首先在前文的基础上,对于用激光根据“光核、光带比”(D2/D1)来测定磨削工件表面光洁度的原理加以系统总结,然后按照经验关系Rx=5Ra(对于▽7以上光洁度),确定了表面随机高度的概率密度函数中的衰减系数。对于有限负指数型函数P1(h)={e(-b(|h|/hm)) 当|h|≤hm; 0 当|h|>hm, 定出b=1.23,对于正则型函数P2(h)=e(-a2(h/hm)2) 定出a2=2.分别讨论了以上两种函数中hm的物理意义(皆对应于1/2Rz)将前文中公式加以精确改进后,对P1(h)和P2(h)分别计算了D2/D1与Rx的关系曲线,即绝对定标曲线。最后还计算了衍射图样半强度宽与Rx的关系曲线。Several principal conclusions for the so-called core-wing-ratio method for measuring the roughness of diffusing surfaces with laser beam based upon the previous papers are given. The method for determining the coefficients in the probability density function P(h) of random height is given, following the emperical relation R2=5Ra. For P1(h)={e(-b(|h|/hm)) ,|h|≤hm 0,|h|>hm and P2(h)=e(-a2(h/hm)2) is determined that b=1.23 and a2=2. It is shown that in both P1(h) and P2(h), hm is corresponding to 1/2Rz. The core-wing-ratio values D2/D1 as functions of Rz are deduced and computed for P1(h) and P2(h) with formulas which are more precise than that in the previous papers. In addition, the relation of the half width of the core of diffraction pattern with Rz is computed, and it is pointed out that the half-width method is not convenient for surface roughness measurement.
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