A one-dimensional model is used to investigate the reaction-diffusion process of air plasma with a plasma source by numerical simulation in low pressure open atmospheric environment. The spatial evolutions of main charged species’ densities in the chemical reaction, drift and diffusion processes are obtained for a given plasma flow. The results of numerical simulation are combined with an approximate analytical formula to estimate the necessary plasma flow for electron density when a stable state is formed, with which the necessary power of the plasma source also can be estimated.
- air plasma /
- plasma source /
- numerical simulation /
- reaction-diffusion process
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[1] Liang Z W, Sun H L, Wang Z J, Xu J, Xu Y M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4292 (in Chinese)[梁志伟、 孙海龙、王之江、徐 杰、徐跃民 2008 57 4292]
[2] Alexeff I, Anderson T 2006 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 166
[3] Roth J R 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 057103
[4] Jiang Z H, Hu X W, Liu M H,Gu C L, Pan Y 2003 Chin. Phys. Lett. 20 885
[5] Vidmar R J 1990 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 18 733
[6] Ouyang J M, Guo W, Wang L, Shao F Q 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 2174
[7] Fang T Z, Ouyang J M, Wang L 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 2888
[8] Ouyang J M, Shao F Q, Wang L, Fang T Z, Liu J Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4974(in Chinese) [欧阳建明、 邵福球、王 龙、 房同珍、 刘建全 2006 55 4974]
[9] Fang T Z 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [房同珍 2006 博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院)]
[10] Wu J H, Han Q S 1988 The Theory, Method and Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Beijing: Science Press) p103 (in Chinese)[吴江航、 韩庆书 1988计算流体力学的理论、方法及应用 (北京:科学出版社) 第103页]
[11] Heicklen J 1976 Atmospheric Chemistry (New York: Academic Press) p3
[12] Gu C H, Li D Q, Chen S X, Zheng S M, Tan Y J 2007 Method of Mathematical Physics (secondary edition)(Beijing:Higher Education Press) p49 (in Chinese)[谷超豪、 李大潜、 陈恕行、 郑宋穆、 谭永基 2007 数学物理方法(第二版)(北京:高等教育出版社)第49页]
[13] Wang L, Zhang H F, Shao F Q 2004 Wuli(Physics) 33 18 (in Chinese) [王 龙、 张海峰、 邵福球 2004 物理 33 18]
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