基于反应磁控溅射Al2O3薄膜的紫外可见近红外透射实验光谱,采用Swanepoel方法结合Wemple-DiDomenico色散模型,方便地导出了Al2O3薄膜在2001100 nm波长范围内的光学常数,包括折射率、色散常数、膜层厚度、吸收系数及能量带隙.研究发现反应磁控溅射Al2O3薄膜具有高折射率(1.556 1.76,测试波长为550 nm)、低吸收和直接能量带隙(3.914.20 eV)等光学特性,而且其光学常数对薄膜制备过程中的重要工艺参数膜层后处理温度表现出强烈的依赖性.此外,在膜层的弱吸收和中等吸收光谱区域内,计算得到的折射率色散曲线与分光光度法的测试结果基本符合,说明本实验中所建立的计算方法在确定反应磁控溅射Al2O3薄膜光学常数方面的可靠性.
- 光学常数 /
- Swanepoel方法 /
- Al2O3薄膜 /
- 热处理
By combining Swanepoel's theory and the Wemple-DiDomenico dispersion model, a simple method was established to determine the optical contants of the magnetron sputtered aluminum oxide films directly from the corresponding transmission spectra. The results showed that the magnetron sputtered aluminum oxide films exhibit the optical characteristics of high refractive index of 1.5661.76 (at 550 nm), negligible absorption in spectral region of 4001100 nm, as well as the direct band gap of about 3.914.2 eV. And the specific values of the optical constants strongly depend on the annealing temperature , which is one of the important technological parameters for the magnetron sputtered aluminum oxide films. Moreover, in the weak and medium absorption spectral regions, the calculated values of refractive indices are in satisfactory agreement with the results derived from the high-resolution Tek3000 film-characterization system, indicating the reliability and feasibility of the method in determining the optical constants of Al2O3films.-
- optical constants /
- Swanepoels method /
- Al2O3 films /
- annealing
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[48] Swanepoel R 1984 J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum 17 896
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[60] Walter Heitmann 1970 Thin Solid Films 5 61
[61] [62] [63] Zhao Z W, Tay B K, Lau S P, Xiao C Y 2003 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 21 906
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[1] Rakov N, Maciel G S 2004 Chemical Physics Letters 400 553
[2] Martinez-Martinez R, Garcia-Hipolito M, Huerta L 2006 Thin Solid Films 515 607
[3] [4] [5] Saraie J, Ngan S F 1990 Japan J. Appl. Phys. 129 1877
[6] Tannas E L 1985 Flat panel displays and CRT (New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold) p272
[7] [8] [9] Martynez E, Garcya M, Ramos-Brito F 2000 Phys. Status Solidi B 220 677
[10] Kondo Y, Tomoki K 2005 Optical Materials 27 1438
[11] [12] [13] Ishizaka T, Kurokawa Y, Makino T 2001 Optical Materials 15 293
[14] [15] Esparza-Garcya A E, Garcya-Hipolito M, Aguilar- Frutis M A 2003 J. Electrochem Soc. 150 H53
[16] [17] Caldino G U 2003 J Phys:Condens Matter 15 3821
[18] [19] Martnez-Martnez R, Garca-Hipolito M, Ramos-Brito F 2005 J. Phys.: Condens Matter 17 3647
[20] Ba D C, Liao G J, Wen L S 2006 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Cience and Technology 26 421 (in Chinese) [巴德纯、廖国进、闻立时 2006真空科学与技术学报26 421]
[21] [22] Liao G J,Yan S F, Ba D C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 625(in Chinese)[廖国进、闫绍峰、巴德纯 2008 57 625]
[23] [24] Nag A, Kutty T R 2005 Materials Chemistry and Physics 91 524
[25] [26] [27] Tannas E L 1985 Flat panel displays and CRT (New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold) p380
[28] Lazarouk S K, Mudryi A V, Borisenko V E 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 2772
[29] [30] [31] Serna R M, de Castro J, Chaos J A 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5120
[32] [33] Xu W L, Zheng M J, Wu S 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 4364
[34] [35] Liao G J, Ba D C, Wen L S 2007 Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science) 28 689 (in Chinese)[廖国进、巴德纯、闻立时2007 东北大学学报 (自然科学版) 28 689]
[36] Swanepoel R 1983 J Phys E: Sci Instrum16 1214
[37] [38] [39] Mrquez E, Ramrez-malo J B, Villares P, Jimnez-Garay R 1995 Thin Solid Films 25483
[40] Tigau N, Ciupina V, Prodan G 2005 Journal of Crystal Growth 27529
[41] [42] [43] Gonzlez-Leal J M, Prieto-Alcn R, Angel J A, Mrquez E 2003 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 315 134
[44] Bhaskar S, Majumder S B, Jain M, Dobal P S, Katiyar R S2001 Materials Science and Engineering B 87 178
[45] [46] [47] Sahoo N K, Thaku S, Tokas R B 2006 Applied Surface Science 253 618
[48] Swanepoel R 1984 J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum 17 896
[49] [50] Pastore G F 1985 Thin Solid Films 123 9
[51] [52] [53] Seino T, Sato T 2002J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 20 634
[54] [55] Zywitzki, Hoetzsch G 1997 Surface and Coatings Technology 94-95 303
[56] Zhao Z W, Tay B K, Yu G Q, Chua D H C, Lau S P, Cheah L K 2004 Thin Solid Films 447-448 14
[57] [58] [59] Zhao Z W, Tay B K, Huang L, Lau S P, Gao J X 2004 Optical Materials 27 465
[60] Walter Heitmann 1970 Thin Solid Films 5 61
[61] [62] [63] Zhao Z W, Tay B K, Lau S P, Xiao C Y 2003 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 21 906
[64] [65] Wemple S H, DiDomenico M 2004 Materials Phys. Rev. B 3 1338
[66] [67] Wang Z C, Ulf Helmersson 2002 Thin Solid Films 405 50
[68] [69] Costina I, Franchy R 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 4139
[70] Aguilar-Frutis M, Garcia M, Falcony C 1998 Applied Physics Letter 72 1700
[71] [72] [73] Falcony C, Ortyz A, Domynguez J M, Faryas MH, Cota-Araiza L, Soto G 1992 J. Electrochem. Soc. 139 267
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