随着微结构气体探测器的不断发展, 不同的探测需求相继提出.为了实现气体探测器在高增益和低打火率的条件下长时间稳定工作, 结合气体电子倍增器(GEM)与微网结构气体探测器(MicroMegas)的探测优势, 成功研制出一种基于GEM作为预放大的MicroMegas探测器, 详细介绍了探测器结构和工作原理, 并利用55Fe放射源对探测器增益、打火率、能量分辨和工作稳定性等性能进行了实验测量. 分析结果显示GEM-MicroMegas探测器可以连续工作30 h 以上, 探测器增益可以超过106, 相对于无GEM膜的MicroMegas探测器, 相同增益下打火率可以降低近100倍.With the continuous development of the micro-structure of gas detectors, many different new detection requirements have been proposed. For more stable working time, lower discharge rate with long term and high effective gain, a new structure detector has been designed. Combined with the detection's advantages of MicroMegas and gas electron multiplier (GEM), it is composed of a MicroMagas chamber with one GEM foil as preamplifier. In this paper, the structure of the detector and detection principle are presented in detail. Using a 55Fe X-ray radioactive source in the operation mixtures gas of argon and isobutene (Ar/Iso =95/5), the performances of the detector gain, discharge rate, energy resolution and stable working time are investigated. Compared with standard MicroMegas detectors with no GEM foil, our detector show that a stable working time could reach more than 30 h of continuous work, the gain of the detector could exceed 106 and the discharge rate could be reduced by nearly 100 times at the same gain.
- micro-mesh gas structure /
- energy resolution /
- gain /
- discharge rate
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[1] Giomataris Y, Rebourgeard P, Robert J P, Charpak G 1996 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 376 29
[2] Bernet C, Abbon P, Ball J, Bedfer Y, Delagnes E, Giganon A, Kunne F, Le Goff J M, Magnon A, Marchand C, Neyret D, Panebianco S, Pereira H, Platchkov S, Procureur S, Rebourgeard P, Tarte G, Thers D 2005 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 536 61
[3] Alexopoulos T, Attié D, Boyer M, Colas P, Derré J, Diblen F, Fanourakis G, Ferrer-Ribas E, Gazis E, Geralis T, Giganon A, Giomataris I, Herlant S, Jeanneau F, Kirch S, Ntomari E, Papaevangelou Th, Titov M, Tomás A, Tsipolitis G 2010 JINST 5 02003
[4] Delbart A 2010 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 623 105
[5] Raether H Z 1939 Physica A 112 464
[6] Fonte1 P, Peskov V, Ramsey B D 1997 SLAC J. 97 1
[7] Zheng X C, Li Y L, Lai Y F, Li J 2007 Nucl. Electron. Detect. Technol. 27 89 (in Chinese) [郑晓翠, 李玉兰, 来永芳, 李金 2007 核电子学与探测技术 27 89]
[8] Fonte P, Martinengo P, Nappi E, Oliveira R, Peskov V 2008 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 602 850
[9] Fan R R, Hou F J, Ouyang Q, Chen Y B, Yi F T, Xie Y G, Dong J 2010 Chin. Phys. C 34 1636
[10] Xie Y G, Chen C, Wang M, Lü J G, Meng X C, Wang F, Gu S D, Guo Y N 2003 Nuclear Detector and Data Acquisition (Beijing: Science Press) pp33-39,628 (in Chinese) [谢一冈, 陈昌, 王曼, 吕军光, 孟祥承, 王峰, 顾树棣, 过雅南 2003 粒子探测器与数据获取(北京: 科学出版社)第33–39, 第628页]
[11] Alexopoulos T, Burnens J, de Oliveira R, Glonti G, Pizzirusso O, Polychronakos V, Sekhniaidze G, Tsipolitis G, Wotschack J 2011 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 640 110
[12] Charpak G, Derré J, Giomataris Y, Rebourgeard P 2002 Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 478 26
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