研究了磁场诱导生长的BiFeO3/Ni18Fe19磁性双层膜中 的交换偏置及其热稳定性. 结果表明: BiFeO3/Ni18Fe19双层膜中的交换偏置场Hex未表现出明显的磁练习效应. 在负饱和磁场等待过程中, BiFeO3/Ni18Fe19双层膜磁滞回线的前支和后支曲 线都随着在负饱和磁场中等待时间tsat的增加向正场方向偏移. 交换偏置场Hex的大小随着等待时间tsat的增加而减小, 矫顽力Hc基本不变. 交换偏置场Hex的大小随测量温度Tm的升高变化不明显, 表现出良好的热稳定性; 但矫顽力Hc随Tm的升高而显著减小. 良好的热稳定性应该来源于铁电性和反铁磁性间的共同耦合作用.This paper deals with the exchange bias and its thermal stability in magnetic BiFeO3/Ni81Fe19 bilayer sputtered under an electromagnetic field. The results show that the BiFeO3/Ni18Fe19 bilayer presents an in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and a significant exchange bias effect, however the exchange bias field Hex in the BiFeO3/Ni18Fe19 bilayer does not show a visible training effect. The forward and recoil loop shifts towards positive fields, while holding the film in a negative saturation field. Hex decreases monotonously with the increase in the holding time (tsat), whereas Hc is almost the same. With increasing temperature Tm, Hex will not alter significantly, which means that Hex is not sensitive to the temperature, showing a good thermal stability. However, Hc may reduce rapidly with the increase in temperature. We believe that the good thermal stability may result from the coupling between ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic moments in BiFeO3.
- multiferroic /
- magnetic films /
- exchange bias /
- thermal stability
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[1] Meiklejohn W H, Bean C P 1956 Phys. Rev. 102 1413
[2] Malozemoff A P 1987 Phys. Rev. B 35 3679
[3] Fernandez-Outon L E, Vallejo-Fernandez G, Manzoor S, Hillebrands B, O'Grady K 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 104 093907
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[10] Fiebig M, Lottermoser T, Frohlich D, Goltsev A V, Pisarev R V 2002 Nature 419 818
[11] Wang J, Neaton J B, Zheng H, Nagarajan V, Ogale S B, Liu B, Viehland D, Vaithyanathan V, Schlom D G, Waghmare U V, Spaldin N A, Rabe K M, Wuttig M, Ramesh R 2003 Science 299 1719
[12] Chai C L, Teng J, Yu G H, Zhu F W, Lai W Y, Xiao J M 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1846 (in Chinese) [柴春林, 滕蛟, 于广华, 朱逢吾, 赖武彦, 肖纪美 2002 51 1846]
[13] Zhou G H, Wang Y G, Qi X J 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 037501
[14] Li F F, Sharif R, Jiang L X, Zhang X Q, Han X F, Wang Y, Zhang Z 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 113710
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[18] Binek C, Polisetty S, He X, Berger A 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 067201
[19] Xi H, Franzen S, Mao S, White R M 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 014434
[20] Zhou G H, Wang Y G, Qi X J, Li Z Q, Chen J K 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 790
[21] Han D H, Gao Z, Mao S I, Ding J R 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 6424
[22] Nishioka K 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 86 6305
[23] Zeches R J, Rossell M D, Zhang J X, Hatt A J, He Q, Yang C H, Kumar A, Wang C H, Melville A, Adamo C, Sheng G, Chu Y H, Ihlefeld J F, Erni R, Ederer C, Gopalan V, Chen L Q, Schlom D G, Spaldin N A, Martin L W, Ramesh R 2009 Science 326 977
[24] Yuan X, Xue X, Zhang X, Wen Z, Yang M, Du J, Wu D, Xu Q 2012 Solid State Commun. 152 241
[25] Zavaliche F, Zheng H, Mohaddes-Ardabili L, Yang S Y, Zhan Q, Shafer P, Reilly E, Chopdekar R, Jia Y, Wright P, Schlom D G, Suzuki Y, Ramesh R 2005 Nano Lett. 5 1793
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