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刘云龙 张阿漫 王诗平 田昭丽



刘云龙, 张阿漫, 王诗平, 田昭丽

Research on interaction between bubble and surface waves based on BEM

Liu Yun-Long, Zhang A-Man, Wang Shi-Ping, Tian Zhao-Li
  • 为研究水下爆炸气泡同波浪的相互作用, 本文引入数值与解析相结合的方法来考虑远场对气泡的影响, 并解决了开域自由面在边界积分中的奇异性问题. 然后通过将流场速度势分解为波浪入射势和气泡扰动势, 研究了波浪对近自由面气泡的动态特性的影响, 并对不同特征参数的波浪下水下爆炸气泡进行模拟, 分析了波长和初始相位角对气泡动态特性的影响. 通过对结果的分析发现: 对于气泡自身形态, 在收缩阶段波浪的存在会使气泡上半部分以及自由面诱导射流产生偏移; 而对与水冢形态, 除了会产生偏移, 水冢高度和宽度也会受到明显的影响. 这种影响程度随初始相位角周期性变化, 而在本文所研究的波长范围内, 随波长的增加递减.
    In order to study the interaction between underwater explosion bubble and surface waves, numerical and analytical methods are combined in this paper to solve the singular problem of the opened free surface and to consider the influence of far field. Then we decompose the velocity potential into incident potential due to the waves and the disturbing potential due to the bubble to consider the influence of waves. With the numerical model, interaction between the underwater explosion bubble and surface waves and the influence of wavelength and initial phase on the bubble dynamics are analyzed in this paper. Through the analysis of the numerical results, following conclusions are reached. During the collapsing phase of the bubble, the existence of the waves would budge the upside bubble and the downward liquid jet, while for the spike of the free surface, the influences on its height and width are considerable besides its migration. These magnitudes of influence are changed with the initial phase periodically, and decrease with the increase of wavelength in the range considered in this paper.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 50939002, 51222904)、 国家安全重大基础研究项目子专题(批准号: 613157020102)、 国家自然科学基金委员会-中国工程物理研究院联合基金资助项目(批准号: 10976008)、 第十二届霍英东教育基金(批准号: 121073)和新世纪优秀人才支持计划(批准号: NCET100054)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50939002, 51222904), the National Security Major Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 613157020102), the National Natural Science Foundation of China-NSAF (Grant No. 10976008), the 12th Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, China (Grant No. 121073), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No. NCET100054).

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  • [1]

    Zhang X C 2008 J. Ship Mech. 12 490


    Rungsiyaphornrat S, Klaseboer E, Khoo B C, Yeo K S 2003 Comp. Fluids 32 1049


    Wang Q X, Blake J R 2010J. Fluid Mech. 659 191 1-34


    Wehausen J V, Laitone E V 1966 Enc. Phys. IX p446-778


    Klaseboer E, Khoo B C, Hung K C 2005 J. Fluids Struct. 21 395


    Wang Q X, Yeo K S, Khoo B C, Lam K Y 1996 Comp. Fluids 25 607


    Gibson D C, Blake J R 1982 Appl. Sci. Res. 38 215


    Robinson P B, Blake J R, Kodama T, Shima A, Tomita Y 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 8225


    Pozrikidis C 2004 Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 28 315


    Klaseboer E, Hung K C, Wang C, Wang C W, Khoo B C, Boyce P, Debono S, Charlier H 2005 J. Fluid. Mech. 537 387


    Liu C R, Zhou X C 1996 J. Hydr. 11 576 (in Chinese) [刘春嵘, 周显初 1996 水动力学研究与进展 11 576]


    Liu C R, Zhou X C, Huhe A D 1997 J. Hydr. 12 315 (in Chinese) [刘春嵘, 周显初, 呼和敖德 1997 水动力学研究与进展 12 315]


    Pozrikidis C 2004 Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 28 315


    Zong Z, He L, Sun L Q 2008 J. Ship Mech. 12 733 (in Chinese) [宗智, 何亮, 孙龙泉 2008 船舶力学 12 733]


    Zhu X, Fang B 2007 J. Nav. Univ. Eng. 19 6 (in Chinese) [朱锡, 方斌 2007 海军工程大学学报 19 6]


    Liu J H 2002 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuxi: China Ship Scientific Research Center) [刘建湖 2002 博士论文 (无锡: 中国船舶科学技术研究所)]


    Qi D M, Lu C J, He Y S 2000 Chin Quart. Mech. 21 16 (in Chinese) [戚定满, 鲁传敬, 何友声 2000 力学季刊 21 16]


    Li G H, Li Y J, Zhang X C, Yang Y C, Feng Z J, He B, Chen H 2005 J. Ship Mech. 20 128(in Chinese) [李国华, 李玉节, 张效慈, 杨云川, 冯子钧, 何斌, 陈辉 2005 实验力学 20 128]


    Zhang A M, Wang S P, Bai Z H, Huang C 2011 Chin. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 43 71 (in Chinese) [张阿漫, 王诗平, 白兆宏, 黄超 2011 力学学报 43 71]


    Zhang A M, Yao X L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 339 (in Cinese) [张阿漫, 姚熊亮 2008 57 339]


    Rong J L, Li J 2008 Acta Arm Ament. II 29 331 (in Chinese) [荣吉利, 李健 2008 兵工学报 29 331]


    Cole R H 1948 Underwater Explosion (1st Ed.) (New Jersey: Princeton University Press) p118


    Wang S P, Zhang A M, Liu Y L, Wang C 2012 J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 44 56 (in Chinese) [王诗平, 张阿漫, 刘云龙, 王超 2012 力学学报 44 56]

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-02-11
  • 修回日期:  2012-06-15
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