高稳定双频激光光源是实现国家超精密测量能力的关键技术,也是支撑高端装备制造质量的基石。本文基于双声光调制方案搭建了高稳定双频激光光源及其频差稳定性评估系统。通过研究双声光调制生成双频激光的机理,逐级构建了频差稳定性劣化模型,并针对性地进行了技术改进。研究表明,双频激光光源的频率稳定性与双频频差稳定性均会影响外差干涉测量的精度,而双频频差稳定性由射频信号稳定性和功率放大器非线性失真决定。本文通过设计高阶谐波滤除技术和基于铷钟的高稳定射频发生器,将频差稳定性优化至9×10-11@1s,6×10-10@1000s,双频频差稳定性对外差干涉测量精度的影响降低至亚飞米量级。此时,双频激光光源的频差稳定性指标充分满足皮米级激光干涉测量应用需求。结合当前最先进的超稳腔稳频技术,我们的高稳定双频激光光源可以支持皮米甚至飞米级精度的外差干涉测量,在超精密测量等领域具有重要应用前景。A high-stability dual-frequency laser source is a key technology for achieving national ultra-precision measurement capabilities and also serves as the foundation for supporting the quality of high-end equipment manufacturing. This paper builds a high-stability dual-frequency laser source and its frequency difference stability evaluation system based on a double acousto-optic modulation scheme. By researching the mechanism of generating dual-frequency laser based on double acousto-optic modulation, a degradation model of frequency difference stability was gradually constructed, with targeted technical improvements implemented. The study shows that the frequency stability of the dual-frequency laser source and the stability of the frequency difference both affect the accuracy of heterodyne interference measurement. The frequency difference stability is determined by factors such as the stability of RF signal and the nonlinear distortion of the power amplifier. This study first optimizes the frequency difference stability to 7.5×10-10@1s and 1.2×10-9@1000s by designing a high-order harmonic filtering technique. Then, the DG 4202 RF generator is replaced with a rubidium-clock-based high-stability RF signal generator, further optimizing the frequency difference stability to 9×10-11@1s and 6×10-10@1000s. The impact of dual-frequency frequency difference stability on heterodyne interference measurement accuracy is reduced to the sub-femtometer level. And the frequency difference stability of the dual-frequency laser source fully meet the application requirements for picometer-level laser interference measurement. Combined with the most advanced frequency stabilization technology using ultra-stable cavity, our high-stability dual-frequency laser source can support heterodyne interference measurement with picometer or even femtometer-level accuracy, demonstrating significant application potential in fields such as ultra-precision measurements.
- Dual-frequency laser /
- Frequency difference stability /
- Heterodyne interference measurement
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