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姜文正 袁业立 王英霞



姜文正, 袁业立, 王英霞

Study on stereo photography for ocean wave measurements in no sea control points

Jiang Wen-Zheng, Yuan Ye-Li, Wang Ying-Xia
  • 介绍了一种无海面控制点的立体摄影海浪测量方法, 给出了其数学模型和相关算法. 文中利用海浪特性, 基于最小二乘法和海浪波面理论, 给出了一种新的外方位元素定标方式. 与传统的立体摄影定标方式相比, 该定标方式充分利用了平均海平面的性质, 既避免了海面控制点的需求, 又使测量数据更为直观, 同时还为基于运动平台的立体摄影海浪测量技术的发展提供了理论依据. 实验室实验表明基于本文发展的立体摄影测量系统精度较高, 可以用于海面微尺度波的测量; 现场实验表明基于本文发展的立体摄影测量系统测量面积可达104 m2 量级, 是一种有效的大尺度海浪测量手段.
    A novel stereo photography method is developed for ocean wave measurement, and the mathematical model and algorithm are also developed. A new exterior calibration technique is built by the least square method in combination with the sea wave theory. Compared with the conventional calibration technique, the present method does not need the sea control points are not needed. Thus, this novel stereo photography method can easily be extended to the measurement the sea waves on a mobile platform. The laboratory experiments show that the stereo photography system proposed in the present paper is accurate and can be used to measure Gravity-Capillary waves. Meanwhile, from the outfield experiments we can also find that our method is feasible to measure large-scale ocean wave and the measured area (overlay) is up to 104 m2.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 40531005)和国家海洋局第一海洋研究所基本科研基金(批准号: GY02-2012T01)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40531005) and the Basic Research Foundation of the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China (Grant No. GY02-2012T01).

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    Wanek J M, Wu C H 2006 Ocean Eng. 33 723


    Santel F, Linder W, Heipke C 2004 Proceedings of the ISPRS Commission V Symposium Istanbul, Turkey, July 12--23, 2004 p708


    Qiao F L, Yuan Y L, Yang Y Z, Zheng Q A, Xia C S, Jian M 2004 Geophys. Res. Lett. 31 11303


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    Valenzuela G R 1978 Bdry-layer Met. 13 61


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    Stilwell J, Pilon D R O 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 1277


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    Pos J D, Adams L P, Kilner F A 1988 Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 54 1749


    Shemdin O H, Tran H M, Wu S C 1988 J. Geophys. Res. 93 13891


    Banner M L, Jones I S F, Trinder J C 1989 J. Fluid Mech. 198 321


    Zhang X 2003 Exp. Fluids 35 653


    Abdel-Aziz Y I, Karara H M 1971 Proceedings of the ASP/UI Symposium:Close-Range Photogrammetry Urbana, USA, January 26--29, 1971 p1


    Holland K, Holman R, Lippmann T, Stanley J, Plant N 1997 IEEE J. Ocean Eng. 22 81


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    Vries S, Hill D, Schipper M, Stive M 2009 Coastal Eng. 58 239


    Bechle A J, Wu C H 2011 Coastal Eng. 58 305


    Wei G, Ma S 1994 IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16 469


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    Zhang Z X, Zhang J Q 1997 Digital Photogrammetry (1st Ed.) (Wuhan: Wuhan University Press) p160 (in Chinese) [张祖勋, 张剑清 1997 数字摄影测量学 (第一版) (武汉: 武汉大学出版社) 第160页]


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  • 收稿日期:  2011-09-15
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