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王伟远 赵晨 林玉章 张树林 谢晓明 蒋式勤



王伟远, 赵晨, 林玉章, 张树林, 谢晓明, 蒋式勤

Distributed current source reconstruction of magnetocadiography and its accuracy analysis

Wang Wei-Yuan, Zhao Chen, Lin Yu-Zhang, Zhang Shu-Lin, Xie Xiao-Ming, Jiang Shi-Qin
  • 用测量到的心脏磁场信号重构其电流源是一种无创揭示心脏电活动的方法. 心脏电活动的时空信息可视化, 将有助于心脏功能的研究和心脏疾病诊断. 本文通过仿真实验研究了一种减时窗波束形成器对分布时变电流源的重构能力, 以及源重构结果与心室兴奋传播的关系. 采用元胞自动机模拟心室的兴奋传播, 产生分布随时间变化的电流源, 并用边界元法构建了一个心脏-躯干模型, 模拟体电导的作用. 仿真结果表明, 这种减时窗波束形成器能够重构分布时变电流源, 并达到较好的精度. 将该方法和无穷大均匀介质导联矩阵用于一例正常人的心脏磁场信号分析, 其结果可以反映心室兴奋传播的基本特征.
    Reconstructing cardiac current source by magnetocardiogram signal is a noninvasive method of revealing cardiac electrical activity. The visualization of spatial and temporal information about cardiac electrical activity will be conducive to the analysis of the heart function and the diagnosis of heart disease. In this paper, the capability of reconstructing distribution of current sources, whose distribution is changed over time, is studied by a reduced time window (RTW) beamformer, and the relationship between source reconstruction results and ventricular excitation propagation is analyzed in simulation. The cellular automaton is used to simulate ventricular excitation propagation and to generate the current sources. Moreover, a heart-torso model is constructed by the boundary element method to simulate the effect of the volume conductor. The simulation results show that the RTW beamformer can provide a good accuracy of reconstructing the distribution of current sources. The RTW beamformer is also used to analyze a normal subject with the lead field of infinite homogeneous medium. The results demonstrate that they reflect the basic characteristic of ventricular excitation propagation.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60771030);国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号: 2008AA02Z308);上海市重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 08JC1421800);上海市重点学科建设项目(批准号: B004)和信息功能材料国家重点实验室开放基金资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60771030), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2008AA02Z308), the Key Development Program for Basic Research of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 08JC1421800) and Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project, China (Grant No. B004).

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    Nenonen J, Katila T, Leinio M, Montonen J, Makijarvi M, Siltanen P 1991 Biomed. Engin. IEEE Trans. 38 648


    Ziolkowski M, Haueisen J, Leder U 2002 Biomed. Engin. IEEE Trans. 49 1379


    De Melis M, Tanaka K, Uchikawa Y 2010 Magnet. IEEE Trans. 46 1203


    Cohen D, Edelsack E A, Zimmerman J E 1970 Appl. Phys. Lett. 16 278


    Andrä W, Nowak H 2007 Magnetism in Medicine: A Handbook (Weinberin: Wiley-VCH)


    Zhang S L, Wang Y L, Wang H W, Jiang S Q, Xie X M 2009 Phys. Med. Biol. 54 4793


    Tolstrup K, Madsen B E, Ruiz J A, Greenwood S D, Camacho J, Siegel R J, Gertzen H C, Park J W, Smars P A 2006 Cardiology 106 270


    Lim H K, Chung N, Ko Y G, Lee Y H, Park Y K 2009 Magnet. IEEE Trans. 45 2890


    On K, Watanabe S, Yamada S, Takeyasu N, Nakagawa Y, Nishina H, Morimoto T, Aihara H, Kimura T, Sato Y, Tsukada K, Kandori A, Miyashita T, Ogata K, Suzuki D, Yamaguchi I, Aonuma K 2007 Circul. J. Official J. Jpn. Circul. Soc. 71 1586


    Van Leeuwen P, Hailer B, Beck A, Eiling G, Grönemeyer D 2011 Ann. Noninvas. Electrocardiol. 16 379


    van Veen B D, van Drongelen W, Yuchtman M, Suzuki A 1997 Biomed. Engin. IEEE Trans. 44 867


    Robinson S E, Vrba J 1999 Recent Adv. Biomagnet. 302


    Sekihara K, Nagarajan S S, Poeppel D, Marantz A, Miyashita Y 2000 Biomed. Engin. IEEE Trans. 48 760


    Kim K, Lee Y H, Kwon H, Kim J M, Bae J 2006 Comput. Biol. Med. 36 253


    Kim K, Kim D, Shim E B, Lee Y H, Kwon H, Park Y K 2007 Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart and the International Conference on Functional Biomedical Imaging Hangzhou, China, 12-14 October, 2007


    Im U B, Kwon S S, Kim K, Lee Y H, Park Y K, Youn C H, Shim E B 2008 Prog. Biophys. Molecular Biol. 96 339


    Wang W Y, Zhou D F, Jiang S Q 2012 International Conference on System Simulation Shanghai, China, Apri 6-9 2012, p293


    Plonsey R 1969 Biomagnetic Phenomena (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Geselowitz D 1970 Magnet. IEEE Trans. 6 346


    Sarvas J 1987 Phys. Med. Biol. 32 11


    Stenroos M, Mäntynen V, Nenonen J 2007 Comput. Methods and Programs Biomed. 88 256


    Tang F K, Wang Q, Hua N, Tang X Z, Lu H, Ma P 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 1674


    Tang F K, Wang Q, Hua N, Lu H, Tang X Z, Ma P 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 1674


    Amoroso S, Patt Y N 1972 J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 6 448


    Wei D 1997 Prog. Biophys. Molecular Biol. 67 17


    Wang C S 2007 Basic and Clinical Cardiac Conduction System (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) pp81-84 (in Chinese) [王成山 2007 心脏传导系统基础与临床 (北京:清华大学出版社) 第81–84页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-02-25
  • 修回日期:  2013-03-27
  • 刊出日期:  2013-07-05

