在活动星系核吸收光谱中存在着一种重要的吸收特征铁元素的M 壳层不可分辨跃迁系吸收谱, 认识这种特征对于活动星系核区的物理性质的研究具有重要的意义. 利用细致谱线模型, 对实验室中获得的吸收谱进行了理论计算和分析, 较好地重现了实验结果中主要的吸收结构, 同时计算了温度为1050 eV的预测吸收谱,用于活动星系核光谱的研究.
- 活动星系核 /
- 铁M壳层不可分辨跃迁系 /
- 细致谱线模型
M-shell unresolved transition array of iron is an important diagnostic tool of the X-ray spectrum of active galactic nuclei. This array is measured in the laboratory, and compared with several theoretical models. In the present paper, we introduce a detailed line counting model. With this model, we simulate the experimental spectra, and the comparison shows a good agreement. We also calculate the absorption spectra in a temperature range of 1050 eV.-
- active galactic nuclei /
- Fe M-shell unresolved transition array /
- detailed line counting model
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[1] Pounds K A, Nandra K, Stewart G C, George I M, Fabian A C 1990 Nature 344 132
[2] Nandra K, Pounds K A 1994 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 268 405
[3] Fabian A C, Nandra K, Reynolds C S, Brandt W N, Otani C, Tanaka Y, Inoue H, Iwasawa K 1995 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 277 L11
[4] Liedahl D A, Torres D F 2005 Can. J. Phys. 83 1177L
[5] Rogers F J, Iglesias C A 1992 Astrophys. Space Sci. 79 507
[6] Gu M F, Holczer T, Ehud B, Kahn S M 2006 Astrophs. J. 641 1227
[7] Sako M 2001 Astron. Astrophys. 365 L168
[8] Holczer T, Behar E, Kaspi S 2005 Astrophs. J. 632 788
[9] Chenais-Popovics C, Merdji H, Missalla T, Gilleron F, Gauthier J, Blenski T, Perrot F, Klapisch M, Bauche-Arnoult C, Bauche J, Bachelier A, Eidmann, Klaus 2000 Astrophys. J. Suppl. 127 275
[10] Bauche J, Bauche-Arnoult C, Klapisch M 1987 Adv. At. Mol. Phys. 23 131
[11] Li S C 1992 High Temperature Radiation Physics and Quantum Theory (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp60-65 (in Chinese) [李世昌 1992 高温辐射物理与量子辐射理论 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第60-65页]
[12] Abdallah J, Clark R E H 1991 J. Appl. Phys. 69 23
[13] Zeng J, Jin F, Yuan J, Lu Q, Sun Y 2000 Phys. Rev. E 62 7251
[14] Rose S J 1992 J. Phys. B 25 1667
[15] Gu M F 2003 Astrophs. J. 582 1241
[16] Marketos P, Zambetaki I, Kleidis M 1993 Z. Phys. D 27 17
[17] Holczer T, Behar E, Kaspi S 2005 Astrophs. J. 632 788H
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