运用改进的耗散粒子动力学方法模拟了液滴在由凹槽所构成的粗糙表面微通道内的运动行为.改进的耗散粒子动力学方法采用新近提出的一种短程排斥、长程吸引相互作用势能函数,从而可以模拟带有自由面的流体,如液滴等.模拟了新势能函数下液滴与固体壁面的静态接触角,并用2次多项式拟合了接触角-awf/af变化曲线.研究了液滴在带凹槽的微通道中运动时,微通道壁面浸润性、外场力、液滴温度对液滴流动特性的影响.研究表明壁面浸润性和外场力对液滴流动特性的影响较大,液滴温度对液滴流动特性的影响较小.研究结果对运用耗散粒子动力学方法模拟并分析微流体在复杂微通道的流动有一定的参考价值.In this paperan improved dissipative particle dynamics(DPD) method was applied to simulate droplet motion in a grooved microchannel. The improved DPD method adopted a recently proposed combination of short-range repulsive and long-range attractive interaction, which can simulate fluid flows with free surfaces, such as droplet motions. The static contact angle between the droplet and the solid wall was simulated with the new potential function, andstatic contactangle~awf/af curve was obtained by Polynomial fit of the 2nd order. The influences ofwall wettability, flow field force, droplet temperature on the flow pattern of droplet in the grooved microchannel were investigated. The results showed that wall wettability and flow field force have large affectson the flow pattern of the droplet, whiledroplet temperature have little affectson it. This article is helpful to understand the fluid flow behavior with free surfaces on rough surfaces.
- droplets /
- wall wettability /
- contact angle /
- grooved microchannel
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[1] Yun K S, Cho I J, Bu J U, Kim C J, Yoon E 2002 J. Microelectromech.Sys. 11 454
[2] Gordillo J M, Cheng Z D, Ganan-Calvo A M, Marquez M, WeitzD A 2004 Phys. Fluids 16 2828
[3] Lang W P, Yang J L, Chen Y J, Li C 2004 Phys. Chem. of TheNew Century:Frontier and Prospects (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [梁文平, 杨俊林, 陈拥军, 李灿 2004 新世纪的物理化学: 学科前沿与展望 (北京: 科学出版社)
[4] De Gans B J, Schubert U S 2003 Macromolecular Rapid Communications24 659
[5] Karniadakis G E, Beskok A 2002 Micro Flows: Fundamentals andSimulation (New York: Springer)
[6] Alexander F J, Garcia A L 1997 Comput. Phys. 11 588
[7] Cao L X, Wang C Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 413 (in Chinese) [曹莉霞, 王崇愚 2007 56 413]
[8] Lim C Y, Shu C, Niu X D, Chew Y T 2002 Phys. Fluids 14 2299
[9] Hoogerbrugge P J, Koelman JMV A 1992 Europhys. Lett. 19 155
[10] Liu M B, Meakin P, Huang H 2007 Phys. Fluids 19 033302
[11] Liu M B, Meakin P, Huang H 2007 J. Computation. Phys. 222110
[12] Liu M B, Chang J Z, Liu H T 2010 The 2nd International Conferenceon Computer and Automation Engineering, Singapore Feb.26–28 2010 p334
[13] Cheng Y T, Rodak D E 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 144101
[14] Mchale G, Shirtcliffe N J, Aqil S, Perry C C, Newton M I 2004Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 036102
[15] Huang J J, Shu C, Chew Y T, Zheng H W 2007 Int. J. ModernPhys. C 18 492
[16] Huang J, Shu C, Chew Y T 2009 Phys. Fluids 21 022103
[17] Shi Z Y, Hu G H, Zhou Z W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2595 (in Chinese) [石自媛, 胡国辉, 周哲纬 2010 59 2595]
[18] Liu M B, Meakin P, Huang H S 2006 Phys. Fluids 18 017101
[19] Espanol P, Serrano M, Zuniga I 1997 Int. J. Modern Phys. C 8899
[20] Espanol P, Warren P 1995 Europhys. Lett. 30 191
[21] Huilgol R R, Phan-Thien N 1997 Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity:General Principles, Constitutive Modeling, Analytical AndNumerical Technique (Amsterdam: Elsevier)
[22] Fan X J, Phan-Thien N, Ng T Y, Wu X H, Xu D 2003 Phys. Fluids15 11
[23] Novik K E, Coveney P V 2000 Phys. Rev. E 61 435
[24] Chen S, Phan-Thien N, Fan X J, Khoo B C 2004 J. Non-NewtonianFluid Mech. 118 65
[25] Liu M B, Liu G R, Lam K Y 2003 J. Computation. Appl. Math.55 263
[26] Chang J Z, Liu M B, Liu H T 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3954 (in Chinese) [常建忠, 留谋斌, 刘汉涛 2008 57 3954]
[27] Wang X L, Chen S 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6778 (in Chinese) [王晓亮, 陈硕 2010 59 6778]
[28] Kong B, Yang X Z 2006 Langmuir 22 2065
[29] Liu J 2008 Thermal Micro-System Technology (Beijing: SciencePress) (in Chinese) [刘静 2008 热学微系统技术 (北京: 科学出版社)]
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