Direct write atom lithography is a new technique in which resonant light is used to pattern an atomic beam and the nanostructures are formed when the atoms deposit on the substrate. The motion of sodium atoms in standing wave filed is discussed. Based on the semi-classical model, this paper analyses the motion equation of sodium atom in the laser standing wave field, and then gets the trajectory of the atoms in the standing wave field by analytical simulation for different longitudinal and transverse velocities. The simulative results show that the FWHM width of stripes was 2.78 nm and the contrast was 38.5 ∶1 for the optimal longitudinal velocity, while that of the stripes was 29.1 nm and the contrast was 15 ∶1 for non-optimal longitudinal velocities. At the same time, the results show that the FWHM width of stripes was 4.2 nm and the contrast was 20 ∶1 when the divergence of atomic beam was 0.15 mrad. Whereas, the stripes presented Multi-peaked configuration and the quality deteriorated with the divergence of atomic beam increased to 1.5 mrad.
- atom lithography /
- laser standing wave /
- FWHM width /
- contrast
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[1] Ju X, Wang Z P 2009 Physics 38 1 (in Chinese) [巨 新、Wang Z P 2009 物理 38 1]
[2] Li T B 2005 Shanghai Meas. Test. 185 8 (in Chinese) [李同保 2005 上海计量测试 185 8]
[3] Prentiss M, Timp G, Bigelow N 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 1027
[4] McClelland J J, Scholten R E, Palm E C 1993 Science 262 877
[5] McGowan R W 1996 Ph. Dissertation (Colorado:Colorado State Universtiy)
[6] Rapol U D, Krishna A, Wasan A 2003 The European Physical Journal D 29 409
[7] Camposeo A, Cervelli F, Tantussi F 2003 Materials Science and Engineering C 23 1087
[8] Tantussi F, Mangasuli V, Porfido N, Prescimone F, Fuso F, Arimondo E, Allegrini M 2009 Applied Surface Science 255 9665
[9] Myszkiewicz G, Hohlfeld J, Toonen A J 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 3842
[10] Fioretti A, Camposeo A, Tantussi F 2005 Applied Surface Science 248 196
[11] Rostami A, Rahmani A 2006 Micoelectronics Journal 37 57
[12] Cai W Q, Li C W, Huo Y S 1994 Atca Phys. Sin. 43 611 (in Chinese) [蔡惟泉、李传文、霍芸生 1994 43 611]
[13] Wang Y Z, X Z 2005 Progress in Physics 25 347 (in Chinese) [王育竹、徐 震 2005 物理学进展 25 347]
[14] He M, Wang J, Zhan M S 2003 Chinese Optics Letters 1 497
[15] Chen Y P, Chen X N, Li Z 2003 Micronanoelectronic Technology 7 546 (in Chinese) [陈元培、陈旭南、李 展 2003 微纳电子技术 7 546]
[16] Zhen C L, Li T B, Ma Y, Ma S S, Zhang B W 2006 Atca Phys. Sin. 55 4528 (in Chinese) [郑春兰、李同保、马 艳、马姗姗、张宝武 2006 55 4528]
[17] Zhao M, Wang Z S, Ma B, Li F S 2008 Atca Opti. Sin. 28 381 (in Chinese) [赵 敏、王占山、马 彬、李佛生 2008 光学学报 28 381]
[18] Song J Y, Feng S F, Zhang X P, Liu H M, Song Y R 2009 Atca Phys. Sin. 58 6542 (in Chinese) [宋娇阳、冯胜飞、张新平、刘红梅、宋晏蓉 2009 58 6542]
[19] Petra S J H, Vanleeuwen K A H, Feenstra L 2004 Appl. Phys. B 79 279
[20] Myszkiewicz G, Hohlfeld J, Toonen A J 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 3842
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