将底部加热的半个肥皂泡作为一个新的热对流模型, 结合了肥皂泡固有的球面与准二维特征, 由此有助于理解行星大气流动中的复杂物理机制与热对流特性. 本文使用直接数值模拟方法计算了旋转肥皂泡上的湍流热对流, 研究了肥皂泡上的温度与黏性边界层以及拟热能和动能耗散规律. 结合肥皂泡上温度场与速度场特征, 分别根据温度脉动均方根最大值以及速度脉动边界处斜率延长线与最大值交点提出了肥皂泡上温度与黏性边界层的识别方法. 研究发现, 当肥皂泡从边界吸收能量时, 拟热能耗散与动能耗散均集中在边界层中, 肥皂泡上的温度边界层与黏性边界层厚度与瑞利数
$Ra$ 存在明确的标度关系. 相比经典Rayleigh-Bénrad对流(RB对流)模型, 温度标度指数具有较为接近的结果, 但速度标度指数存在一定的差异. 此外, 在混合区, 均方根温度($T^{*}$ )随纬度($\theta$ )具有近似$T^{*}\sim\theta^{0.5}$ 的标度关系, 这与RB对流模型及其相应的理论预测一致. 最后通过能量平衡方程发现, 肥皂泡上拟热能内耗散率$\varepsilon_{{T}}^0$ 和动能内耗散率$\varepsilon_{{u}}^0$ 比拟热能外耗散率$\varepsilon_{{T}}^1$ 和动能外耗散率$\varepsilon_{{u}}^1$ 大1个量级, 拟热能与动能的内部耗散率在边界层中具有支配地位, 随着肥皂泡旋转速率的增加, 热羽流难以输运到高纬度地区, 进一步降低了拟热能与动能外耗散率的影响.The soap bubble heated at the bottom is a novel thermal convection cell, which has the inherent spherical surface and quasi two-dimensional features, so that it can provide an insight into the complex physical mechanism of the planetary or atomspherical flows. This paper analyses the turbulent thermal convection on the soap bubble and addresses the properties including the thermal layer and the viscous boundary layer, the thermal dissipation and the kinetic dissipation by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The thermal dissipation and the kinetic dissipation are mostly occur in the boundary layers. They reveal the great significance of the boundary layers in the process of the energy absorption. By considering the complex characteristics of the heated bubble, this study proposes a new definition to identify the thermal boundary layer and viscous boundary layer. The thermal boundary layer thickness of$\delta_{T}$ is defined as the geodetic distance between the equator of the bubble and the latitude at which the the mean square root temperature ($T^{*}$ ) reaches a maximum value. On the other hand, the viscous boundary layer thickness$\delta_{u}$ is the geodetic distance from the equator at the latitude where the extrapolation for the linear part of the mean square root turbulent latitude velocity ($u^{*}_{\theta}$ ) meets its maximum value. It is found that$\delta_{T}$ and$\delta_{u}$ both have a power-law dependence on the Rayleigh number. For the bubble, the scaling coefficent of$\delta_{T}$ is$-0.32$ which is consistent with that from the Rayleigh-Bénard convection model. The rotation does not affect the scaling coefficent of$\delta_{T}$ . On the other hand, the scaling coefficent of$\delta_{u}$ equals$-0.20$ and is different from that given by the Rayleigh-Bénard convection model. The weak rotation does not change the coefficent while the strong rotation makes it increase to$-0.14$ . The profile of$T^{*}$ satisfies the scaling law of$T^{*}\sim\theta^{0.5}$ with the latitude of ($\theta$ ) on the bubble. The scaling law of the mean square root temperature profile coincides with the theoretical prediction and the results obtained from the Rayleigh-Bénard convection model. However, the strong rotation is capable of shifting the scaling coefficent of the power law away from$0.5$ and shorterning the interval of satisfying the power law. Finally, it is found that the internal thermal dissipation rate and kinetic dissipation rate$\varepsilon^0_T$ and$\varepsilon^0_u$ are one order larger than their peers: the external thermal dissipation and kinetic dissipation rates$\varepsilon^1_T$ and$\varepsilon^1_u$ based on a thorough analysis of the energy budget. The major thermal dissipation and kinetic dissipation are accumulated in the boundary layers. With the rotation rate increasing, less energy is transfered from the bottom to the top of the bubble and the influence of the external energy dissipations is less pronounced.-
- soap bubble /
- turbulent thermal convection /
- energy dissipation rate /
- boundary layer
[1] Ma Y, Mao Z Y, Wang T, Qin J, Ding W J, Meng X Y 2020 Comput. Electr. Eng. 87 106773
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[2] Boffeta G, Ecke R E 2012 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 44 427
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[3] Meuel T, Xiong Y L, Fischer P, Bruneau C H, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3455
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[4] Bruneau C H, Fischer P, Xiong Y L, Kellay H 2018 Phys. Rev. Fluids 3 043502
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[5] Kellay H, Goldburg W I 2002 Rep. Prog. Phys. 65 845
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[6] Wu X L, Martin B, Kellay H, Goldburg W I 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 236
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[7] Kellay H, Wu X L, Goldburg W I 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 3975
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[8] Kellay H 2017 Phys. Fluids 29 111113
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[9] Seychelles F, Amarouchene Y, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 144501
