为研究噪声在网络中的作用及对时空行为的影响, 通过电耦合、近邻连接的Morris-Lecar模型构建了同质可兴奋细胞网络. 单元振子的确定性行为表现为Ⅱ型兴奋性的静息. 在高斯白噪声的作用下, 网络会在较大的噪声强度范围产生螺旋波, 以及在某些较小的噪声强度范围产生杂乱的空间结构. 随着噪声强度的增加, 螺旋波的结构会在简单和复杂之间转换, 或与杂乱的空间结构交替出现. 通过空间结构函数及其信噪比的计算, 发现简单螺旋波的信噪比较大, 复杂螺旋波以及杂乱的时空结构的信噪比较小. 信噪比随着噪声强度的增加会出现多次极大值, 说明白噪声可以在可兴奋细胞网络中诱导多次空间相干共振. 研究结果提示现实的可兴奋系统能有多次机会选择不同强度的噪声加以合理利用.To study the effect of noise on the network and the influence of noise on the spatio-temporal behaviors of the network, a homogeneous network of excitable cells is constructed, in which the classical Morris-Lecar neuron model behaves as a unit by electric coupling to neighbouring ones. The deterministic behavior of each unit is a resting state corresponding to class Ⅱ excitability. Under the action of white Gaussian noise in the network, spiral wave can be induced within a large range of noise intensity, while disordered spatiotemporal structure is induced within a certain small intensity range. With the increase of noise intensity, spiral wave is characterized by a transition back and forth between simple structure and complex structure, or appears alternately with the disordered structure. By calculating spatial structure function and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), it is found that the SNR of spiral wave with a simple structure is higher and the SNR becomes lower when the spiral wave has a complex or an even disordered structure. The SNR curve shows that multiple peaks appear with the increase of noise intensity, which indicates that white Gaussian noise can induce the multiple spatial coherence resonance in an excitable cellular network, and suggests that there are many opportunities to select diverse intensity noises to be rationally used in a realistic excitable system.
- multiple coherence resonance /
- excitable cellular network /
- class Ⅱ excitability /
- spiral wave
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[1] Benzi R, Sutera A, Vulpiani A 1981 J. Phys. A 14 L453
[2] [3] Douglass J K, Wilkens L, Pantazelou E, Moss F 1993 Nature 365337
[4] [5] Jung P, Mayer-Kress G 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 2130
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[16] Higgs M H, Slee S J, Spain W J 2006 J. Neurosci. 26 8787
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[20] [21] Yuan L, Liu Z Q, Zhang H M, Ding X L, Yang M H, Gu H G, RenW 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 020508
[22] Perc M 2007 Chaos Soliton. Fract. 31 64
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[29] [30] Wang Q Y, Chen G R, Perc M 2011 PloS ONE 6 e15851
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[34] Gosak M, Marhl M, Perc M 2009 Physica D 238 506
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[37] [38] Li Y Y, Zhang H M, Wei C L, Yang M H, Gu H G, Ren W 2009Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 030504
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[42] Tateno T, Pakdaman K 2004 Chaos 14 511
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[68] Galn R F, Ermentrout G B, Urban N N 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94158101
[69] [70] Phoka E, Cuntz H, Roth A, H usser M 2010 PLoS Comput. Biol.6 e1000768
[71] [72] Xie Y, Xu J X, Kang Y M, Hu S J, Duan Y B 2004 Chin. Phys.13 1396
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[75] [76] Galn R F, Bard Ermentrout G, Urban N N 2007 Neurocomputing70 2102
[77] [78] [79] Gu H G, Ren W, Lu Q S, Wu S G, Chen W J 2001 Phys. Lett. A285 63
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[81] [82] Jia B, Gu H G, Li Y Y 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 090507
[83] [84] Rowat P 2007 Neural Comput. 19 1215
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[88] [89] Vilar J, Rubi J 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 2882
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[92] Liu Z H, Zhou Y R, Zhang A Y, Pang X F 2010 Acta. Phys.Sin.59 699 (in Chinese)[刘志宏, 周玉荣, 张安英, 庞小峰 2010 59 699]
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