通过分析系统的杂质位与其余部分间的纠缠N1-A以及单个正常位与其余部分间的纠缠NL-A研究了匀强磁场作用下含杂质Heisenberg XX链的纠缠特性.研究表明三量子位时纠缠存在的临界温度依赖于杂质参数J1和匀强磁场B.研究发现,当量子位L为奇数时,纠缠N1-A随量子位的增加而增大,而L为偶数时则相反,并且量子位L为偶数时的纠缠大于量子位L为奇数时的纠缠;对NL-A, 量子位L为奇数时,纠缠随杂质参数J1的变化与L=3类似,而L为偶数时纠缠随杂质参数|J1|的增加而增加.
- 纠缠 /
- 杂质 /
- 多量子位 /
- Heisenberg XX链
We studied the entanglements of the Heisenberg XX chain with impurity in the presence of a uniform magnetic field along the z axes by means of negativity. Through analyzing NL-A and N1-A, we show that the critical temperatures for nonzero negativities depend on the impurity parameter J1 and the magnetic field B. It is also shown that as qubit L increases, the entanglements increase when L is odd but decrease when L is even. And the entanglements of the even-qubit chains are larger than those of the odd-qubit chains. The condition is similar with L=3 for NL-A when qubit L is odd, but the entanglements increase with the increase of even qubit L.-
- entanglement /
- impurity /
- multipartite /
- Heisenberg XX chain
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[1] [1]Bennett C H 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 2881
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