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[10] Seychelles F, Ingremeau F, Pradere C, Kellay H 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 264502
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[11] Xiong Y L, Fischer P, Bruneau C H 2012 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics Hawaii, United States, July 9–13, 2012 p3703
[12] Meuel T, Prado G, Seychelles F, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 446
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[13] Meuel T, Coudert M, Fischer P, Bruneau C H, Kellay H 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 16513
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[16] Pope S B 2000 Turbulent Flows (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p182
[17] Kolmogorov A N, Levin V, Hunt J C R, Phillips O M, Williams D 1991 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 434 9
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[22] 周全, 夏克青 2012 力学进展 42 231
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[23] 谢毅超, 张路, 丁广裕, 陈鑫, 郗恒东, 夏克青 2022 力学进展
Xie Y C, Zhang L, Ding G Y, Chen X, Xi H D, Xia K Q 2022 Advances in Mechanics
[24] Grossmann S, Lohse D 2000 J. Fluid Mech. 407 27
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[26] Grossmann S, Lohse D 2002 Phys. Rev. E 66 016305
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[28] Stevens R J A M, van der Poel E P, Grossmann S, Lohse D 2013 J. Fluid Mech. 730 295
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[29] Zhang Y, Zhou Q, Sun C 2017 J. Fluid Mech. 814 165
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[30] Xu A, Shi L, Xi H D 2019 Phys. Fluids 31 125101
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[34] Shishkina O, Grossmann S, Lohse D 2016 Geophys. Res. Lett. 43 1219
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[36] Wang Q, Lohse D, Shishkina O 2021 Geophys. Res. Lett. 48 e2020GL091198
[37] Zhang L, Ding G Y, Xia K Q 2021 J. Fluid Mech. 914 A15
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[38] Stevens R J A M, Clercx H J H, Lohse D 2013 Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 40 41
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[39] King E M, Stellmach S, Buffett B 2013 J. Fluid Mech. 717 449
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[40] Zhong J Q, Stevens R J A M, Clercx H J H, Verzicco R, Lohse D, Ahlers G 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 044502
[41] Zhong J Q, Ahlers G 2010 J. Fluid Mech. 665 300
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[42] Kunnen R P J, Clercx H J H, Geurts B J Phys. Rev. E 82 036306
[43] Kunnen R P J, Stevens R J A M, Overkamp J, Sun C, van Heijst G F, Clercx H J H 2011 J. Fluid Mech. 688 422
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[44] Kunnen R P J, Clercx H J H, Geurts B J 2008 Europhys. Lett. 84 1
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[50] Sun C, Cheng Y H, Xia K Q 2008 J. Fluid Mech. 605 79
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[51] Zhou Q, Stevens R J A M, Sugiyama K, Grossmann S, Lohse D, Xia K Q 2010 J. Fluid Mech. 664 297
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[52] 方明卫, 何建超, 包芸 2020 69 174701
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[53] Adrian R J 1996 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 39 11
[54] He Y H, Xia K Q 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 1
[55] Ni R, Huang S D, Xia K Q 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 17
[56] Petschel K, Stellmach S, Wilczek M, L’uff J, Hansen U 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 11
[57] 包芸, 宁浩, 徐炜 2014 63 154703
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Bao Y, Ning H, Xu W 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 154703
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[58] Bernard C, Gemunu G, François H, Leo K, Albert L, Stefan T, Wu X Z, Stéphane Z, Gianluigi Z 1989 J. Fluid Mech. 204 1
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[59] Xin Y B, Xia K Q 1997 Phys. Rev. E 56 3010
[60] Qiu X L, Xia K Q 1998 Phys. Rev. E 58 5816
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图 3 不同
$1/Ro$ 与$Ra$ 下, T在肥皂泡上的分布$({\rm{a}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^6$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=10$ Fig. 3. The instantanous temperature field with different
$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ :$({\rm{a}})$ The case of$Ra=3\times10^6$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ the case of$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ the case of$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=10$ .图 4 不同
$1/Ro$ 与$Ra$ 下,$\log{E_k}$ 在肥皂泡上的分布$({\rm{a}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^6$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=10$ Fig. 4. The instantanous filed of
