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刘顺瑞 聂照庭 张明磊 王丽 冷雁冰 孙艳军



刘顺瑞, 聂照庭, 张明磊, 王丽, 冷雁冰, 孙艳军

Improvement in the efficiency of up-conversion infrared photodetector by nanospheres

Liu Shun-Rui, Nie Zhao-Ting, Zhang Ming-Lei, Wang Li, Leng Yan-Bing, Sun Yan-Jun
  • 在红外波长上转换探测器氮化硅(SiNx)钝化层制作单层六角密排的二氧化硅(SiO2)纳米球阵列,以提高红外波长上转换探测器的整体效率.采用自组装的方法在器件钝化层上制备了直径分别约为300,450,750和1000 nm的SiO2纳米球,并与无表面微纳结构器件进行对比测试.结果表明:钝化层附着SiO2纳米球能有效地提高红外波长上转换器的光提取效率;当SiO2纳米球直径为750 nm时的光提取效率最优,是无表面微纳结构器件的2.6倍,可实现低成本制作高效率红外波长上转换探测器.
    In recent years, infrared (IR) photodetector has been extensively used and played an important role in environmental control, medical diagnostics, and satellite remote sensing. Therefore, the priority should be given to how to stimulate the development of imaging detection of weak IR signal. Up-conversion IR photodetector has an ability to detect quite weak IR signal in the large plane array focal plane, so it has civil and military significance. However, the poor light extraction efficiency due to total reflection severely restricts the overall efficiency of the up-conversion device, which has become one of the bottlenecks in improving the device efficiency.#br#In this work, we propose that the light-extraction efficiency of up-conversion IR photodetector can be improved by a self-assembled monolayer of SiO2 sphere. Thereby, the up-conversion efficiency can be enhanced. The up-conversion IR photodetector emits the light mainly from the silicon nitride (SiNx) passivation layer. And the hexagonal closely-packed SiO2 sphere monolayer is formed on the SiNx layer. In order to study the effect of the size of nanosphere on the light-extraction efficiency, we prepare the SiO2 spheres with diameters of 300, 450, 750, and 1000 nm respectively.#br#Results indicate that the devices with and without SiO2 nanospheres exhibit similar IR responses and dark currents, while the emission of device with SiO2 spheres obviously increases. And the light extraction efficiency increases up to an optimal level when the average size (750 nm) of SiO2 sphere approximates to the wavelength (770 nm) of light source. Taking into consideration other factors relating to external quantum efficiency, the light extraction efficiency of the device with 750-nm-sized SiO2 spheres on surface increases 2.6 times. In order to explain the physical mechanism for the light-extraction enhancement, we carry out the three-dimensional finite difference time-domain simulation, thereby calculating the transmission spectrum of the device with 750-nm-sized SiO2 spheres. Simulation results show that the incident light beyond critical angle can be partly extracted when the surface of up-conversion IR photodetector has a SiO2 sphere monolayer, leading to an enhanced light-extraction efficiency. So the SiO2 sphere monolayer acts as a two-dimensional diffraction grating, which behaves as a light scattering medium for the light propagating in a waveguiding mode within the up-conversion IR photodetector. Therefore it can be concluded that this is a simple and cost-effective method of improving the efficiency of up-conversion IR photodetector. The finding in this paper can also be applied to improving the light extraction efficiency of other semiconductor devices.
      通信作者: 孙艳军, custsun@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11474037,11474041)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Sun Yan-Jun, custsun@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474037, 11474041).

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  • [1]

    Yang Y, Zhang Y H, Shen W Z, Liu H C 2011 Prog. Quant. Electron. 35 77


    Rogalski A 2005 Prog. Phys. 68 2267


    Yang Y, Liu H C, Hao M R, Shen W Z 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 074501


    Dupont E, Byloos M, Gao M, Buchanan M, Song C Y, Wasilewski Z R, Liu H C 2002 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 14 182


    Izhnin I I, Dvoretsky S A, Mynbaev K D, Fitsych O I, Mikhailov N N, Varavin V S, Pociask-Bialy M, Voitsekhovskii A V, Sheregii E 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 163501


    Xu W L, Xiong D Y, Li N, Zhen H L, Li Z F, Lu W 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5424(in Chinese)[徐文兰, 熊大元, 李宁, 甄红楼, 李志锋, 陆卫2007 56 5424]


    Giorgetta F R, Baumann E, Graf M, Yang Q, Manz C, Köhler K, Harvey B E, David R A, Edmund L, Alexander D G, Yuriy F, Jäckel H, Milan F, Jérôme F, Daniel H 2009 J. Quant. Electron. 45 1039


    Schnitzer I, Yablonovitch E, Caneau C, Gmitter T J, Scherer A 1993 Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 2174


    Lin C F, Zheng J H, Yang Z J, Dai J J, Lin D Y, Chang C Y, Lai Z X, Hong C S 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 083121


    Gao H, Kong F M, Li K, Chen X L, Ding Q A, Sun J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 127807(in Chinese)[高晖, 孔凡敏, 李康, 陈新莲, 丁庆安, 孙静2012 61 127807]


    Lai C F, Chao C H, Kuo H C, Yen H H, Lee C E, Yeh W Y 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 123106


    Hoshino T, Mabuchi K 2015 Appl. Phys. Express 8 087001


    Chen Z X, Ren Y, Xiao G H, Li J T, Chen X, Wang X H, Jin C J, Zhang B J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 018502


    Kim J Y, Kwon M K, Park S J, Kim S H, Lee K D 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 251103


    Yuan D, Lu L S 2014 Key Eng. Mater. 589 537


    Ye B U, Kim B J, Song Y H, Son J H, Yu H K, Kim M H, Lee J L, Baik J M 2012 Adv. Funct. Mater. 22 632


    Wang C, Hao Z B, Wang L, Kang J B, Xie L L, Luo Y, Wang L, Wang J, Xiong B, Sun C Z, Han Y J, Li H T, Wang L, Wang W X, Chen H 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 108501(in Chinese)[王超, 郝智彪, 王磊, 康健彬, 谢莉莉, 罗毅, 汪莱, 王健, 熊兵, 孙长征, 韩彦军, 李洪涛, 王禄, 王文新, 陈弘2016 65 108501]


    Chen X, Liang Z H, Chen Z X, Yang W M, Chen T F, Jin C J, Zhang B J 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 048101


    Yao Y, Yao J, Nnarasimhan V K, Ruan Z, Xie C, Fan S, Cui Y 2012 Nature Commun. 3 664


    Zhu Z C, Liu B, Cheng C W, Chen H, Gu M, Yi Y S, Mao R H 2014 Phys. Status Solidi A 211 1583


    Fang C Y, Liu Y L, Lee Y C, Chen H L, Wan D H, YuC C 2013 Adv. Funct. Mater. 23 1412

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-09
  • 修回日期:  2017-06-21
  • 刊出日期:  2017-09-05

