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马晶 车驰 于思源 谭丽英 周彦平 王健



马晶, 车驰, 于思源, 谭丽英, 周彦平, 王健

-radiation damage of fiber Bragg grating and its effects on reflected spectrum characteristics

Ma Jing, Che Chi, Yu Si-Yuan, Tan Li-Ying, Zhou Yan-Ping, Wang Jian
  • 基于色心产生模型理论分析了电离辐射对光纤布拉格光栅的影响, 并推导出了光栅有效折射率变化与辐射剂量的函数关系式. 使用60Co 辐射源对光纤布拉格光栅进行了总剂量为1 106 rad的电离辐射实验, 实验结果与理论符合较好. 在辐射环境下, 光栅反射谱的峰值波长随着剂量增加向着长波方向移动, 由其计算所得的辐射致折射率变化规律与所得到的函数关系式相符. 该公式结合低剂量辐射实验可预测光栅在高剂量辐射下的性能变化, 对评估光栅产品抗辐射特性, 及筛选出性能较好产品有着实际应用价值.
    The ionizing radiation effects on fiber Bragg grating are theoretically analyzed based on the color center model. And the relationship between the radiation induced refractive index change and dose is deduced. Fiber Bragg grating sample are irradiated by ray with a total dose of 1 106 rad. Under radiation the reflected spectrum peak wavelength of FBG sample is red shifted, but the full width at half maximent and the reflectivity are not changed obviously. The experiment results accord well with our function. With the low level radiation experiment, this expression can screen the FBG samples and predict their performances under high level radiation.
      通信作者: 车驰, chiche.hit@gmail.com
      Corresponding author: Che Chi, chiche.hit@gmail.com

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  • [1]

    Marshall P W, Dale C J, Carts M A, Label K A 1994 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 41 1958


    Marshall P W, Dale C J, Burke E A 1992 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 39 1982


    Ott M N, Plante J, Shaw J, Garrison-Darrin M A 1997 World Aviation Congress Anaheim, USA, October 13–16, 1997 p975592


    Gusarov A I, Doyle D B, Karafolas N, Berghmans F 2000 Phtotnics for Space Environments VII (USA: SPIE) p253


    Ferdinand P, Magne S, Marty V, Rougeault S 1994 Optical Fiber Sensing and Systems in Nuclear Environment, Mol, Belgium, September 17, 1994 p11


    Gusarov A I, Berghmans F, Deparis O 1999 IEEE Photo. Technol. Lett. 11 65


    Gusarov A I, Fernandez A, Vssiliev S, Medvedkov O, Blondel M, Berghmans F 2002 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B Beam 187 79


    Girard S, Tortech B, Regnier E, Van Uffelen M, Gusarov A, Ouerdane Y, Baggio J, Paillet P, Ferlet-Cavrois V, Boukenter A, Meunier J P, Berghmans F, Schwank J R, Shanryfelt M R, Felix J A, Blackmore E W, Thienpont H 2007 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 2426


    Zhou C M, Zhang F, Ding L, Jiang D H 2011 Laser Optoelectron. Prog. 48 040601 (in Chinese) [周次明, 张方, 丁立, 姜德生 2011 激光与光电子学进展 48 040601]


    Holmes-Siedle A, Adams L 2002 Handbook of Radiation Effects (New York: Oxford University Press) pp 311–326


    Regnier E, Flammer I, Girard S, Gooijer F, Achten F, Kuyt G 2007 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 1115


    Rusell P S, Poyntz-Wright L J, Hand D P 1991 Fiber Laser Sources and Amplifiers II, San Jose, USA, September 18, 1990 p126


    Neustrnev V B 1994 J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 6 6901


    Jiang H, Chen B X, Fu C S, Sui G R, Mamoru I 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7782 (in Chinese) [姜辉, 陈抱雪, 傅长松, 隋国荣, 矶守 2010 59 7782]


    Xiao Z Y, Luo W Y, Wang T Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2731 (in Chinese) [肖中银, 罗文芸, 王廷云 2007 56 2731]


    Hand D P, Russell P St J 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 102


    Fang S G, Zhang Q Y 1989 Physics of Color Center in Crystal (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) pp 26–27 (in Chinese) [方书淦, 张启仁 1989 晶体色心固体物理学 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第26—27页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-05-24
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