基于变换热力学,导出了具有非共形任意横截面的柱形热斗篷热导率表达式,并在此基础上设计了具有非共形横截面的柱形热斗篷. 全波仿真结果表明,热斗篷迫使外部热流绕过斗篷,导致隐身区域热通量为零,从而具有热保护功能;同时,热流绕过斗篷后将恢复原来的温度场分布,使其具有完美热隐身功能. 此外,基于所导出的变换媒质热导率表达式,设计并求解了具有规则共形和非规则共形横截面的柱形热斗篷,发现它们同样具有热保护和完美热隐身功能. 这表明通过选择适当的边界函数,所得变换媒质热导率表达式可用于设计任意横截面柱形热斗篷,具有普遍的适用性,这种技术在计算机芯片、卫星和航天器等的热保护中有潜在应用.On the basis of transformation thermodynamics, a thermal conductivity expression for cylindrical thermal cloak with arbitrary cross section is derived. Based on the expression, we design a thermal cloak with a non conformal section profile. Results of full wave simulation show that the cloak possesses heat protection function, since it is capable of guiding heat fluxes to travel around its inner domain, leaving the inner region untouched; meanwhile, the heat fluxes return to their original pathways, resulting in a perfect thermal invisible effect. Arbitrary shaped cylindrical thermal cloak with conformal or non-conformal cross section can be designed based on the derived thermal conductivity expression, and all of them have perfect thermal protection and invisibility functions. It is indicated that the derived conductivity expression is applicable to designing cylindrical thermal cloaks with an arbitrary cross section. The generality of this method has been confirmed, and it may have potential applications in the designing of thermal protection devices for computer chips and satellite, etc.
- transformation thermodynamics /
- thermal cloak /
- arbitrary shape /
- non conformal
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[1] Pendry J B, Schurig D, Smith D R 2006 Science 312 1780
[2] Leonhardt U 2006 Science 312 1777
[3] Qu S B, Wang J F, Ma H, Xu Z, Zhang J Q 2013 Metamaterial Design and Applications in Stealth Technology (Beijing: Science Press) p174 (in Chinese) [屈绍波, 王甲富, 马华, 徐卓, 张介秋 2013超材料设计及其在隐身技术中的应用(北京: 科学出版社) 第174页]
[4] Wu Q, Zhang K, Meng F Y, Li L W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6071 (in Chinese) [吴群, 张狂, 孟繁义, 李乐伟 2010 596071]
[5] Gu C, Qu S B, Pei Z B, Xu Z, Liu J, Gu W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 027801 (in Chinese) [顾超, 屈绍波, 裴志斌, 徐卓, 刘嘉, 顾巍 2011 60 027801]
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[27] Han T C, Yuan T, Li B W, Qiu C W 2013 Scientific Reports 3 1593
[28] He X, Wu L 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 211912
[29] Guenneau S, Puvirajesinghe T M 2013 J. R. Soc. Interface 10 20130106
[30] Yang T Z, Huang L J, Chen F, Xu W K 2013 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 305102
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