In this paper,taking one-magnetic-center NiO and two-magnetic-center nanostructures composed of Co and Ni as examples,we review our recent works in this field.To theoretically achieve ultrafast spin flip and transfer in magnetic nanostructures,an ultrafast spin dynamics mechanism,namely Λ process,was proposed.To properly simulate the laser-matter interaction,the accurate intragap d-states were predicted firstly through quantum chemistry calculations; then the spin localizations on magnetic atoms were analyzed considering external magnetic field and spin-orbit coupling; at last,laser pulse term was turned on to study the time history of the spin switching scenario via the Λ process.It was shown that spin flip and transfer can be achieved in a subpicosecond regime with linearly polarized light.In order to further realize checking and monitoring of the spin manipulations in magnetic molecules,a CO molecule was attached to one magnetic center to serve as an infrared marker.The calculated spin-state-dependent C-O stretching frequencies indicate that spin manipulations can be indirectly monitored through infrared spectrum experiments.
- ultrafast spin dynamics /
- first-principles calculations /
- Λ process /
- magnetic nanostructures
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[1] Xia J,Ge W,Chang K 2008 Semiconductor Spintronics (Beijing: Science Press)(in Chinese) [夏建白、葛惟昆、常 凯 2008 半导体自旋电子学(北京: 科学出版社)]
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[4] Zhan W S 2006 Physics 35 811 (in Chinese) [詹文山 2006 物理 35 811]
[5] Berezovsky J,Mikkelsen M H,Stoltz N G,Coldren L A,Awschalom D D 2008 Science 320 349
[6] Zhang G P,Hübner W,Lefkidis G,Bai Y,George T F 2009 Nature Physics 5 499
[7] Koopmans B,Malinowski G,Dalla Longa F,Steiauf D,Fahnle M,Roth T,Cinchetti M,Aeschlimann M 2010 Nature Mater. 9
[8] Guo LJ,Wüstenberg JP,Oleksiy A,Bauer M,Aeschlimann M 2005 Acta Phys.Sin. 54 3200 (in Chinese) [郭立俊、Jan-Peter Wüstenberg、Andreyev Oleksiy、Michael Bauer、Martin Aeschlimann 2005 54 3200]
[9] He W,Zhan QF,Wang DY,Chen LJ,Cheng ZH 2008 Chin.Phys. B 17 1902
[10] Liu XD,Wang WZ,Gao RX,Zhao JH,Wen JH,Lin WZ,Lai TS 2008 Acta Phys.Sin. 57 3857 (in Chinese) [刘晓东、王玮竹、高瑞鑫、赵建华、文锦辉、林位株、赖天树 2008物 〖9] Gao RX,Xu Z,Chen DX,Xu CD,Chen ZF,Liu XD,Zhou SM,Lai TS 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 58 0580 (in Chinese) [高瑞鑫、徐 振、陈达鑫、徐初东、陈志峰、刘晓东、周仕明、赖天树 2009 58 0580]
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[16] Gómez-Abal R,Ney O,Satitkovitchai K,Hübner W 2004 Phys.Rev.Lett. 92 227402
[17] Hübner W,Zhang G P 1998 Phys.Rev. B 58 R5920
[18] Kimel A V,Kirilyuk A,Usachev P A,Pisarev R V,Balashov A M,Rasing Th 2005 Nature 435 655
[19] Lottermoser T,Lonkai T,Amann U,Hohlwein D,Ihringer J,Fiebig M 2004 Nature 430 541
[20] Stamm C,Kachel T,Pontius N,Mitzner R,Quast T,Holldack K,Khan S,Lupulescu C,Aziz E F,Wietstruk M,Dürr H A,Eberhardt W 2007 Nature Mater. 6 740
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[22] Wu M W,Weng M Q,Cheng J L 2007 Physics,Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2007edited by Borisenko V E,Gurin V S,Gaponenko S V (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
[23] Han X F 2008 Physics 37 392 (in Chinese) [韩秀峰 2008 物理 37 392]
[24] Gómez-Abal R,Hübner W 2002 Phys.Rev.B 65 195114
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[29] Li C,Hartenstein T,Lefkidis G,Hübner W 2009 Phys.Rev. B 79 180413(R)
[30] Hartenstein T,Lefkidis G,Hübner W,Zhang G P,Bai Y 2009 J.Appl.Phys. 105 07D305
[31] Frisch M J 2004 Gaussian 03,Revision B.03 (Wallingford: Gaussian Inc.)
[32] Stohr J,Siegmann H C 2006 Magnetism-From Fundamentals to Nanoscale Dynamics (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag) p753
[33] Nakatsuji H http: //www.sbchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp/nakatsuji-lab/sacci.html
[34] Lefkidis G,Hübner W 2005 Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 077401
[35] Lefkidis G,Hübner W 2006 Phys.Rev. B 74 155106
[36] Dalla Longa F,Kohlhepp J T,de Jonge W J M,Koopmans B 2007 Phys.Rev. B 75 224431
[37] Hartenstein T,Li C,Lefkidis G,Hübner W 2008 J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 41 164006
[38] Hübner W,Kersten S P,Lefkidis G 2009 Phys.Rev. B 79 184431
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