$\log{E_k}$ with different$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ :$({\rm{a}})$ The case of$Ra=3\times10^6$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ the case of$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=0$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ the case of$Ra=3\times10^9$ ,$1/Ro=10$ .图 5 不同
$1/Ro$ 和$Ra$ 下, 平均温度$\langle T\rangle$ 随纬度$\theta$ 的变化规律$({\rm{a}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^6$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^7$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times $ $ 10^8$ ;$({\rm{d}})$ 算例$Ra=3\times10^9$ Fig. 5. The variation of mean temperature
$\langle T\rangle$ with the latitude$\theta$ for the different$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ :$({\rm{a}})$ The cases of$Ra=3\times10^6$ ;$({\rm{b}})$ the cases of$Ra=3\times10^7$ ;$({\rm{c}})$ the cases of$Ra=3\times10^8$ ;$({\rm{d}})$ the cases of$Ra=3\times10^9$ 图 6
$Nu$ (上)和$Re$ (下)随$Ra$ (左)和$1/Ro$ (右)的变化规律 (a) 在$1/Ro$ 恒定的条件下,$Nu$ 随$Ra$ 的标度规律; (b) 在$Ra$ 恒定的条件下,$Nu$ 随$1/Ro$ 的变化规律; (c) 在$1/Ro$ 恒定的条件下,$Re$ 随$Ra$ 的标度规律; (d) 在$Ra$ 恒定的条件下,$Re$ 随$Ra$ 的变化规律Fig. 6. The variation of
$Nu$ (up) and$Re$ (down) with$Ra$ (left) and$1/Ro$ (right): (a) The scaling behavior of$Nu$ with$Ra$ in condition of fixed$1/Ro$ ; (b) the variation of$Nu$ with$1/Ro$ in condition of fixed$Ra$ ; (c) the scaling behavior of$Re$ with$Ra$ in condition of fixed$1/Ro$ ; (d) the variation of$Re$ with$1/Ro$ in condition of fixed$Ra$ 图 8 不同
$1/Ro$ 和$Ra$ 条件下, 使用$\delta_{T}$ 与$\max(T^{*})$ 进行归一化之后的$T^{*}$ 曲线 (a)$1/Ro=0$ ; (b)$1/Ro=0.1$ ; (c)$1/Ro=1$ ; (d)$1/Ro=10$ Fig. 8. The RMS temperature distribution normalized by
$\delta_{T}$ and$\max(T^{*})$ for the different$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ : (a)$1/Ro=0$ ; (b)$1/Ro=0.1$ ; (c)$1/Ro=1$ ; (d)$1/Ro=10$ 图 10 不同
$Ra$ 与$1/Ro$ 条件下, 均方根纬度速度$u^{*}_{\theta}$ 纬度剖面曲线 (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ Fig. 10. The profile of the RMS velocity in the latitude direction
$u^{*}_{\theta}$ for the differnet$Ra$ and$1/Ro$ : (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra= $ $ 3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ 图 12 不同
$Ra$ 与$1/Ro$ 条件下, 拟热能内耗散率$\varepsilon_{T}^{0}$ 在纬度方向的分布 (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times $ $ 10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . 子图为边界层附近的放大Fig. 12. The distribution of the internal thermal energy dissipation rate
$\varepsilon_{T}^{0}$ in the latitude direction for the different$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ : (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . The insets are the zoom-in for the boundary layers图 13 不同
$Ra$ 与$1/Ro$ 条件下, 拟热能内耗散率$\varepsilon_{T}^{1}$ 在纬度方向的分布 (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times $ $ 10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . 内插图为边界层附近的放大Fig. 13. The distribution of the internal thermal energy dissipation rate
$\varepsilon_{T}^{1}$ in the latitude direction for the different$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ : (a)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (b)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (c)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (d)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . The insets are the zoom-in for the boundary layers图 14 不同
$Ra$ 与$1/Ro$ 条件下, 动能耗散率以及浮力项在纬度方向的分布 (a), (b), (c)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (d), (e), (f)$Ra=3\times $ $ 10^7$ ; (g), (h), (i)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (j), (k), (l)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . 内插图为边界层附近的放大Fig. 14. The distribution of the kinetic energy dissipation rate and the buoyancy term in the latitude direction for the different
$1/Ro$ and$Ra$ : (a), (b), (c)$Ra=3\times10^6$ ; (d), (e), (f)$Ra=3\times10^7$ ; (g), (h), (i)$Ra=3\times10^8$ ; (j), (k), (l)$Ra=3\times10^9$ . The insets are the zoom-in for the boundary layers表 1 算例详细信息
Table 1. The detailed information of the cases
$Ra$ $1/Ro$ $Pr$ S F Mesh resolution $3\times10^6$ $0;0.1;1;10$ 7 0.06 0.06 $1024\times1024$ $3\times10^7$ $0;0.1;1;10$ $1024\times1024$ $3\times10^8$ $0;0.1;1;10$ $1536\times1536$ $3\times10^9$ $0;0.1;1;10$ $2048\times2048$ -
[1] Ma Y, Mao Z Y, Wang T, Qin J, Ding W J, Meng X Y 2020 Comput. Electr. Eng. 87 106773
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[2] Boffeta G, Ecke R E 2012 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 44 427
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[3] Meuel T, Xiong Y L, Fischer P, Bruneau C H, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3455
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[4] Bruneau C H, Fischer P, Xiong Y L, Kellay H 2018 Phys. Rev. Fluids 3 043502
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[5] Kellay H, Goldburg W I 2002 Rep. Prog. Phys. 65 845
