Lin B, Wang Z T, Lian X M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 54306 (in Chinese) [杨殿阁, 李兵, 王子腾, 连小珉 2012 61 54306]
[7] Aboulnasr H, Sergiy A V, Alex B G 2012 Signal Processing 60 2354
[8] Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 64301 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国 2011 60 64301]
[9] Kushibiki J, Zou W, Zhang D 2006 Chin. Phys. Lett. 23 2807
[10] Ferguson B G, Lo K W, Thuraisingham R A 2005 Oceanic Engineering 30 327
[11] Donald G C, David P S, Robert C K 1977 Proceedings of the IEEE 65 1428
[12] Raffaele P, Flavia C, Michele S, Aurelio U 2012 Signal Processing Lett. 19 99
[13] Wang J J, Wang D C, Fan J, Cai P, Hu J 2012Acta Armamentarii 33 1131 (in Chinese) [王晋晋, 王大成, 范军, 蔡平, 胡军 2012 兵工学报 33 1131]
[14] Wang L, Qian B 2012 Hybrid Differential Evolution and Scheduling Algorithm (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p1 (in Chinese) [王凌, 钱斌 2012 混合差分进化与调度算法(北京: 清华大学出版社) 第1页]
[15] Sotiroudis S P, Goudos S K, Gotsis K A, Siakavara K, Sahalos J N 2013 Antennas and Wireless Propagation Lett. 12 364
[16] Huang D X, Wang J Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2755 (in Chinese) [黄德先, 王钧炎 2008 57 2755]
[17] Coelho L D S, Mariani V C, Ferreiradaluz M V, Leite J V 2013 Magnetics 49 2121
[18] Zhang W Z, Long W, Jiao J J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 220506 (in Chinese) [张文专, 龙文, 焦建军 2012 61 220506]
[19] Chen H, Tan Y J, Pan K J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5956 (in Chinese) [陈华, 谭永基, 潘克家 2008 57 5956]
[20] Liu J 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University) (in Chinese) [刘佳 2011 博士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)]
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