- 同步 /
- 最近邻网络 /
- 时空混沌 /
- Lyapunov指数
The synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in a nearest-neighbor coupled network is studied. Spatiotemporal chaos systems are taken as the nodes of the network,and the condition to realize global synchronization of the network is obtained by identifying the maximum Lyapunov exponent of the network according to Lyapunov stability theory. The nearest-neighbor coupled network with nodes of Fisher-Kolmogorov spatiotemporal chaos systems is taken as an example for simulation,the synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos for the network is checked. The synchronizing function of the network under bounded noise is further studied,and the results show that the method has good capability of anti-jamming.-
- synchronization /
- nearest-neighbor coupled network /
- spatiotemporal chaos /
- Lyapunov exponent
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[1] Watts D J,Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 393 440
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[3] Adamic L A,Huberman B A 2000 Science 287 2115
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[9] Fang J Q,Bi Q,Li Y,Lu X B,Liu Q 2007 Sci. Chin. G 50 379
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[13] Atay F M,Jost J,Wende A 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 144101
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[20] Manne K K,Hurd A J,Kenkre V M 2000 Phys. Rev. E 61 4177
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