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[6] Wu X L, Martin B, Kellay H, Goldburg W I 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 236
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[7] Kellay H, Wu X L, Goldburg W I 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 3975
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[8] Kellay H 2017 Phys. Fluids 29 111113
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[9] Seychelles F, Amarouchene Y, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 144501
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[10] Seychelles F, Ingremeau F, Pradere C, Kellay H 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 264502
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[11] Xiong Y L, Fischer P, Bruneau C H 2012 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics Hawaii, United States, July 9–13, 2012 p3703
[12] Meuel T, Prado G, Seychelles F, Bessafi M, Kellay H 2012 Sci. Rep. 2 446
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[13] Meuel T, Coudert M, Fischer P, Bruneau C H, Kellay H 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 16513
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[14] He X Q, Bragg A D, Xiong Y L, Fischer P 2021 J. Fluid Mech. 924 A19
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[15] Frisch U, Kolmogorov A N 1995 Turbulence: The Legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p57
[16] Pope S B 2000 Turbulent Flows (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p182
[17] Kolmogorov A N, Levin V, Hunt J C R, Phillips O M, Williams D 1991 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 434 9
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[18] Kolmogorov A N 1962 J. Fluid Mech. 13 82
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[19] L’vov V S 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 687
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[20] Lohse D, Xia K Q 2010 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 42 335
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[21] Siggia E D 1994 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 26 137
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[22] 周全, 夏克青 2012 力学进展 42 231
Zhou Q, Xia K Q 2012 Advances in Mechanics 42 231
[23] 谢毅超, 张路, 丁广裕, 陈鑫, 郗恒东, 夏克青 2022 力学进展
Xie Y C, Zhang L, Ding G Y, Chen X, Xi H D, Xia K Q 2022 Advances in Mechanics
[24] Grossmann S, Lohse D 2000 J. Fluid Mech. 407 27
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[34] Shishkina O, Grossmann S, Lohse D 2016 Geophys. Res. Lett. 43 1219
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[37] Zhang L, Ding G Y, Xia K Q 2021 J. Fluid Mech. 914 A15
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[38] Stevens R J A M, Clercx H J H, Lohse D 2013 Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 40 41
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[40] Zhong J Q, Stevens R J A M, Clercx H J H, Verzicco R, Lohse D, Ahlers G 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 044502
[41] Zhong J Q, Ahlers G 2010 J. Fluid Mech. 665 300
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[42] Kunnen R P J, Clercx H J H, Geurts B J Phys. Rev. E 82 036306
[43] Kunnen R P J, Stevens R J A M, Overkamp J, Sun C, van Heijst G F, Clercx H J H 2011 J. Fluid Mech. 688 422
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[44] Kunnen R P J, Clercx H J H, Geurts B J 2008 Europhys. Lett. 84 1
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[50] Sun C, Cheng Y H, Xia K Q 2008 J. Fluid Mech. 605 79
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[51] Zhou Q, Stevens R J A M, Sugiyama K, Grossmann S, Lohse D, Xia K Q 2010 J. Fluid Mech. 664 297
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[52] 方明卫, 何建超, 包芸 2020 69 174701
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Fang M W, He J C, Bao Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 174701
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[53] Adrian R J 1996 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 39 11
[54] He Y H, Xia K Q 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 1
[55] Ni R, Huang S D, Xia K Q 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 17
[56] Petschel K, Stellmach S, Wilczek M, L’uff J, Hansen U 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 11
[57] 包芸, 宁浩, 徐炜 2014 63 154703
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Bao Y, Ning H, Xu W 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 154703
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[58] Bernard C, Gemunu G, François H, Leo K, Albert L, Stefan T, Wu X Z, Stéphane Z, Gianluigi Z 1989 J. Fluid Mech. 204 1
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[59] Xin Y B, Xia K Q 1997 Phys. Rev. E 56 3010
[60] Qiu X L, Xia K Q 1998 Phys. Rev. E 58 5816
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