原子光刻实验中, 激光驻波场能起到原子透镜的效果, 实现原子汇聚. 激光驻波场与沉积基片间的距离对形成纳米条纹结构的质量具有重要影响. 利用高斯光束传播规律, 提出了一种能够定量判断激光驻波场与沉积基片相对位置的实验方法. 该方法通过调节装载有凸透镜和反射镜的精密位移台改变驻波场距基片的距离, 利用光电探测器接收反射光强的变化, 将位移改变量转变为接收器的电压信号. 利用驻波场激光束光斑直径值, 实现准确定位驻波场与基片的距离. 对上述实验过程进行数值模拟, 数值计算的结果和实验结果高度符合. 该方法实现了准确定位驻波场距基片的距离, 为后续深入研究驻波场和基片间距离对沉积纳米条纹结构质量的影响提供实验基础.Standing wave of laser light acts as an array of lenses to focus the moving atoms in atom lithography. The position between standing wave and substrate plays an important role in determining the quality of depositional nanometer lines. Using the rule of Gaussian beam, a method of accurately identifying the position of standing wave of laser light is reported. By adjusting accurately the displacement stage which carries the beam focus lens and reflective mirror, the laser beam is subsequently shielded by depositional substrate. Signal of photoelectric detector is changed because of shielding the standing wave, so we can convert the displacement of standing wave into electrical signal. Positioning the standing wave against substrate is achieved by using the value of waist diameter of standing wave of laser light. Theoretical model is developed according to the experimental process. The result of numerical computation coincides well with the experimental record. This method realizes accurately positioning standing wave of laser light against substrate, and it provides the experimental basic for deeply studying the influence of the distance between standing wave and substrate on the quality of depositional nanometer lines.
- atom lithography /
- atom deposition /
- nanometer grating /
- standing wave of laser light
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[1] Ma Y, Zhang B W, Zheng C L, Ma S S, Li F S, Wang Z S, Li T B 2007 Acta Phy. Sin. 56 1365 (in Chinese) [马艳, 张宝武, 郑春兰, 马姗姗, 李佛生, 王占山, 李同保 2007 56 1365]
[2] Li T B 2005 SMT 32 8 (in Chinese) [李同保 2005 上海计量测试 32 8]
[3] Timp G, Behringer R E, Tennant D M, Cunningham J E, Prentiss M, Berggren K K 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 1636
[4] Mcclelland J J, Scholten R E, Palm E C, Celotta R J 1993 Science 262 877
[5] Drodofsky U, Stuhler J, Brezger B, Schulze T, Drewsen M, Pfau T, Mlynek J 1997 Microelectron. Eng. 35 285
[6] Mcgowan R W, Giltner D MLee S A 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 2535
[7] Ohmukai S U, Watanabe M 2003 Appl. Phys. B 77 415
[8] Sligte E T, Smeets B, Van Der Stam K M R, Herfst R W, Van Der Straten P, Beijerinck H C W, Van Leeuwen K a H 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 4493
[9] Drodofsky U, Stuhler J, Schulze T, Drewsen M, Brezger B, Pfau T, Mlynek J 1997 Appl. Phys. B 65 755
[10] Bradley C C, Anderson W R, Mcclelland J J, Celotta R J 1999 Appl. Surf. Sci. 141 210
[11] Zhao M, Wang Z S, Ma B, Li F S 2008 Acta Opt. Sini. 28 381 (in Chinese) [赵敏, 王占山, 马彬, 李佛生 2008 28 381]
[12] Zheng C L, Li T B, Ma Y, Ma S S, Zhang B W 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4528 (in Chinese) [郑春兰, 李同保, 马艳, 马姗姗, 张宝武 2006 55 4528]
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