建立了含有裂纹或气泡的高斯型修复坑的3维模型, 用3维时域有限差分方法研究了熔石英后表面该类缺陷对355 nm入射激光的近场调制. 研究表明, 裂纹的调制明显大于气泡或者高斯坑本身, 因此为了抑制修复元件的初始损伤, 应尽量避免任何未修复的裂纹存在, 尤其是与入射光呈夹角约25°的裂纹, 同时应避免尺寸大于5 λ 的气泡存在. 当裂纹或气泡位于近表面层3 λ 以内且靠近修复坑环边缘时, 对场的调制最明显. 随着侧移的增加, 近表面区缺陷诱导场叠加, 强点总数涨落较大且易形成极大峰值, 特别是含有裂纹的情形; 远表面区强点总数逐渐增大并趋于稳定. 随着嵌深的增加, 强点的数目大体呈减弱趋势, 当嵌深大于3 λ 时, 逐渐趋于平缓振荡. 如果裂纹或气泡位于坑点正下方几个波长内, 激光辐照下其效果相当于延长了高斯坑的深度.Three-dimensional (3D) model of Gaussian repaired site contained crack or bubble is establishd, and 3D finite-difference time-domain method is used to simulate near-field modulation of 355 nm laser incidence by those defects on fused silica rear-surface. The results show that we should avoid any unrepaired cracks, especially cracks with incident angle of 65°, and the size of bubbles should be less than 5 λ. All of above contribute to weaken the modulation around repaired pit. When crack or bubble distributes in the near-surface area (<3 λ) and close to the edge of pit ring, the field modulation is obvious. With the increase of lateral gap, there will be a maximum due to electric field fluctuations near the surface area, especially when cracks are contained. And the electric field gradually stabilized when lateral gap is far from the surface. As the vertical gap increases, the number of large electric field decreases, and stabilized oscillation emerges when vertical gap is larger than 3 λ. If cracks or bubbles are located below Gauss repaired sites within a few wavelengths, its depth seems to be enlarged under irradiation.
- fused silica /
- repaired damage site /
- laser-induced damage /
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[8] Dai W, Xiang X, Jiang Y, Wang H J, Li X B, Yuan X D, Zheng W G, Lv H B, Zu X T 2011 Opt. Laser Eng. 49 273
[9] Xiang X, Zheng W G, Yuan X D, Dai W Jiang Y, Li X B, Wang H J, Lv H B, Zu X T 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 044208
[10] During A, Bouchut P, Coutard J G, Leymarie C, Bercegol H 2006 Proc. SPIE 6403 640323
[11] Tomozawa M, Li C Y, Gross T M 2010 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 1194
[12] Guss G, Bass I, Draggoo V, Hackel R, Payne S, Lancaster M, Mak P 2006 Proc. SPIE 6403 64030M
[13] Hua J R, Li L, Xiang X, Zu X T 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 044206 (in Chinese) [花金荣, 李莉, 向霞, 祖小涛 2011 60 044206]
[14] Hua J R, Jiang X D, Zu X T 2010 High Power Laser and Part. Beams 22 1441 (in Chinese) [花金荣, 蒋晓东, 祖小涛 2010 强激光与粒子束 22 1441]
[15] Brusasco R M, Penetrante B M, Butler J A, Maricle S M, Peterson J E 2002 Proc. SPIE 4679 34
[16] Qiu S G, Wolfe J E, Monterrosa A M, Feit M D, Pistor T V, Stolz C J 2009 Proc. SPIE 7504 75040M
[17] Gallais L, Cormont P, Rullier J L 2009 Opt. Express 17 23488
[1] Hrubesh L W, Brusasco R M, Grundler W, Norton M A, Donohue E E, Molander W A, Thompson S L, Strodtbeck S R, Whitman P K, Shirk M D, Wegner P J, Nostrand M C, Burnham A K 2003 Proc. SPIE 4932 180
[2] Hrubesh L W, Norton M A, Molander W A, Donohue E E, Maricle S M, Penetrante B M, Brusasco R M, Grundler W, Butler J A, Carr J W, Hill R M, Summers L J, Feit M D, Rubenchik A, Key M H, Wegner P J, Burnham A K, Hackel L A, Kozlowski M R 2002 Proc. SPIE 4679 23
[3] DeFord J F, Kozlowski M R 1993 Proc. SPIE 1848 455
[4] Brusasco R M, Penetrante B M, Butler J A, Hrubesh L W 2002 Proc. SPIE 4679 40
[5] During A, Lamaignére L, Bouchut P, Piombini H 2004 Proc. SPIE 5467 177
[6] Ge D B, Yan Y B 2005 FDTD method for Electromagnetic Waves (Xi'an: Xidian University Press) (in Chinese) [葛德彪, 闫玉波 2005 电磁波时域有限差分方法 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社)]
[7] Li L, Xiang X, Zu X T, Wang H J, Yuan X D, Jiang X D, Zheng W G, Dai W 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074209
[8] Dai W, Xiang X, Jiang Y, Wang H J, Li X B, Yuan X D, Zheng W G, Lv H B, Zu X T 2011 Opt. Laser Eng. 49 273
[9] Xiang X, Zheng W G, Yuan X D, Dai W Jiang Y, Li X B, Wang H J, Lv H B, Zu X T 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 044208
[10] During A, Bouchut P, Coutard J G, Leymarie C, Bercegol H 2006 Proc. SPIE 6403 640323
[11] Tomozawa M, Li C Y, Gross T M 2010 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356 1194
[12] Guss G, Bass I, Draggoo V, Hackel R, Payne S, Lancaster M, Mak P 2006 Proc. SPIE 6403 64030M
[13] Hua J R, Li L, Xiang X, Zu X T 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 044206 (in Chinese) [花金荣, 李莉, 向霞, 祖小涛 2011 60 044206]
[14] Hua J R, Jiang X D, Zu X T 2010 High Power Laser and Part. Beams 22 1441 (in Chinese) [花金荣, 蒋晓东, 祖小涛 2010 强激光与粒子束 22 1441]
[15] Brusasco R M, Penetrante B M, Butler J A, Maricle S M, Peterson J E 2002 Proc. SPIE 4679 34
[16] Qiu S G, Wolfe J E, Monterrosa A M, Feit M D, Pistor T V, Stolz C J 2009 Proc. SPIE 7504 75040M
[17] Gallais L, Cormont P, Rullier J L 2009 Opt. Express 17 23488
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