在分析脉冲时间相位模型(pulse timing model)的意义和研究已有观测方程结论的基础上, 对脉冲到达时间(TOA)所含各种效应进行了解析,推导建立了一阶后牛顿近似下光子到达时间转换方程, 与一些作者的结果进行比较讨论; 同时推导出航天器在三种类型轨道下质心坐标时与航天器原时转换公式. 通过程序实现了推导的观测方程对X射线脉冲星空间观测数据处理的功能, 并利用RXTE卫星观测数据进行验算,搜索出正确的脉冲星周期, 折叠出准确的脉冲轮廓,验证了本文观测方程的正确性, 并与Heasoft软件计算结果进行对比分析, 最后分析了脉冲星位置误差与行星历表误差对数据处理的影响.The timing equation is the basic theory of dealing with the observable data of pulsar. The pulse timing model is studied; the transformation equation of pulsar photon time of arrival in 1PN approximation is derived, the existing transformation equations are compared and analyzed; the transformation of the proper time from the spacecraft to TCB is also obtained. The process dealing with the observable data of RXTE is achieved by software, the pulsar period is estimated and pulse profile is replicated, the validity of timing equation is approved. The result of software is compared with that of Heasoft, the reason of difference between them is analyzed. Finally, the effects of the planet ephemeris error and the pulsar ephemeris error on data processing are achieved.
- SSB /
- pulse timing model /
- Crab pulsar /
- time delay of gravity
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[16] Zhou Q Y, Ji J F, Wang T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 019701 (in Chinese) [周庆勇, 姬剑锋, 任红飞 2013 60 119701]
[17] Dennies D M, Petit G 2004 IERS Conventions (2003) http: //www.iers.org/iers/publications/tn/tn32/ [2012-08-11]
[18] Liu L, Hou X Y 2012 The orbital mechanics of deep space probe (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) (in Chinese) [刘林, 候锡云 2012 深空探测器轨道力学(北京:电子工业出版社)]
[19] Li Z B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [李志兵 2011 博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院研究生院)]
[20] Lyne A G, Jordan C A, Roberts M E http: //www.jb.man.ac.uk/ ~pulsar/crab.html[2012/09/31]
[21] Lyne A G, Pritchard R S, Graham-Smith F 1993 MNRAS 265 1003
[22] Ray P S, Wood K S, Wolff M N 2002 American Astronomical Society Meeting 201 Dec 2002
[1] Sheikh S I 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (USA: University of Maryland)
[2] Ren H F 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Zhengzhou: PLA information engineering university) (in Chinese) [任红飞 2011 博士学位论文(郑州:解放军信息工程大学)]
[3] Ren H F, Wei Z Q, Zhai Z H, Wu F M 2012 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sin. 41 41 (in Chinese) [任红飞, 魏子卿, 翟振和, 吴富梅 2012 测绘学报 41 41]
[4] Zhao M, Huang T Y 2009 Science in China (G) 39 1671 (in Chinese) [赵铭, 黄天衣 2009 中国科学:物理学力学天文学 39 1671]
[5] Backer D C, Helling R W 1986 Ann. Rev. Astron Astrophy 24 537
[6] Lorimer D R, Kramer M 2005 Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy (London: Cambridge University Press)
[7] Helling R W 1986 The astronomical Journal 91 650
[8] Murry C A 1983 Vectorial Astrometry (London: Tsechno House of Adam Hilger)
[9] Edwards R T, Hobbs G B, Manchester R N 2006 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 372 1574
[10] Sheikh S I, Hellings R W, Matzner R A 2007 ION 63rd Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, April 23-25, 2007, P432
[11] Shuai P, Li M, Chen Z L, Huang Z 2009 the principle and method the X-ray pulsar-Based navigation system (Beijing: China Astronautic Publishing House) (in Chinese) [帅平, 李明, 陈绍龙, 黄震 2009 X射线脉冲星导航系统原理与方法 (北京:中国宇航出版社)]
[12] Fei B J, Sun W J, Pan G T, Ji C X 2010 Chin. J. Space. Sci. 30 85 (in Chinese) [费保俊, 孙维瑾, 潘高田, 季诚响 2010 空间科学学报 30 85]
[13] Liu J Q, Xu C M 1989 Acta Astronomica Sinica 30 323 [刘甲求, 须重明 1989 天文学报 30 323]
[14] Blanford R, Teukolsky S A 1976 The Astrophysical Journal 205 580
[15] Su Z, Xu L P, Wang T 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 119701 (in Chinese) [苏哲, 许录平, 王婷 2011 60 119701]
[16] Zhou Q Y, Ji J F, Wang T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 019701 (in Chinese) [周庆勇, 姬剑锋, 任红飞 2013 60 119701]
[17] Dennies D M, Petit G 2004 IERS Conventions (2003) http: //www.iers.org/iers/publications/tn/tn32/ [2012-08-11]
[18] Liu L, Hou X Y 2012 The orbital mechanics of deep space probe (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) (in Chinese) [刘林, 候锡云 2012 深空探测器轨道力学(北京:电子工业出版社)]
[19] Li Z B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [李志兵 2011 博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院研究生院)]
[20] Lyne A G, Jordan C A, Roberts M E http: //www.jb.man.ac.uk/ ~pulsar/crab.html[2012/09/31]
[21] Lyne A G, Pritchard R S, Graham-Smith F 1993 MNRAS 265 1003
[22] Ray P S, Wood K S, Wolff M N 2002 American Astronomical Society Meeting 201 Dec 2002
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