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田嘉彤 冯仕猛 王坤霞 徐华天 杨树泉 刘峰 黄建华 裴俊



田嘉彤, 冯仕猛, 王坤霞, 徐华天, 杨树泉, 刘峰, 黄建华, 裴俊

The influence of new additive in alkaline solution on the shape of pyramid on the monocrystal Si surface

Tian Jia-Tong, Feng Shi-Meng, Wang Kun-Xia, Xu Hua-Tian, Yang Shu-Quan, Liu Feng, Huang Jian-Hua, Pei Jun
  • 单晶硅表面微结构对晶体硅光电转换性能有非常重要的影响, 晶体硅表面微结构的调节技术一直是半导体、太阳能电池领域研究的热点之一.利用碱液与单晶硅异向腐蚀特性的刻蚀技术, 在单晶硅表面可以获得布满金字塔的绒面, 但普通碱液刻蚀的绒面, 其金字塔大小、形貌和分布随机性大, 不利于提高硅太阳电池的转换效率.在普通的碱腐蚀液中加入不同量的特种添加剂, 然后在相同的温度、时间下刻蚀单晶硅表面, 通过观察样品表面SEM图, 发现在普通碱液中加入适量添加剂后刻蚀的单晶硅表面能形成均匀密集分布金字塔, 金字塔大小在24m 之间, 棱边圆滑, 表面金字塔覆盖率高; 用积分反射仪测量了样品的反射率曲线, 发现样品平均反射率下降到12.51%.实验结果表明, 在普通碱液中加入特种添加剂, 能控制单晶硅表面金字塔的大小和分布.
    The controlling technology of micro-structure on the surface of monocrystal silicon is a hot spot issue in semiconductor and solar cell fields because the conversion efficiency of monocrystal solar cell is affected by the structure of pyramid. With the traditional alkaline solution, monocrystal Si surface is easily textured, and becomes the surface full of the pyramid. However, it is difficult to control the sizes, the shapes and the distribution of pyramids in the process. In this paper, we discuss how a new additive influences the sizes, and the shapes of pyramids during the etching process. In experiment, silicon is etched in traditional alkaline solution with addition of the new additive at a fixed temperature and time. Samples are scanned by SEM. The SEM result shows that the samples are uniformly-densely filled with pyramids with smooth edges. The size of pyramid is smaller than that etched in the traditional alkaline solution. The etched surface is covered by pyramids with 24m in size. The reflectance spectrum of the textured surface is measured. The measured reflectance decreases to 12.51%. These experimental results show that the new additive can effectively cantrol the sizes and the distribution of pyramids on the silicon surface during the texturing process, which is very meaningful to control the textured structures of single crystal silicon surface.
      通信作者: 冯仕猛, smfeng@sjtu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 上海航天基金(批准号:GC072003) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Feng Shi-Meng, smfeng@sjtu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Shanghai Aerospace Fund (Grant No.GC072003).

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    Xi Z Q,Yang D R,Que D L 2003 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 77 255


    Vallejo B,González-Mañas M,Martínez-López J 2007 Solar Energy 81 565


    Xi Z Q,Yang D R,Wu D,Chen J 2004 Renewable Energy 29 2101


    Singh P K,Kumar R,Lal M,Singh S N,Das B K 2001 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 70 103


    Li H L,Zhao L,Diao H W,Zhou C L,Wang W J 2010 Journal of Synthetic Crystal 39 856 (in Chinese) [李海玲,赵雷,刁宏伟,周春兰,王文静 2010 人工晶体学报 39 856]


    Sundaram K B,Arun V,Ganesh S 2005 Microelectronic Engineering 77 230


    You J S,Kim D,Huh J Y 2001 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 66 37


    Iencinella D,Centurioni E,Rizzoli R,Zignani F 2005 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 87 725


    Papet P,Nichiporuk O,Kaminski A,Rozier Y,Kraiem J,Lelievre J F,Chaumartin A,Fave A,Lemiti M 2006 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 90 2319


    Papet P,Nichiporuk O,Fave A,Kaminski A,Bazer-Bachi B,Lemiti M 2006 Materials Science-Poland 24 1044


    Vazsonyi E,De Clercq K,Einhaus R 1999 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 57 179


    Vazsonyi E,De Clercq K,Einhaus R,van Kerschaver E,Said K,Poortmans J,Szlufcik J,Nijs J 1999 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 57 179


    Zhou C L,Wang W J,Zhao L,Li H L,Diao H W,Cao X N 2010 Acta Phys.Sin.59 5777 ( in Chinese) [周春兰,王文静,赵雷,李海玲,刁宏伟,曹晓宁 2010 59 5777]


    Zhou C L,Li X D,Wang W J,Zhao L,Li H L,Diao H W,Cao XN 2011 Acta Phys.Sin.60 038201 (in Chinese) [周春兰,励旭东,王文静,赵雷,李海玲,刁宏伟,曹晓宁 2011 60 038201]

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-04-17
  • 修回日期:  2011-07-11
  • 刊出日期:  2012-03-05

