采用化学共沉淀法制备了系列Y1.98-2xYb2x Er0.02SiO5(0.00≤x≤0.15)以及Y1.736Yb0.24Er0.02Tm0.004SiO5上转换发光材料,比较了室温下Y1.98-2xYb2x Er0.02 SiO5 (x=0.00,0.08)样品在400—1600 nm范围内的吸收光谱,测量了所有样品在976 nm OPO激光器激发下的上转换发射光谱,以及Er3+离子4S3/2(4F9/2)→4I15/2,Tm3+离子1G4→3H6荧光衰减曲线和不同激发功率下的上转换蓝光发射强度,从而分析讨论了Er3+,Tm3+在Y2SiO5中的上转换发光机理.研究结果表明:在1250 ℃相对较低的温度下合成了X2型单斜晶系Y2SiO5 ∶Ln3+(Ln3+=Er3+,Yb3+,Tm3+),Yb3+的敏化显著增强了样品在976 nm附近的吸收能力,并大幅度加宽了该处的吸收带.分析上转换发射光谱发现:上转换绿光和红光强度都随着Yb3+浓度的增加先增强后减弱,但红光的猝灭浓度较高,归因于Er3+→Yb3+反向能量传递ETU4和Yb3+→Er3+正向能量传递ETU3过程的发生;上转换蓝光发射是三光子吸收过程,是通过Yb3+,Tm3+之间三次声子辅助的能量转移方式实现的.
- 上转换 /
- 共沉淀 /
- Y2SiO5∶Er3+ /
- Yb3+ /
- Tm3+
A series of up-conversion luminescence materials of Y1.98-2xYb2xEr0.02SiO5(0.00≤x≤0.15) and Y1.736Yb0.24Er0.02Tm0.004SiO5 were synthesized by co-precipitation method.The absorption spectra from 400 to 1600 nm of Y1.98-2xYb2x Er0.02SiO5 (x=0.00,0.08) were compared, and the up-conversion emission spectra of all samples were investigated when excited by 976 nm opo laser. The decay curves of Er3+4S3/2(4F9/2)→ 4I15/2,Tm3+1G4→3H6,as well as the relationship between the blue up-conversion emission intensity and pumping power were measured,consequently, the possible up-conversion luminescence mechanisms of Er3+,Tm3+ in Y2SiO5 were discussed. The results show that X2-type monoclinic Ln3+(Ln3+=Er3+,Yb3+,Tm3+) co-doped Y2SiO5 phosphors have been synthesised under relatively low temperature of 1250 ℃, and the absorption intensity and bandwidth are remarkably increased by Yb3+ sensitizing around 976 nm. Up-conversion emission spectra has been analyzed and the results suggest that both the green and red lights increase first and then decrease with the increase of the Yb3+ doping concentration. However,the concentration quenching of the red light emission is higher, due to the forward (ETU3) and back (ETU4) energy transfer between Yb3+ and Er3+ ions; the blue emission occurs mainly through phonon-assisted energy transfer between Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions, which is a three photon absorption process.-
- up-conversion /
- co-precipitation /
- Y2SiO5:Er3+ /
- Yb3+ /
- Tm3+
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[1] Li C R,Xu W, Dong B, Li S F, Ding J H, Cheng Y Q, Yin H T 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047801
[2] Zeng J H, Li Z H, Su J, Wang L Y, Yan R X, Li Y D 2006 Nanotechnology 17 3549
[3] Chen X B, Song Z F 2004 Chin. Phys. 13 115
[4] Chen X B, Zhang G Y, Sawanobori N, Feng Y, Li M X, Bi S Z, Nie Y X, Sun Y G 1999 Acta Phys. Sin. 48 948(in Chinese) [陈晓波、张光寅、Sawanobori N、冯 衍、李美仙、毕诗章、聂玉昕、孙寅官1999 48 948]
[5] Xu S Q, Wang G N, Zhang J J, Dai S X, Hu L L, Jiang Z H 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 1840 (in Chinese) [徐时清、汪国年、张军杰、戴世勋、胡丽丽、姜中宏2004 53 1840]
[6] Yang Z M, Zhang Q Y, Liu Y H, Jiang Z H 2005 Acta Phys.Sin. 54 2013 (in Chinese) [杨中民、张勤远、刘粤惠、姜中宏2005 54 2013]
[7] Lin J, Su Q, Zhang H J, Wang S B 1996 Mater. Res. Bull. 31 189
[8] Lin J, Su Q, Wang S, Zhang H 1996 J. Mater.Chem. 6 265
[9] Macfarlane R M, Harris T L, Sun Y, Cone R L, Equall R W 1997 Opt. Lett. 22 871
[10] Schweizer T J, Heumann E, Huber G 1995 Opt.Commun. 118 557
[11] Suh K, Shin J H, Seo S J, Bae B S 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett.92 121910
[12] Li J F, Sun C L,Wang X L, Yu Y N, Yang H G, Hu C H, Jiang Z K 2007 Physica B 398 144
[13] Denoyer A, Lévesque Y, Jandl S, Goldner Ph, Guillot-Nol O, Viana B, Thibault F, Pelenc D 2008 J.Lumin. 128 1389
[14] Hu C H, Sun C L, Li J F, Li Z S, Zhang H Z, Jiang Z K 2006 Chem. Phys. 325 563
[15] Zheng H L,Cao W H 2008 Journal of Functional Materials 39 883(in Chinese)[郑会龙、曹望和 2008功能材料39 883]
[16] Hehlen M P,Frei G 1994 Phys. Rev. B 50 16246
[17] Li C R, Dong B, Li L, Lei M K 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 224
[18] Wu C F, Qin W P, Qin G S, Huang S H, Zhang J S, Zhao D, Lü S C, Lin H Y, Liu H Q 2003 Acta Phys.Sin.52 1540 (in Chinese)[吴长锋、秦伟平、秦冠仕、黄世华、张继森、赵 丹、吕少哲、林海燕、刘晃清 2003 52 1540]
[19] Wang G F, Qin W P, Wang L L, Wei G D, Zhu P F, Ryongjin Kim 2008 Opt. Express. 16 11907
[20] Yang D L, Hou Y Y, Zhao X, Liu G S, Lin H, Liu K, Edwin Y B P 2006 Acta Phys.Sin.55 4304 (in Chinese)[杨殿来、侯嫣嫣、赵 昕、刘贵山、林 海、刘 克、Edwin Y B P 2006 55 4304]
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