采用新颖的熔体旋甩结合放电等离子烧结技术制备了单相InSb化合物,研究了熔体旋甩工艺对其微结构以及热电性能的影响. 结果表明,熔体旋甩得到的薄带自由面主要由300 nm—2 μm的小柱状晶组成,薄带接触面为非晶或精细纳米晶,薄带经烧结后得到了具有大量层状精细纳米结构的致密块体,尺寸约为40 nm. 与熔融+放电等离子体烧结制备样品相比,在测试温度范围内(300—700 K),试样的电导率略有下降,但Seebeck系数显著增加,热导率和晶格热导率显著降低,室温下晶格热导率降低幅度约为106%,700 K下晶格热导率的降低幅度达1664%,熔融+熔体旋甩+放电等离子体烧结制备的InSb化合物试样在700 K时其最大ZT值达到049,与熔融+放电等离子体烧结试样相比提高了29%.The single-phase InSb compounds have been prepared by novel melt spinning (MS) technique combined with spark plasma sintering (SPS) method, and the effects of melt spinning process on their microstructure and thermoelectric transport properties have been investigated. The results show that the free surface of ribbon obtained by MS consists of cubic grains with the size of 03—20 μm, and the contact surface of ribbon obtained by MS amorphous-like phases or finer nanostructures have formed, and after SPS the highly dense bulk material with lots of fine layered nanostructure has been obtained of about 40 nm in dimensions. By comparing the bulk InSb material prepared by melting method combined with SPS (Melt+SPS sample) with the bulk InSb material obtained by melting method combined with MS and SPS (Melt+MS+SPS sample), we see that the MS process leads to a slight decrease in electrical conductivity, and an obvious increase in Seebeck coefficient, as well as a remarkable decrease in thermal conductivity and lattice thermal conductivity for bulk InSb in the testing temperature range of 300—700 K. At 300 K and 700 K, the lattice thermal conductivities of Melt+SPS sample and Melt+MS+SPS sample decrease by the scopes of 106% and 1664%, respectively. As a result, the maximum dimensionless figure of merit ZT of 0.49 is obtained at 700 K for the Melt+MS+SPS sample. Compared with that of Melt+SPS sample, it is increased by 29% at the same temperature.
- melt spinning /
- n-type InSb compounds /
- microstructure /
- thermoelectric properties
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[1] [1]Ioffe F 1961 Semiconductors Thermoelements and Thermoelectric Cooling (New York: Interscience)
[2] [2]Rowe D W, Bhandari C M 1983 Modern Thermoelectricity (London: Holt, Rinechalt and Wiston)
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[4] [4]Bowers R, Ure R W, Bauerle J E, Cornish A J 1959 J Appl. Phys.30 930
[5] [5]Yamaguchi S, Nagawa Y, Kaiwa N, Yamamoto A 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 201902
[6] [6]Tsaur S C, Kou S 2007 J. Cryst. Growth. 307 268
[7] [7]Pei Y Z, Morelli D T 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 122112
[8] [8]Mingo N 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 2562
[9] [9]Tang X F, Xie W J, Li H, Zhao W Y, Zhang Q J 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 012102
[10] ]Xie W J, Tang X F, Yan Y G, Zhang Q J, Tritt T M 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 1021111
[11] ]Li H, Tang X F, Zhang Q J, Uher C 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 252109
[12] ]Li H, Tang X F, Su X L, Zhang Q J, Uher C 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 202114
[13] ]Cao W Q, Deng S K, Tang X F, Li P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 0612 (in Chinese) [曹卫强、邓书康、唐新峰、李鹏 2009 58 0612]
[14] ]Rode D L 1971 Phys. Rev. B 3 3287
[15] ]Chen L D, Huang X Y, Zhou M, Shi X , Zhang W B 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 99 064305
[16] ]Yu B L, Qi Q, Tang X F, Zhang Q J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5763 (in Chinese) [余柏林、祁琼、唐新峰、张清杰 2005 54 5763]
[17] ]Liu W S, Zhang B P, Li J F, Zhang H L, Zhao L D 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3791 (in Chinese) [刘玮书、张波萍、李敬锋、张海龙、赵立东 2008 57 3791]
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