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单健 肖德涛 刘卫 林俊 王广华 位楠楠 周青芝



单健, 肖德涛, 刘卫, 林俊, 王广华, 位楠楠, 周青芝

A method of estimating residence time of atmospheric aerosol and its preliminary experimental verification

Liu Wei, Lin Jun, Xiao De-Tao, Wei Nan-Nan, Zhou Qing-Zhi, Wang Guang-Hua, Shan Jian
  • 通过研究大气颗粒物中222Rn子体活度比与颗粒物平均寿命之间的关系,建立了基于活度比估算大气颗粒物滞留时间(residence time of atmospheric aerosol,RTAA)的方法,并在相对理想条件下进行了实验验证.当氡室浓度稳定为1.816 kBq/m3时,由214Bi/214Pb活度比计算出的RTAA为112.17 min,与氡室的平均换气时间(104.17 min)相当,表明大气颗粒物中同一衰变链上的放射性核素活度比(如214Bi/214Pb, 210Bi/210Pb或210Po/210Pb)可以用于估算RTAA.
    A method of estimating residence time of atmospheric aerosol (RTAA) is established based on the relationship between specific activity ratio of radon daughters in atmospheric particles and average life of the particles. The method is further testified in a standard radon chamber. When specific activity of radon is 1.816 kBq/m3 in the chamber,the RTAA is estimated to be 112.17 min,which is in agreement with the mean-ventilation time in the chamber,104.17 min. Therefore,the residence time of the atmospheric aerosol can be estimated by using the specific activity ratios of radionuclide in the same decay chain,such as 214Bi/214Pb, 210Bi/210Pb and 210Po/210Pb.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:10775174),中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性基金(批准号:KJCX-3SYW-N3),上海应用物理研究所领域前沿项目(批准号:90070301),湖南省教育厅重点项目(批准号:07A060),湖南省研究生创新基金(批准号:2008CXJJ02)资助的课题.

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    Vohra K G, Subba Ramu M C, Vasudevan K N 1969 Atmospheric Environment 3 99


    Poet S E, Moore H E, kartell E A 1972 J. Geophys. Res. 77 6515


    Moore H E, Poet S E, Martell E A 1973 J. Geophys.Res. 78 7065


    Whittlestone S, Robinsonb E, Ryan E 1990 Atmospheric Environment. Part A.General Topics 26 251


    Chen J D,He Z J,Hong J Q,Le R C,Ye Q Y,Zhou B Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5350 (in Chinese) [陈健俤、何志杰、洪锦泉、乐仁昌、叶全意、周宝庸 2009 58 5350]


    Tan Y L,Xiao D T,Zhao G Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5452 (in Chinese) [谭延亮、肖德涛、赵桂芝 2008 57 5452]


    Le R C,Lin G Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 4113 (in Chinese) [乐仁昌、林刚勇 2005 54 4113]


    Jia W Y,Le R C,Wu Y P 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2457 (in Chinese) [贾文懿、乐仁昌、吴允平 2003 52 2457]


    Thomas J W 1972 Health Phys. 23 783


    Vaughan C T,William C G 1999 Connecticut Journal of Geophysical Research 104 11593

  • [1]

    World Health Organization 2002 The World Health Report 2002 Reducing Risks Promoting Healthy Life (France:World Health Organization) p9


    Obot C J 2002 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 184 98


    Ebaid Y Y,Khater A E M 2006 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 270 609


    Duenas C,Fernandez M C,Carretero J 2003 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 257 249


    Baskaran M,Shaw G E 2001 Aerosol Science 32 443


    Papastefanou C 2006 nuclides Applied Radiation and Isotopes 64 93


    Bo Q J,Xiao Z X 2008 Environmentally-friendly 5 48 (in Chinese) [卜清军、肖振学 2008 环保前线 5 48]


    Wang H,Wang G H,Gao S X 2003 China Environmental Science 23 55 (in Chinese) [王 荟、王格慧、高士祥 2003 中国环境科学 23 55]


    Du J Z,Huang D K 2007 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 274 63


    Du J Z,Zhang J,Wu Y F 2008 China Atmospheric Environment 42 5101


    Du J Z,Mu H D,Song H Q,Yan S P,Gu Y J,Zhang J 2008 China Water Air Soil Pollut 190 343


    Vohra K G, Subba Ramu M C, Vasudevan K N 1969 Atmospheric Environment 3 99


    Poet S E, Moore H E, kartell E A 1972 J. Geophys. Res. 77 6515


    Moore H E, Poet S E, Martell E A 1973 J. Geophys.Res. 78 7065


    Whittlestone S, Robinsonb E, Ryan E 1990 Atmospheric Environment. Part A.General Topics 26 251


    Chen J D,He Z J,Hong J Q,Le R C,Ye Q Y,Zhou B Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5350 (in Chinese) [陈健俤、何志杰、洪锦泉、乐仁昌、叶全意、周宝庸 2009 58 5350]


    Tan Y L,Xiao D T,Zhao G Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5452 (in Chinese) [谭延亮、肖德涛、赵桂芝 2008 57 5452]


    Le R C,Lin G Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 4113 (in Chinese) [乐仁昌、林刚勇 2005 54 4113]


    Jia W Y,Le R C,Wu Y P 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2457 (in Chinese) [贾文懿、乐仁昌、吴允平 2003 52 2457]


    Thomas J W 1972 Health Phys. 23 783


    Vaughan C T,William C G 1999 Connecticut Journal of Geophysical Research 104 11593

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-07-30
  • 修回日期:  2009-10-21
  • 刊出日期:  2010-04-05

