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Ga+离子4s2 1S0-4s4p3P0跃迁动态极化率的理论计算

娄宗帅 王跃飞 康博溢 李睿 张文君 魏远飞 布明鹭 蔡翊宇


Ga+离子4s2 1S0-4s4p3P0跃迁动态极化率的理论计算

娄宗帅, 王跃飞, 康博溢, 李睿, 张文君, 魏远飞, 布明鹭, 蔡翊宇

Theoretical calculation for dynamic polarizabilities of 4s2 1S0-4s4p3P0 transition for Ga+ ion

LOU Zongshuai, WANG Yuefei, KANG Boyi, ZHANG Wenjun, BU Minglu, WEI Yuanfei, CAI Yiyu,
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文利用相对论的组态相互作用加多体微扰理论的方法对Ga+离子的4s21S0-4s4p 3P0跃迁的动态极化率进行了理论计算。并计算出了4s21S0态和4s4p 3P0态的“幻零”波长以及跃迁4s21S0-4s4p 3P0的“魔幻”波长,对这些“幻零”波长和“魔幻”波长的精密测量提供了理论指导,对研究Ga+离子的原子结构和4s21S0、4s4p 3P0两量子态静态极化率之差的精确确定以及Ga+离子的全光囚禁具有重要意义。同时,还基于“极化率天平”方法,讨论了静态极化率测量过程中的理论计算误差随波长的变化,为进一步高精度确定4s21S0态4s4p 3P0态的静态极化率提供了理论指导。
    The transition of Ga+ ions from 4s² ¹S₀ to 4s4p ³P₀ has advantages such as a high quality factor and a small motional frequency shift, making it suitable as a reference for precision measurement experiments like optical clocks. Calculating the dynamic polarizability of 4s21S0-4s4p 3P0 transition for Ga+ ion is of great significance for exploring the potential applications of the Ga+ ion in the field of quantum precision measurement and for testing atomic and molecular structure theories. In this paper, the dynamic polarizability of the Ga+ ion 4s² ¹S₀ - 4s4p ³P₀ transition is theoretically calculated using the relativistic configuration interaction plus many-body perturbation (CI+MBPT) method. The "tune-out" wavelength for the 4s² ¹S₀ state and the 4s4p ³P₀ state, as well as the "magic" wavelength for the 4s² ¹S₀ - 4s4p ³P₀ transition, are also computed. It is observed that the resonant lines situated near a certain “turn-out” and “magic” wavelength can provide dominant contributions to the polarizability, while the remaining resonant lines generally contribute minimally. These " tune-out " and "magic" wavelengths provide theoretical guidance for precise measurements and are important for studying the atomic structure of Ga+ ions. The accurate determination of the difference in static polarizability between the 4s² ¹S₀ and 4s4p ³P₀ states is of significant importance. Additionally, based on the "polarizability scale" method, the paper discusses how the theoretical calculation errors in static polarizability measurements vary with wavelength, offering theoretical guidance for the further high-precision determination of the static polarizability of the 4s² ¹S₀ and 4s4p ³P₀ states. This is crucial for minimizing the uncertainty of the blackbody radiation (BBR) frequency shift in Ga+ optical clock and suppressing the systematic uncertainty.
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