In this paper,we develop a numerical model of electron cyclotron emission in three-dimensional Yee grid model, combine the FDTD algorithm to simulate electron cyclotron maser, and use the MPI parallel lgorithms to drastically reduce cmputation time. Finally, we simulate a 94GHZ Gyrotron oscillator, and verify its correctness through spectrum, power, operating mode.
- electron cyclotron maser /
- Yee grid /
- particle-in-cell algorithm /
- finite-difference time-domain algorithm
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[1] Twiss R Q 1958 Aust.J.Phys. 11 564
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[9] Holland R,Simpson L 1981 IEEE Tram.Electromagn.Comp.2388
[10] Liu D W,Yuan X S,Yan Y,Liu S G 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3049
[11] Liu D G,Zhou J,Liu S G 2007 Acta Phys.Sin.56 6924(in Chinese)[刘大刚、周 俊、刘盛纲 2007 12 6924]
[12] Yuan X S,Yan Y,Fu W J 2007 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 19 1677(in Chinese)[袁学松、鄢 扬、傅文杰 2007 强激光与粒子束 19 1677]
[13] Liu D W,Yuan X S,Yan Y,Liu S G 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5507
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