Using the infrared thermal image real-time monitoring system developed independently in our laboratory, the infrared characteristics of H2SO4-H2O2-H2O droplet in different movement states on the surface of GaAs substrate is studied, including, for instance, the static state, the slow motion state and the quick motion state. The obtained experimental results and the merit of our system are discussed. The main conclusions drawn from the experiments includes: In the static state, the created heat produces convection inside the droplet, the peak value of infrared radiation distribution is located at the top of droplet and the heat diffuses to the ambient along GaAs substrate, which causes the radiation to drop steeply at the edge of droplet. In the slow motion state, the residual heat phenomenon revealing as “comet tail" is observed when the droplet moves across the substrate surface, and as the temperature decreases, the radiation peak “co-moves” with the droplet in the same direction, in addition, the displacement curve of the radiation peak lags behind the actual displacement of the droplet and the maximum temperature may appear in the “comet tail”. In the quick motion state, the phenomenon shows as “liquid film trace" because the droplet leaves the substrate without reacting with GaAs, and the value of infrared radiation varies smoothly, showing in the gray_scale pattern as a half ellipse extending from the edge to the center of liquid film. The distribution and characteristic variety of grey-scale in the center of the trace is also analyzed. The proposed infrared monitoring system of thermal behavior of moving droplets will prompt the research of the droplet itself as well as the interdisciplinary studies, in which, for example, the infrared technology being introduced into material sciences and chemistry sciences and so on.