针对无线传感器网络(WSNS)中节点配备的能源少、节点计算能力低、存储资源 有限以及传统的加密方法不适用于WSNS中等问题, 提出了一种新的基于动态迭代的混合混沌方程及其整型数值化方法, 并结合Feistel网络结构设计了一种快速、安全且资源消耗低的适用于WSNS节点的分组加密算法. 通过对混合混沌分组加密算法进行了大量的实验测试之后, 发现该算法具有密钥空间大、严格的雪崩效应、扩散及扰乱性高以及均等的统计平衡性等优点, 同时该算法还成功地通过了SP800-22的严格测试; 算法经过仿真器平台上运行的速度、时间及所占存储空间的测试分析, 结果表明设计的混合混沌分组加密算法是完全能够适用于WSNS节点的数据加密.Traditional encryption schemes are not suitable for the Wireless sensor networks (WSNS) due to some intrinsic features of nodes in WSNS such as low energy, limited computation ability and storage resources. This paper presented a novel block encryption scheme based on hybrid chaotic maps dynamically and proposed an integer digital random method, and the Feistel network structure, which is a kind of fast, secure, low resource consumption and suitable for WSNS nodes encryption scheme. The experimental tests show the new encryption scheme has follows prefect performance: the large key space, very good diffusion and disrupt performance, strict avalanche effect, excellent statistical balance and fast encryption speed of the new scheme, and the encryption scheme passes the SP800-22 test; meanwhile, the analysis and testing of speed, time and storage space on the simulator platform shows this new encryption scheme is well able to hide the data information the node in WSNS.
- WSNS /
- hybrid chaos /
- block algorithm /
- data encryption
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[21] Rivest R L 1994 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (New York: Springer-Verlag)p86
[22] Guido B, Luca B, Israel K Paolo M, Vincenzo P 2003 14th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP’03)Hague, Netherlands, 24–26 June, 2003 p423
[23] Rivest R L Http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/RC6.pdf 1998-08-20
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[25] Advanced Encrtption Standard.buchholz.hs-bremen.de/aes/AES. pdf 2006-02-20
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[27] Mohammad P, Nevenko Z 2000 Comput. Secur. 19 467
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[29] Shannon C E 1949 The Bell Syst. Tech. J. 28 656
[30] Zhu M F, Zhang B D, Lv S W 2002 J. Commun. 23 10 [朱明富, 张宝东, 吕述望 2002 通信学报 23 10]
[1] Tilak S, Ghazaleh N B, Heinzelman W 2002 Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev. 1 1
[2] Sun L M, Li J Z, Chen Y, Zhu H S 2005 Wireless Sensor Networks (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press)p37(in Chinese)[孙利民, 李建中, 陈渝, 朱红松 2005 无线传感器网络 (北京:清华大学出版社)第37页]
[3] Yang J Y 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University)(in Chinese)[杨吉云 2007 博士学位论文 (重庆: 重庆大学)]
[4] Wang S 2007 The Theory and Application for Wireless Sensor Networks (Beijing: Beihang University Press)pp7—9 (in Chinese)[ 王殊 2007 无线传感器网络的理论及应用 (北京:北京航空航天大学出版社)第7—9页]
[5] Liu S D, Liang F M, Liu S K 2003 The Chaos and Fractal in Nature Science (Beijing: Beijing University Press)p26 (in Chinese)[刘式达, 梁福明, 刘式适 2003 自然科学中的混沌和分形 (北京:北京大学出版社)第26页]
[6] Liao X F, Xiao D, Chen Y 2009 The Principle and Application of Chaotic Cryptography (Beijing: Science Press)p1 (in Chinese)[廖晓峰, 肖迪, 陈永 2009 混沌密码学原理及其应用 (北京:科学出版社)第1页]
[7] Xu S J, Wang J Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 37 (in Chinese)[徐淑奖, 王继志 2008 57 37]
[8] Xie K, Lei M, Feng Z J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1267 (in Chinese)[ 谢鲲, 雷敏, 冯正进 2005 54 1267].
[9] Liu M H, Feng J C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4457 (in Chinese)[刘明华, 冯久超 2009 58 4457]
[10] Li J B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 060508 (in Chinese)[李家标 2011 60 060508]
[11] Gu Q L, Gao T G 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 84
[12] Hu J F, Guo J B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1477 (in Chinese)[胡进峰, 郭静波 2008 57 1477]
[13] Li W, Hao J H, Qi B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1398 (in Chinese)[李伟, 郝建红, 祁兵 2008 57 1398]
[14] Ji J X, Qiu S S 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 (in Chinese)[晋建秀, 丘水生 2010 59 792]
[15] Liu S B, Sun Q, Xu Z Q, Liu J S 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5219
[16] Chen S 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chongqing: Chongqing University)(in Chinese)[陈帅 2006 博士学位论文 (重庆:重庆大学)]
[17] Tan Y J 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: Electric and Scientific University)(in Chinese)[谭益军 2010 博士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)]
[18] Rivest R L 1995 Dr. Dobb’s Journal 20 146
[19] Rivest R L 1995 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1008 86
[20] Yee W L, Jeroen D, Pieter H 2006 ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)2 65
[21] Rivest R L 1994 Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption (New York: Springer-Verlag)p86
[22] Guido B, Luca B, Israel K Paolo M, Vincenzo P 2003 14th IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP’03)Hague, Netherlands, 24–26 June, 2003 p423
[23] Rivest R L Http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/RC6.pdf 1998-08-20
[24] Sun S L 2004 Application Cryptography (Beijing: Tsinghua University press)p(23)(in Chinese)[孙淑玲 2004 应用密码学 (北京: 清华大学出版社)第23页]
[25] Advanced Encrtption Standard.buchholz.hs-bremen.de/aes/AES. pdf 2006-02-20
[26] Peng J , Liao X F 2006 J. Electron. Inform. 28 4 (in Chinese)[彭军, 廖晓峰 2006 电子与信息学报 28 4]
[27] Mohammad P, Nevenko Z 2000 Comput. Secur. 19 467
[28] Liu Y Z 2005 Cryptography and Network Security—Principle and Practice p135 (in Chinese)[刘玉珍 2005 密码编码学与网络安全——原理与实践 (电子工业出版社)第135页]
[29] Shannon C E 1949 The Bell Syst. Tech. J. 28 656
[30] Zhu M F, Zhang B D, Lv S W 2002 J. Commun. 23 10 [朱明富, 张宝东, 吕述望 2002 通信学报 23 10]
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