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刘小娟 赵明卓 刘一曼 周并举 彭朝晖



刘小娟, 赵明卓, 刘一曼, 周并举, 彭朝晖

Preparation and control of optimal entropy squeezing states for the moving atom entangment with the field under the intensity dependent coupling

Liu Xiao-Jian, Zhao Ming-Zhuo, Liu Yi-Man, Zhou Bing-Ju, Peng Zhao-Hui
  • 运用量子信息熵理论,研究了运动二能级原子与光场依赖强度纠缠下最佳熵压缩态的制备和控制;比较了分别从基于信息熵不确定关系和海森堡不确定关系出发得出的结果;分析了制备原子最佳熵压缩态的充要条件,并进行了数值验证.考察了场模结构参数对最佳熵压缩态的影响.结果表明,信息熵压缩是对原子压缩效应的高灵敏量度;控制原子与场的相互作用时间,斩断原子和场的纠缠,选择原子的相干性,调节系统的相对位相可制备原子最佳熵压缩态;控制场模结构参数,可获得持续的原子最佳熵压缩态.
    From a quantum information point of view, preparation and control of the atomic optimal entropy squeezing state(AOEST) are researched for the system of a moving two-level atom entanglement with the field under the intensity-dependent coupling. Its results with those of atomic squeezing based on the Hesienbeg uncertainty relation is compared; sufficient and necessary conditions of preparation of the AOEST is analyzed and numerical verification of the AOEST is done. The influence of the field-mode structure parameter on the AOEST is examined. It is shown that information entropy squeezing is a remarkable precision measure for the atomic squeezing. The AOEST can be prepared by controlling the time of the atom interacting with the field, cutting the entanglement bewteen the atom and field, choosing coherence of the atom and modulating relative phase of the systems. A lasting AOEST can be obtained by controlling the field-mode structure parameter.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10374025),湖南省自然科学基金(批准号: 09JJ3012)资助的课题.

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-08-09
  • 修回日期:  2009-08-27
  • 刊出日期:  2010-05-15

