本文采用磁控溅射法, 衬底温度500 ℃下在硅衬底上分别制备具有Ge填埋层的a-Si/Ge 薄膜和a-Si薄膜, 并进行后续退火, 采用Raman光谱、X射线衍射、原子力显微镜及场发射扫描电镜等对所制薄膜样品进行结构表征. 结果表明, Ge有诱导非晶硅晶化的作用, 并得出以下重要结论: 衬底温度为500 ℃时生长的a-Si/Ge薄膜, 经600 ℃退火5 h Ge诱导非晶硅薄膜的晶化率为44%, 在相同的退火时间下退火温度提高到700 ℃, 晶化率达54%. 相同条件下, 无Ge填埋层的a-Si薄膜经800 ℃退火5 h薄膜实现晶化, 晶化率为46%. 通过Ge填埋层诱导晶化可使在相同的条件下生长的非晶硅晶薄膜的晶化温度降低约200 ℃. Ge诱导晶化多晶Si薄膜在Si(200)方向具有高度择优取向, 且在此方向对应的晶粒尺寸约为76 nm. 通过Ge诱导晶化制备多晶Si薄膜有望成为制备高质量多晶Si薄膜的一条有效途径.In this paper, an a-Si/Ge thin film with a buried layer of Ge and an a-Si thin film are prepared on Si substrates at a temperature of 500 ℃ by magnetron sputtering. The prepared films are annealed for 5h at different temperatures in vacuum. The annealed films are characterized by Raman scattering, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope. The results reveal that Ge can induce amorphous Si (a-Si) growing at a temperature of 500 ℃ by magnetron sputtering crystallize after annealing at a temperature of 600 ℃ for 5h. And in the a-Si/Ge thin film the degrees of crystallization of a-Si are 44% and 54% at the annealing temperatures of 600 ℃ and 700 ℃, respectively. By comparison, a-Si thin film without Ge is crystallized at an annealing temperature of 800 ℃ for 5h and the degree of crystallization is 46%. The crystallization temperature of a-Si/Ge is reduced by 200 ℃ compared with that of a-Si film without buried Ge layer in the film. The prepared poly-Si thin film possesses high Si(200) orientation with a grain size of 76 nm. The preparation of poly-Si film by Ge-induced crystallization might be a useful technology for developing high-quality poly-Si film.
- poly-Si thin film /
- amorphous silicon /
- induce crystallization
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[22] Huang D H, Li W, Feng L H, Zhu J M 2004 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 25 1269 (in Chinese) [黄代绘, 李卫, 冯良桓, 朱居木 2004 半导体学报 25 1269 ]
[23] Lin K X, Lin X Y, Liang H Y, Chi L F, Yu C Y 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 863 (in Chinese) [林揆训, 林璇英, 梁厚蕴, 池凌飞, 余楚迎, 黄创君 2002 51 863]
[1] Izmajlowicz M A T, Flewitt A J, Milne W I 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 94 7535
[2] Haque M S, Naseem H A, Brown W D 1996 J .Appl. Phys. 79 7529
[3] Chen J L, Shi W M, Jin J, Yang W G, Liao Y, Xu Y Y, Wang L J, Wei G P 2011 Seventh International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications, Shanghai, China, September 24—27, 2010 p1
[4] Kuriyama H, Kiyama S, Noguchi S, Kuwahara T, Ishida S, Nohda T, Sano K, Iwata H, Kawata H, Osumi M, Tsuda S, Nakano S, Kuwano Y 1991 Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 30 3700
[5] Zhu Z S, Lin X Y, Yu Y P, Lin K X, Qiu G M, Huang R, Yu C Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3805 (in Chinese) [祝祖送, 林璇英, 余云鹏, 林揆训, 邱桂明, 黄锐, 余楚迎 2005 54 3805]
[6] Lv B T, Zhao H, Zheng J, Jia Z B, ZOU B T 2002 Semiconductor Technology 27 65 (in Chinese) [吕宝堂, 赵晖, 郑君, 贾兆滨, 邹邦涛 2002 半导体技术 27 65 ]
[7] Park C D, Kim H Y, Cho M H, Jan K J, Lee J Y 2000 Thin Solid Films 359 268
[8] Liu G, Fonash S J 1989 Appll. Phys. Lett. 55 660
[9] Feng T J, Lv J X, Zhang Y X 2005 Journal of Synthetic Crystals 34 353 (in Chinese) [冯团军, 卢景霄, 张宇翔 2005 人工晶体学报 34 353]
[10] Ishigame S, Ozaki K, Sameshima T, Higashi S 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 66 381
[11] Pan Y Q 2007 Acta Optica Sinica 36 1097 (in Chinese) [潘永强 2007 光学学报 36 1097]
[12] Qiu C W, Shi W Z, Huang Y Z 2003 Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Display 18 201 (in Chinese) [邱春文, 石旺舟, 黄羽中 2003 液晶与显示 18 201]
[13] Dimova-Malinovska D, Angelov O, Sendova-Vassileva M, Kamenova M, Pivin J C, Pramatarova L 2004 Vacuum 76 151
[14] Li X X, Zohar Y, Wong M 2000 Sens. Actuators. 82 281
[15] Subramanian V, Saraswat K C 1998 IEEE Trans. Electr. Dev. 45 1934
[16] Subramanian V, Toita M, Ibrahim N R, Souri S J, Saraswat K 1999 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 20 341
[17] Deng S K, Kang K Y, Hao R T, Shen L X,Tian J, Tu J L, Liao H, Yang P Z 2011 Journal of Optoelectronics. Laser 22 75 (in Chinese) [邓书康, 康昆勇, 郝瑞亭, 申兰先, 田晶, 涂洁磊, 廖华, 杨培志 2011 光电子·激光 22 75]
[18] Wang C L, Fan D W, Liu H Z, Zhang F J, Xing D, Liu S H 2009 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 29 752 (in Chinese) [王成龙, 范多旺, 刘红忠, 张福甲, 邢达, 刘颂豪 2009 光谱学与光谱分析 29 752 ]
[19] Chen Y K, Lin Y X, Luo Z, Liang R S, Zhou F F 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 582 (in Chinese) [陈一匡, 林揆训, 罗志, 梁锐生, 周甫方 2004 53 582]
[20] Jiang B L, Li H T, Cai M L, Miao Q L, Yang B 2010Heat Treatment of Metals 35 33 (in Chinese) [蒋百灵, 李洪涛, 蔡敏利, 苗启林, 杨波 2010 金属热处理 35 33]
[21] Wang Q, Hu R, Ding J N, He Y L 2011 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 31 267 (in Chinese) [王权, 胡然, 丁建宁, 何宇亮 2011 真空科学与技术学报 31 267 ]
[22] Huang D H, Li W, Feng L H, Zhu J M 2004 Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 25 1269 (in Chinese) [黄代绘, 李卫, 冯良桓, 朱居木 2004 半导体学报 25 1269 ]
[23] Lin K X, Lin X Y, Liang H Y, Chi L F, Yu C Y 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 863 (in Chinese) [林揆训, 林璇英, 梁厚蕴, 池凌飞, 余楚迎, 黄创君 2002 51 863]
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