"Ying-Guang 1" is a multi-bank pulsed power device for investigating the formation, confinement and instability of the high temperature and high density field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma injector for the magnetized target fusion (MTF). This paper described the physical design of the "Ying-Guang 1" device which will be constructed in 2013 at the Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP. Theoretical results show that the peak reversed current and magnetic field of this device are 1.5 MA and 4 T respectively with the rise time of 3 μ s. Based on the semi-empirical formula developed by Tuszewski the magnetized plasma of equilibrium density 6.6×1016 cm-3 and temperature (Ti+Te) ~ 300 eV could be achieved on the "Ying-Guang 1" device when the initially filled D2 gas pressure is about 50 mTorr, and the length of the FRC separatrix is 17 cm with a radius of 2 cm. The average ratio of the thermal pressure to magnetic pressure β is about 0.95, and the magnetic field embedded in plasma is 0.5 T. From the adiabatic compression scaling laws and the corresponding ignition conditions, the formated FRC plasma target of the "Ying-Guang 1" device approaches the necessity of the MTF if the radius compression ratio of the solid metal liner were set to 10.
- pulsed power /
- field reversed configuration /
- magnetized plasma /
- magnetized target fusion
[1] Taccetti J M, Intrator T P, Wurden G A, Zhang S Y, Aragonez R, Assmus P N, Bass C M, Carey C, deVries S A, Fienup W J, Furno I, Hsu S C, Kozar M P, Langner M C, Liang J, Maqueda R J, Martinez R A, Sanchez P G, Schoenberg K F, Scott K J, Siemon R E, Tejero E M, Trask E H, Tuszewski M, Waganaar W J, Grabowski C, Ruden E L, Degnan J H, Cavazos T, Gale D G, Sommars W 2003 Rev. Sci. Instr. 74 4314
[2] Degnan J H, Amdahl D J, Brown A, Cavazos T, Coffey S K, Domonkos M T, Frese M H, Frese S D, Gale D G, Grabowski T C, Intrator T P, Kirkpatrick R C, Kiuttu G F, Lehr F M, Letterio J D, Parker J V, Peterkin R E, Roderick N F, Ruden E L, Siemon R E, Sommars W, Tucker W, Turchi P J ,Wurden G A 2008 IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci. 36 80
[3] Gotchev O V, Knauer J P, Chang P Y, Jang N W, Shaupm M J, Megerhofer D D, Betti R 2009 Rev. Sci. Instr. 80 043504
[4] Lynn A G, Merritt E, Gilmore M, Hsu S C, Witherspoon F D, Cassibry J T 2010 Rev. Sci. Instr. 81 10E115
[5] Slutz S A, Herrmann M C, Vesey R A, Sefkow A B, Sinars D B, Rovang D C, Peterson K J, Cuneo M E 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056303
[6] Stephen A S, Roger A V 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 025003
[7] Finn J M, Sudan R N 1982 Nucl. Fusion 22 1443
[8] Armstrong W T, Linford R K, Lipson J, Platts D A, Sherwood E G 1981 Phys. Fluids 24 2068
[9] Siemon R E, Armstrong W T, Bartsch R R 1983 Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Vol. 2) (Vienna: IAEA) p283
[10] Intrator T, Zhang S Y, Degnan J H, Furno I, Grabowski C, Hsu S C, Ruden E L, Sanchez P G, Taccetti J M, Tuszewski W, Waganaar W J, Wurden G A 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 2580
[11] Degnan J H, Adamson P, Amdahl D J, Delaney R, Domonkos M T, Hackett K E, Lehr F M, Ruden E L, Tucker W, White W, Wood H, Grabowski C, Brown D, Gale D, Kostora M, Parker J, Sommars W, Frese M H, Frese S D, Camacho J F, Coffey S K, Makhin V, Intrator T P, Wurden G A, Sieck P, Turchi P J, Waganaar W J, Siemon R E, Awe T J, Bauer B S, Fuelling S, Lynn A G, Roderick N F 2010 Proceedings of the 13th International conference on Megagauss generation and relative topic Suzhou, P.R. China, July 6-10, 2010 p553
[12] Green T S, Newton A A 1966 Phys. Fluids 9 1386
[13] Tuszewski M 1988 Nucl. Fusion 28 2033
[14] Tuszewski M 1988 Phys. Fluids 31 3754
[15] Steinhauer L C 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 070501
[16] Basko M M, Kemp A J, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2000 Nucl. Fusion 40 59
[1] Taccetti J M, Intrator T P, Wurden G A, Zhang S Y, Aragonez R, Assmus P N, Bass C M, Carey C, deVries S A, Fienup W J, Furno I, Hsu S C, Kozar M P, Langner M C, Liang J, Maqueda R J, Martinez R A, Sanchez P G, Schoenberg K F, Scott K J, Siemon R E, Tejero E M, Trask E H, Tuszewski M, Waganaar W J, Grabowski C, Ruden E L, Degnan J H, Cavazos T, Gale D G, Sommars W 2003 Rev. Sci. Instr. 74 4314
[2] Degnan J H, Amdahl D J, Brown A, Cavazos T, Coffey S K, Domonkos M T, Frese M H, Frese S D, Gale D G, Grabowski T C, Intrator T P, Kirkpatrick R C, Kiuttu G F, Lehr F M, Letterio J D, Parker J V, Peterkin R E, Roderick N F, Ruden E L, Siemon R E, Sommars W, Tucker W, Turchi P J ,Wurden G A 2008 IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci. 36 80
[3] Gotchev O V, Knauer J P, Chang P Y, Jang N W, Shaupm M J, Megerhofer D D, Betti R 2009 Rev. Sci. Instr. 80 043504
[4] Lynn A G, Merritt E, Gilmore M, Hsu S C, Witherspoon F D, Cassibry J T 2010 Rev. Sci. Instr. 81 10E115
[5] Slutz S A, Herrmann M C, Vesey R A, Sefkow A B, Sinars D B, Rovang D C, Peterson K J, Cuneo M E 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056303
[6] Stephen A S, Roger A V 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 025003
[7] Finn J M, Sudan R N 1982 Nucl. Fusion 22 1443
[8] Armstrong W T, Linford R K, Lipson J, Platts D A, Sherwood E G 1981 Phys. Fluids 24 2068
[9] Siemon R E, Armstrong W T, Bartsch R R 1983 Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Vol. 2) (Vienna: IAEA) p283
[10] Intrator T, Zhang S Y, Degnan J H, Furno I, Grabowski C, Hsu S C, Ruden E L, Sanchez P G, Taccetti J M, Tuszewski W, Waganaar W J, Wurden G A 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 2580
[11] Degnan J H, Adamson P, Amdahl D J, Delaney R, Domonkos M T, Hackett K E, Lehr F M, Ruden E L, Tucker W, White W, Wood H, Grabowski C, Brown D, Gale D, Kostora M, Parker J, Sommars W, Frese M H, Frese S D, Camacho J F, Coffey S K, Makhin V, Intrator T P, Wurden G A, Sieck P, Turchi P J, Waganaar W J, Siemon R E, Awe T J, Bauer B S, Fuelling S, Lynn A G, Roderick N F 2010 Proceedings of the 13th International conference on Megagauss generation and relative topic Suzhou, P.R. China, July 6-10, 2010 p553
[12] Green T S, Newton A A 1966 Phys. Fluids 9 1386
[13] Tuszewski M 1988 Nucl. Fusion 28 2033
[14] Tuszewski M 1988 Phys. Fluids 31 3754
[15] Steinhauer L C 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 070501
[16] Basko M M, Kemp A J, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2000 Nucl. Fusion 40 59
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